
Why did they even let him inside?
I don't get it.
Wasted opportunity for vsauce or someone that can share acctualy knowledge.

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can it install gentoo

Pffft. Not gonna trust those non-free multiple-state-electrons, they might be doing shady shit behind my back. Release the chip under a BSD license and maybe I can consider it.


>cuck license
gpl that shit

I dunno about you but he is way more suitable for the job.
I'm serious.

But why would a company invest in research and shit like that if they have to open it immediately upon launch so chinks can make cheaper-shittier alternatives and nullify any chance this said company has, to make profit off of. You know, they have to pay for scientists, engineers, shareholders, the electric company and the janitor, right?

linus is a cutie nerd

that is why D wave doesn't sell that shit, its private until they invest AI.

reminder to report all the spam from this faggot

quantum computers are snakeoil meme

Linus did fine from an IT point. Vsauce would have done better from a science/physics point.

>20 Kilowatt cooling solution
it's not a quantum computer it's just X299


the economics is the interesting part.

>the new generation of the chip consumes no power and generates no heat

computerphile or minute of physics are most suitable for the job

So you're saying that fucking guy that reviews gayming peripherals for a living is more suitable for the job?

Yeah because he has enthusiasm while the vsauce redditors are numale hipsters spewing pseudoscientific bullshit for the masses.

Anyone, but the fucking leaf.

>can't swear otherwise mom and dad will get upset with my target audience of 10-14 year old boys

He's got it a bit wrong there, it obviously has to consume some power to keep the machine running, but its not the same as a PC where as when it is under load it draws more power from the socket, which I guess is what he was trying to say.

I would have liked to see Jim Al-Khalili do an explanation on it instead, I really enjoy him as presenter/host/whatever

Kurzgesagt already has a good video explaining quantum computers.


>acctualy knowledge.

Boring af. It's better to read papers or books about quantum mechanics and quantum computing research.

Let me guess, he actually reviewed a PC with FOUR!!!!!11!!!1 1080TIs in it sponsored by nVidia.

>user learns about superconductors

For hating Linus you guys never miss an opportunity to shill his vids


>quantum computing at all

They haven't demonstrated a quantum speedup aka running Shor's algorithm or anything through their so called "quantum annealer" chip.

are they getting gov gibsmedat like meme musk

The chip itself consumes no power and generates no heat, but it needs to be cooled and kept at a ridiculously cold temperature, which requires a lot of power and generates a lot of heat.

The only upshot of it is that you don't have to scale up the cooling as you scale up the size of the chip, so the power requirements remain the same.