what makes Windows 10 so comfy?
What makes Windows 10 so comfy?
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>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Because you never feel alone with it.
Go back to Mexico, Carlos
i like 1366 x 768
>he needs a book to learn how to write ruby
I'm sorry
look mom i'm doing homework on the laptop you got me from wal mart
not giving me any envy m8. Maybe if you installed Windows 10 on it.
post specs
doesn't break just by uninstalling applications
2017 13." MBP with i5, 256gb version.
I like it
It will break anyway.
not if I use it
< 100 IQ
>256gb SSD
kek. I bet it was 3-4x more expensive that this piece of shit laptop. Hell, I bet it has only 8 GB of RAM.
forgot pic :^)
true, but it has Mac OS, a way better screen, best trackpad on the market, build quality, etc. And why do I need more than 8gb of RAM and a shitload of memory on a 13" laptop?
I'm not knocking your laptop, but I also think the mbp is nice.
Why is your pc called fuck boy cuty?
>doesn't break just by uninstalling applications
>but it breaks by installing updates
how 2 transparent windows
>for ruby 1.9 and ruby 2.0
binding.irb would like you do update to 2.4.1 with the rest of us.
It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
thinkpads have that res
>2017 mbp
Tell me about it, how bad is they keyboard? Do you get used to it?
How about the ports?
I'm in Ruby 2.4.1. The latest version of that book is that one afaik.
>using wangboobs
>Not using VS code, which is actually unironically one of the few good proprietary text editors
>an editor that is a web browser under the hood
No thanks. I avoid that kind of applications when I can.
aero glass? how do you do it
>describing something as "comfy"
and stay there
1366 × 768 = 1049088
661×595 + 616×256 + 664×315 = 760151
760151 ÷ 1049088 = 72%
You're wasting literally 28% or more of you screen space, and at 768p, pixels are at a premium.
holy shit the autism. Also 28% seems reasonable.
the flat aesthetic, which is nice because it's more neutral than aero or XP's bullshit
>T W E N T Y E I G H T P E R C E N T (28%)
you can't make this shit up
my setup is the comfiest
>UNIX-like OS
kek'd hard
post your comfy setup then faggot
I'm OP.
>T W E N T Y E I G H T P E R C E N T (28%)
>tiling WM and a hobby OS
kek'd hard
>tiling WM
tiling WM are superior for laptops.
>hobby OS
nice try faggot
>only 768 vertical pixels
>let's make it even less than that by wasting space on useless shit
this is completely retarded
>tiling WM are superior for laptops.
I'll leave you now, I guess you have to finish learning all the keyboard commands to manage your windows and your PDF reader. But I recommending getting a mouse when you can - they are really helpful while using a Graphical User Interface.
or learning how to use your laptop trackpad of course. They're not that hard to operate!
Why does Sup Forums bitch and moan about windows being unstable when linux is just as bad if now worse?
Sure, the core os is perfectly stable, but because developers need to account for like 5 zillion distros, nothing runs like it should
what did he mean by this?
>nothing runs like it should
works on my Arch(tm) machine
I'll let you be a huge faggot then. You clearly don't get the point of tiling WM and if you are not retarded you'll just use your own key binding.
>PDF reader
>implying you need anything put page up/down to read a pdf
>his pdf reader takes 5 seconds to open a small file
neck yourself
comfy compared to what
linux is comfy
Why does Windows tries so hard to look like GNU/Linux? it's pathetic desu
it's designed as a client OS, unlike linux.
Im not saying linux is a bad OS overall, but it's just not meant for normal people who just want to use their everyday personal computers.
Something happened :(
vscode is opensource ya dingus
Never experienced a single BSOD since like 5 years.
Ok, I did. Once. After unplugging graphics card without disabling it first.
>he can't hotswap his power supply
Are you even trying?
>Im not saying linux is a bad OS overall
Probably because linux is not an os
>Dock not auto-hiding
Absolutely disgusting.
Take your pills, user.
>MIT license
>4 real cores plus 6 fake cores
share i3conf?
Do you want the config for the bar or i3-gaps?
