What does Sup Forums use to distill its water?
Water Distiller
you should just go all out and make a meth lab
we should actually have a drug tech general
You don't even need the cold liquid.
Just get a pot of boiling water on a cooktop and get a metal lid for the pot which is way larger than the diameter of the pot and hang it over. The steam will collect in the lid and fall to whatever container is below.
as in moonshine?
The still I inherited from my grandfather duh.
I use my kidneys are just like on my back with my mouth open when i get thirsty. Haven't had to use the faucet or grab a bottle water in over THREE days. Saving me a fortune in water bills.
Life hacking like a sum bitch.
I use an i9 to boil water in my case and collect the steam in some tubing.
Finally a reason to replace my 9590
I used to do this but I recently bought some jugs and the taste was off (tainted), so I need a distiller.
>taste was off
You drink distilled water?
Yes, it's safe
no, no it isn't
>good goy
>don't forget your daily dose of (minerals) fluoride and chlorine
the waterjew did a number on you. distilled water is perfectly fine to drink.
Since you seem uneducated about the topic;
I even added a kikeington post article in case you prefer kike media.
I'd still re-add minerals for the taste if nothing else.
Do you drink bottled water?
>All kidney machines operate on distilled water.”
No shit, that is a bit different from drinking it.
In what fucking shithole do you live that fluoridizing water supply is legal?
Should I not be? For reasons other than the cost?
i thought it was de-ionized water that was not good, like the stuff used to mix rad fluid.
It should be noted that organics in the water are more volatile than water itself and will therefore distill along with the water.
>In what fucking shithole do you live that fluoridizing water supply is legal?
Freedom Planet
Phthalates leached in from PETE aren't exactly kind to your body.
De-ionized water can pull minerals out of your body, as can distilled. Add gypsum and baking soda and you'll be fine.
>what is fractional distillation
Enjoy your free hormone treatment.
It is, you don't need whatever traces of minerals that come with water because you get all of them from food, in excess even.
The sole process of purifying water to make it safe to drink eliminates a lot of its mineral content anyway.
Fluoridation is great for your teeth user. The actual shitholes don't fluoride their water. Some town in bumfuck, Spain, removed that process and now everybody has tooth cavities. But then again you have people who really believe vaccines cause autism, so it's not too surprising.
Any reputable brand uses reverse osmosis to purify water, which is almost as good as distillation. The taste is identical. So your post about adding minerals is inane.
>Knows the word fractional distillation but not the the science associated with it
Good luck trying to distill past a certain percentage without using something even more poisonous to break the azeotrope
As soon as deionized water touches your tongue, it is no longer deionized. You idiots keep spewing the myth that it leeches minerals but that is not true.
Good goy, toxic waste is good for you.
>Fluoridation is great for your teeth user. The actual shitholes don't fluoride their water.
Yes, these same shitholes have teeth fluoridation programs where children four times a year brush their teeth at school with toothpaste containing enough fluoride to sufficiently protect their teeth AND not poison your water supply.
Enjoy your industrial sewage in the water lol.
God no fucking wonder americans are so braindead.
I shall drink a large glass of non-fluoridized, non-chlorinated tap water to honour the victims of corporate-owned american government.
Fucking shithole
open loop water cooler with an i9 as a heatsource, vapor condenses in a second resevoir ready to drink
>no evidence that it actually does anything for your teeth
spoken like a true bootlicking eurocuck, enjoy your nigger muslims
Enjoy your toxic water
Enjoy your lack of reading comprehension
Wow user you're so smart. Also I'm not american.
What do you mean industrial sewage? What are we even talking about now? You talk about poisoning the water supply but no city throws its sewage to its own water source. The amounts added to drinkable water are insignificant. If you knew anything about the matter, you'd know that caffeine and antibiotics that go from piss, to sewage, to the ocean and other bodies of water, do orders of magnitude more harm than the fluoride that's being added.
1. fluoridated water is conclusively good for your teeth if it's at the appropriate ppm. this has been proven repeatedly and is fact beyond all reasonable doubt. only omegatards and pseudo-science peddlers will tell you otherwise. enjoy being wrong if you disagree.
2. intermittent high fluoride dosing isn't as effective as passive exposure, which is more expensive and why third world shitholes don't do it.
