Go back to your containment board MarchAgainstTrump

I actually like the contrast. I'd like to fuck a ladynigger like that

lmao janitors are asleep

>fucking a gorilla
Enjoy gorilla AIDS

Probably great.

Been there, done that, You virgins acts like being a white guy banging a black chick is some kind of taboo that has never happened outside of porn.

Disgusting race traitor. If you haven't impregnated 3 pure blood Aryan girls by 22 you might as well kill yourself.

Even black guys don't want to fuck their own women. Why the hell would you?

>pure blood Aryan girls
Non-existent. Especially in the US.

You come from monkeys too.

every night
why am i still awake
hard liquor and nostalgic music every fucking night

>You virgins acts like being a white guy banging a black chick is some kind of taboo
There are no black chicks in Slavland

my dad just saw this pic on my screen what the FUCK

>i don't go outside
stay the fuck out of utah mongrel

>le 60% white meme XDXDXDDD
Bet you're an Argentinian that thinks you're """white"""

>Niggers don't fuck Niggers because they are too good for each others
>Niggers cuck Whites because middle aged white cucks suffer from erectile dysfunction
>Cucks find out and have their marriages brocken
>Niggers keep fucking single mothers
You tell me

Yeah, but white peoples actually evolved

Slavs are basically niggers.

Only the cuckest of the cucks live in U*ah

t: virgin neckbeard

Go back to /leftypol/, nigger.

Argentinians are not whites and neither are Americans

>calling the state with the most white births cucked

Black man here. This is a problem most blacks face. Current GF is Brazilian and I have always turned down these dark bitches because I don't care if her ass is big if the rest of her is too.

Go back to Sup Forums, cuck

Your loss. Skinny black chicks are nymphomaniacs with pussies as tight as virgins.

You're probably the one who come from that retarded circlejerk

It's okay, nigger. Enough self-loathing for today.


>The current state of America

>black man
Kill yourself

>no argument
thus spake the mongrel

in shlomos wet dream

It actually is.


uh huh thanks moshe ;^)

skinny black chicks also seem very rare in burgerland
they might be skinny in their teens, but then turn into obese gorillas

anyway, racemixing is wrong. degenerates and muh dick faggots are going to destroy what's left of our civilization.

>what's left of our civilization.
So, nothing?

>might be skinny in their teens, but then turn into obese gorillas
This is very true, white women are more concerned about their health

sure thing bruh

Sup Forums corn flakes is leaking

Oh bullshit. White women get fatter quicker from the same starting point as black women.

i fucked a quarter asian this week
a brunette cougar
felt preddy good

>muh safe space
>in a shitposting thread with a porn op
you're never gonna make it

>he actually believes this
tyrone pls
black women are literally the most obese demographic in the us

>not fucking a blue-eyed black girl

They're black pearls motherfucker


>these exist
bullshit I'm calling contacts

Fucking samefagging racetraitor. Neck yourselves.

women get fat after they get pregnant, which happens roughly in 6th grade for black chicks
don't they teach you anything in school?

Only white bitches are vegans, nigglers are not. So white ladies are more concerned about their health

>white ladies are more concerned about their health
Because they want to fuck chad while appearing attractive to your average beta provider.

It's true, they are more hungry for cocks as well. Basically they are bimbos with princess complex

Just thinking about how people willingly put their penis (glans, foreskin, and every other receptor included) into a different color/variety from themselves is disgusting. Do people not relize just how filthy you're making you penis. A penis should be clean, pure, and just. It shuld feel good, both for the person and itself. Interracial mixing is so weird. It's as if the black vagina has ever so slightly gentle yet sharp thorns on the precious moist glans and foreskin of the white man's penis. You can almost feel the walls, blackishpink of course, capturing the foresin and corona to expose the delicated glans. Just thinking of it feels disgusting while the white man ejaculates. Uhhhh. Please, white dick plus white vagina equals pleasure. Plox.



Wow, what a faggot

>tfw both sisters are coalburners
>tfw jack off to the thought of them getting BLACKED
help me ;_;

>t: pic related

i don't know anything about recording videos sorry

>not impregnating them first
You've only got yourself to blame, user...

>He hasn't creampied a black girl yet
You are missing out on those ass.