How do we solve the forearm and wrist pain from using a mouse problem?

How do we solve the forearm and wrist pain from using a mouse problem?

Other urls found in this thread: pain gamers


adjust your seat

Know how to position your wrist. Or alternatively, do some research and invest in ergonomically sound desk furniture.

I haven't had this issue since 2008 once i realized how useful having an armchair with roomy and adjustable armrests are

that too

git gud

should my arm rest be level with the mouse exact?

Adjust your seat, change exactly where and how you sit, have a looser grip on your mouse unless you absolutely need pixel precision, lower your sensitivity if you're not moving your arm at all to comfortably scroll from side to side.

Your elbow should be roughly level, or, mine is and I've never had issues like this. The only time in my life I've had any issues in the slightest was when I was younger, my wrists would grow hard skin from using a laptop.

ideally you would use the same seating position that you use when playing the piano

I use programs that put an emphasis on keybindings so that i don't have to reach for the mouse. same with my WM, i can use bindings to traverse windows, resize, etc. For when i have to use a mouse i have a trackball. i find that moving my hand is a lot kinder than moving my whole arm

Trackballs help as you don't have to move your wrist.

Vim bindings


trackball master race reporting in

does it happen when using a TrackPoint also?

do pushups

Use the meme dildo mouse


Second member reporting.

Elbows at ~90° angle
Wrists and elbows supported
Use a gyro exercise ball
Split keyboard + meme mouse / drawing tablet if you're autistic

If you use a pointer often then get a wacom tablet, otherwise humanscale makes a good articulating keyboard tray.

pic related is mine

I've only ever got pain in that area from excessive clicking. I'm pretty sure it's caused by finger movement and not wrist movement.

Stop being white

Do this exercise a few times a day, really helps

Command line interface

Use a lacrosse ball to massage your forearms, also fix your posture when sitting on a computer. Invest in an adjustable table and adjustable chair. And finally, fucking get off your ass and exercise, muscle weakness makes you more prone to RSI.

becaise after you rip your tendon you get a cast which means no hand movment and no pain ?


Doing that isn't harmful in any way.

i3 gaps + ranger + vim + qutebrowser/firefox with vimfx/lynx + mutt + cmus
unironically using these
if i'm forgetting something add it in

Use a touchscreen

Still on mice.
No wonder your wrist gets sore..


Once you start feeling pain it's already too late to do anything about it.

Just pray they'll invent cybernetic limbs in your life time so you can have your gimp art cut off and replaced with a bad ass mechanical one.

>oo-nii chaaan it's too big!!

I get goosebumps just thinking about doing that.

kys Jordan, you stupid fat fuck.

>ctrl+f install gentoo
>no results found
Install Gentoo.

My wrists are alright but I have pain in my left elbow. Thinking of buying a chair with adjustable armrests. pain gamers

Do this stuff. Adjust your seat, stretch, exercise

fall for the trackball meme.

also play console games instead of pc games.

Start lifting, not even memeing I haven't had wrist issues or carpel tunnel for over a year now.

slowdown your mouse speed an start using your arm instead of wrist

Get qck mass

Use emacs

get one of those vertical mice

op is a gaymer

get /fit/ and lift.

>get /fit/
/fit/ is just /r9k/ with a gym membership. you do not want to be like /fit/

>you can have your gimp art cut off and replaced with a bad ass mechanical one.

dont want to be like you, you fat cunt.

Don't use a mouse.

Try the following: vertical mice, trackballs, the Magic Trackpad, graphics tablets. If it helps, great. If it doesn't, stop using the mouse. Use the keyboard. Stop using laptops to do work, too.

Depends what OS you use. Do you use some jumbled pajeetery clusterfuck of inconsistent tablet and mouse UI elements and drivers from 2005, or do you use an OS which was made for humans to use and interact with using human gestures?

The final solution to forearm and wrist pain. Granted you have the balls to endure the pain of first hand embarrassment, let alone second hand embarrassment from seeing pic related.


deadlifts solve all issues.

while you're there just dedicate a day to forearm. it will make you look alpha as fuck in any type of shirt.

Remove software that requires a mouse pointer; if you play games start playing ski-ball and now you have buff wrists. Hooray.

>mfw no pain since 88'

You cucks need to do something about it. Maybe masturbation will help?

lold at those "muh ergonomics" fags. keep posting.


i shit post on Sup Forums all day and don't have any of that ergonomic shit and my wrist is fine. does this only happen if you're a gaymer or do programming?


>use emacs :^)

>>mfw no pain since eighty eight feet

what did the idiot mean by this

Tab, arrows, and Enter

I rest my wrist on a Staedtler eraser.
Works wonders.

Tented and spilt ortholinear keyboards with mouse emulation

This is what doctor recommended me to ease my wrist pain.
Now I can masturbate for months!

You forgot Emacs.

Teach yourself to use a mouse with the other hand. When I start getting RSI in one hand, I switch the other one; usually 6-8 weeks at a time. I use a computer most of the day at work, then come home and sit in front of another one the rest of the day. It's been working for 20-ish years for me.

Arm rest.
Elbow around the same level as mouse.
Find the mouse that fit your hand.
Keep your elbow closer to your body mean you need to twist your forearm more to use regular mouse, pointing your elbow outward (with arm rest supported) actually better.

But if your desk too small for that, use a vertical mouse.

Gymnastics, user. Search for GMB wrist stretch.

Vertical mouse works for this issue I use one at work.

I don't trust this picture.

Become a phoneposter

Pic related or similar.
I had wrist/elbow/shoulder aches as well till I started using one.
It does not have the accuracy of a real mouse though so I wouldn't recommend it if you need good/fast precision like you would in vidya for example. Sometimes I need to adjust the cursor a little bit when doing drawing for example but it is by no means an issue for basic work tasks.
Added bonus: write faster due to not having to move your hand from mouse to keyboard.


it's fucked up how easy it is to unknowingly hurt yourself seriously


Touch pads.

Crowdfund a mouse that moves using your fingers.

you mean a trackball?

Yeah, sorta, I envisioned a mouse-shaped touchpad with adjustable sensitivity.