/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Old thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?

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Thanks for using anime picture.


Is that the elusive programmer (male)?

Fourth for white ethnostates

Programming is haram, please stop doing this

Not gonna lie this is some top tier shitposting. Honestly it's kinda funny, but it completely derails what little interesting conversation these threads have, so I wish you would stop.

Allahu akbar.

It is haram for female to do such things

what do you mean? Surely we're past the whole girl programmers meme.

There are no male programmers

WTF is with all these mudslime pics?

Anime image

Excuse me?


Allah teach us how to deal with women.

He meant to say shitskin

I will not excuse you.

What the heck is your problem

Buzz off you bean head

Fuck off back to rebbit/facebook/wherever you came from.

more, opie, pls keep posting these

>Even responding to low tier bait like that

What is the best programming language?

>bean head
Please don't use anti-mexican slurs

So, the tranny poster has converted to islam, I see.

I'm working on getting alpha and sportive.



27 posts in and it's nothing but pure shitposting.
The image affects the quality of these threads. Stop posing this stupid shit.


Buzz of you bean head

/dpt/ is a lost cause

>27 posts in and it's nothing but pure shitposting.
So the image had no effect?

How about people just learn to behave?

/dpt/ has always had cute anime girls with programming books. Why is it that their religion seems to matter all of a sudden?

Is it so hard to be just a little bit tolerant?

Exactly, /dpt/ has always been shitposting the first 100 posts in or so.

C is just as much of a joke as Go.
Neither have generics.

>What the heck is your problem


>tfw you just discovered all the built-in unit testing features of Visual Studio

And here I was console debugging all these years. So much wasted time.

Just put up with it, it's just a pic.

Stop sperging out over small unimportant details.

sounds like wasted time to me

I am not the one getting triggered by a simple image, you retard.

>Made the decision to get off my ass and learn programming to get a career in tech because retail simply doesn't pay enough
welp time for suicide

I'm guessing it's HTML/CSS into Javascript into something like Python/Ruby

>Wrong cartoon Eddy

>Why is it that their religion seems to matter all of a sudden?
I should not be able to see what their religion is, it's a distraction. Also, muslim clothes are so NOT kawaii.

This is what the great replacement looks like

If you want to learn about that stuff /wdg/ will be of more help. Here you'll only get memes and language shitflinging

html and css aren't programming languages, user. maybe you should head over to web dev. xD

I know, but it's something like a training step before jumping into the first level of a vidya

>What is the best programming language?

>first level of a vidya
If you want to make videogames, make videogames. Go hit up /vg/avgd/, use Unreal or Unity or even Love2D, and stay the fuck away from Sup Forums. This board is hostile as fuck to anyone who wants to make applications, let alone videogames, and you'll be bombarded by memes about software ethics and language theory.

Remember to post more frogs to trigger the SJW-posters.

dumb frogposter

Gotta learn how to write C so she can program microcontrollers for detonators amirite?

Pretty sure the American and Russian arms that they purchase "just werk" out of the box. Click a few mechanical buttons and they're set.

that's a funny way to spell "are given by the CIA and Mossad"

Why does bash look so good? Why aren't you shell scripting right now?

This thread is pathetic. It is not about programming. It's just a bunch of computers illiterates and first semesters memeing about whatever they just learned.

A quick search shows that most arguments used here are not original and have been copied from some trendy tech blog or other shit site.

The only real programming questions I have seen so far are from beginners(it's fine to be a beginner btw).

This entire site is shit and I don't know why anyone would regularly come here.

I've been using it more frequently. Quite useful.

>This entire site is shit and I don't know why anyone would regularly come here
There's plenty of worthwhile discourse to be had. Fuck off back where you came from, newfag.

Has there ever been a more vomit-inducing language?




[kode]If userValue = "1" Then[/kode]

Tell em this is wrong please.

Best online programming course to learn?

What did she mean by this?

no, that's correct. there is no == in visual basic.

Tunnels and FOV distorts in my GLSL raymarcher


I'm upset.


Would you be more or less upset if you were aware that "ain't" is visual basic syntax for is not?

I know the feeling, everywhere on the net feels about ankle deep (knowledge wise) now, if you swim for the deep end you'll get dragged back with shitposting or morons LARPing at being programmers asking basic questions.

>want to learn lots of useful shit this summer
>probably wont have the time because too busy procrastinating
>back to school where I only waste my time doing useless shit.


They might have stopped before adding it actually

That was pasta but since you replied seriously.

Yeah, internet forums have never been great but social media made it much worse.
I kinda gave up on browsing any forum looking for serious info. Now I basically use the internet to read docs and download books.
Kinda sad. I miss being able to talk to people with the same interests.

VS pajeets should just be wiped off of this earth desu.

School isn't useless, kid. Finish high school. Until you do, please refrain from posting on Sup Forums.

apparently it was just a joke that literally everyone believed


no, I mean i believed it too

covering up the woman as much as possible is the opposite of what most men would like to look at, retarded religion rules for a dumbfuck religion

decentralized torrent hosting. Since all the popular torrent sites keep getting taken down

Probably because everyone thought "Visual Basic is actually stupid enough to do something like that".

Uhh it has generics you just have to make them yourself


void* is generics


Common Lisp

Christians do it as well

void* isnt great but its better than templates

Bash is useless for anything but init scripts. It's ugly and slow.

Bash is the undisputed king of automating shit.
Really, it's just a way to glue sed, awk, grep, curl, and other shit like that together. I've written lots of handy little bash scripts which automate a lot of the stuff I do.

No, bash is slow as shit. dash and ksh BTFO of it for general automating shit.

D has unit testing built into the language

Performance is not an issue for most of that sort of shit.
Most of my shell scripts are like 50 lines long and are mostly bottlenecked by network transfers.

Most decent FP languages can do much better

And COBOL had a new standard released in 2014.
Why the hell are you brining up irrelevant shit?

>Benchmarking shells
Top quality autism

>Performance is not an issue for most of that sort of shit.
By "most" you mean most of what you do. Which is not necessarily what everybody does.

>Most of my shell scripts are like 50 lines long and are mostly bottlenecked by network transfers.
bash is fine for that.