>not just ruby but an ancient version of ruby
>running on a shit duct taped together stack on winblows
>on a shit poverty tier laptop on top of that
fug dude I'm using i3 blocks and a few custom scripts to get the data, here is the bar config
# Media Player Indicator
# Volume indicator
command=./.config/i3/volume-control info
# CPU usage
# Memory usage
# Battery indicator
# date
command=date '+%Y/%m/%d'
# time
command=date '+%H:%M'
You need fontawesome to display some glyphs. Some of them are in the script files (like the battery and volume).
I'm really stupid actually, just wanted to see how exactly you got your workspace "boxes" to look like that, didn't think much when answering you
the color consts
# Constants
set $mod Mod4
set $base00 #BEC0C4
set $base01 #878D95
set $base02 #666E79
set $base03 #47525F
set $base04 #28313C
set $base05 #B8525C
set $base06 #922E38
set $defgaps 10
the bar
# Bar
bar {
font pango:FontAwesome 6, DejaVu Sans Mono 6
position bottom
status_command i3blocks -c ~/.config/i3/i3blocks.conf
separator_symbol "〈"
output eDP-1
output HDMI-1
colors {
separator $base00
background $base04
statusline #AAAAAA
# border background text
focused_workspace $base02 $base02 $base00
active_workspace $base03 $base03 $base00
inactive_workspace $base03 $base03 $base00
urgent_workspace $base06 $base03 $base05
I have this in my i3conf among other things
Wintoddlers snap their windows to half the screen just to take one screenshot with it set up that way and then think that they've riced Windows as a result
Please think before you post. We don't want under 18s on blue boards, thank you for your consideration
>Linux is not for clients
>Uses Windows Server
Why do we hate windows again?
Nothing, fuck off.
>using the stock wallpaper
>not hiding the menu bar or dock
>falling for the soldered components meme
>my 2011 laptop has more storage than yours
>my 2011 laptop has more memory than yours
>speed differences are meaningless because it's a laptop
>battery life in the new ones are so shit that applel removed the time remaining indicator with a software update
>I probably get better battery life than you
because windows sucks
and spies on you
the ultimate pleb OS
Not a legitimate point.
It's the least intrusive part of society right now.
That would be Ubuntu~
>Soooooo Comfy.
That's why they call it the National Security Agency.
Sssssh, keep it down. Carlos is taking his fourth chapter 2 siesta.
Summerfag shitpost.
Nothing comfy about that resolution and all the windows borders taking up the other 40% of the screen.
You mean systemd?
wtf kind of "thinkpad" isn't in 16:10
good eye
I have a late 16 15" i7 quad 2.7ghz 16 GB RAM 2 GB dedicated graphics 1TB SSD
Keyboard is meh at best
I really miss the old keys and memebar is cancer
I have to force myself to use it to feel like I didn't get screwed
I know this is a troll thread, but I don't want to start an entirely new thread with my stupid W10 question.
90% of what I do on my system is gaming. Some video/3d rendering on the side, and occasional bit of audio work. As such, I'm effectively stuck with Windows. I've been wanting to roll from 7pro to 10 because newshiny DirectX and shit.
However, I want nothing to do with fucking stupid shit like forced automatic updates and massive overdone telemetry. As such, I'm looking into grabbing an enterprise subscription. Their resellers have it available from ~$7/mo, which is liveable if not ideal.
My question is - has anyone on here gone that route, and what has their experience been? I'd prefer the LTSB edition, but that's not (legally) available anywhere as an individual that I can find.
Apologies for the partial derail.
>90% of what I do on my system is gaming.
Please consider ending your life soon gayymurr cuck
>sublime text
hang yourself in your mothers closet
suck my dick, work is done on a system at work that runs some variant of 'nix
home systems are for relaxation
This is the real answer.
You can also go with Education (if you still have access to your college/uni email and they have some sort of microsoft partnership [which most do], you can get it free). It allows access to only-security setting (ie defender updates).
Seems like it has nearly all the same enterprise features too.
Even in pro version you can now defer feature updates (the ones that break most shit) for up to 365 days (after which I don't know if you can just reset it or it's forced).
Go back to school Carlos
> Ruby
> not using RubyMine
> not on a UNIX-like system
Your going to have fun wasting time on frustrating bugs
What browser is that
ff dev for homo virgins desu
Get out.