3. america is full of retarded people and it's some kind of miracle that country's even still there 2bh
>What do you mean industrial sewage? What are we even talking about now?
The fluoride in your water doesn't come from nice fellows in lab coats dropping tablets of pure fluoride into the water but corps dumping their waste
Lick my boots you fucking nigger.
There's a very good case that can be made about what exactly, and how much is being put in the water. The fluoride used as additive comes as a variety of compounds, like sodium fluoride or sodium fluorosilicate. There could be more varieties than those, and one of them in particular could happen to be actually hazardous for your health. Also, it's good to know that EVERYTHING past certain amount or concentration is toxic. Pure water included. So the matter is, most of the time, not what is being added, but how much of it.
I honestly don't know anything about the case you posted, so I can't really dispute it.
don't worry, Betsy DeVos will make it all better.
once you defund public schools.
start handing out vouchers for private schools where everybody gets an A.
you will see poorly funded schools
and 100% kids in private schools obtaining a diploma.
why would you keep your kid in a shitty public school when you can send them to a very prestigious private school where 100% of the kids are making A's.
Ladies and gentleman, peak argumentative performance of fluoride-ravaged ameribrain
i distill sugarwater desu
>click link
>scroll down the page
>see Dr. Paul Connett Speaks To Austin City Council -
>thumbnail is of "DR" PAUL shilling his book at a city counsel meeting
Distilled water is actually healthier because you are putting less shit in your body. You can only die if you drink a ridiculous amount where your body can't hold any more water.
Can anyone recommend me a distiller or not?
fuck off
No you can't, this thread is now for getting butthurt about taste and flouride
reverse osmosis filter. there's models that inject minerals into it so it matches natural spring water, but i wouldn't want to risk a malfunction and die of mineral toxicity.
Got one of these, it's breddy gud with fun water
Anyone who wants a distiller does NOT want minerals in their damned water.
Oh, I thought you were just trying to get low bp trace contaminants like toluenes out. I did not even consider more than that. My bad.
>drinks water slowly enough to touch their tongue
Osmosis, hotrod.
You'd know if it malfunctioned. Dangerously overmineralized water would be immediately unacceptable to taste.
What about osmosis?
Well lads it's not like the water you chose for drinking in first place is going to come with a significative amount of organic compounds
Birth control from sluts
$npm distill-water --save
what is up with japan plug?
That's the grounding wire. Japanese sockets are all ungrounded, if you want to ground your device you have to attach a seperate wire to something grounded.
looks like a basic chinese unit, they're on amazon but the general consensus is they last
grab a berkey and rainwater
Wrong. Drinking pure water will cause your body's electrolytes to diffuse out when going through your kidneys, draining yourself of them.
Fluoride is great for your teeth, if you apply it topically, just don't drink the shit. That's like drinking suntan lotion to protect your face from uv rays. You might get some on your face from eating it, but that's retarded when it's 100x more effective to apply it topically.
>you are putting less shit in your body
By that logic, eating pure starch is much healthier
Buy Great Value™ brand water from Walmart.
With pleasure, user.
Drinking distilled water is bad for you, you windowlicking idiots. Guess what happens when a cell is exposed to distilled water? Diffusion processes transport the minerals (mostly sodium cations and cloride anions) outside of the cell, the overall concentration in the cell is decreasing, it can't keep up its metabolism and dies. And you don't nearly get enough minerals from your food alone because most of it is not bioaccessible, it just gets shat and pissed out, literally.
But please go on, let Darwin do its work.
Came here to post this. Distilled water actually grabs and takes essential nutrients away with it as it passes through your system. Think out it as a dry sponge versus a wet sponge (normal water). The distilled water molecules are also "rough" and damage cell tissue.
I bought one from Alex jones
>i drink RO water even though they are very similar in effectiveness BUT HEY distilled water will actually kill you i know this ok???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>Drinking distilled water is bad for you, you windowlicking goyim.
>You think ponds and rivers are effectively made from distilled water? No, it's us.
Is this the distiller thread?
What do you use it for?
I sell distilled water. :V
Do you make a lot?
Only an employee but the business thrives. Mostly older folks.
That's kind of cool
It is! Id also like to state that drinking distilled water is safe. Those pussy minerals ain't shit.
You'd still need to sanitize the water for safety
Drinking tea will give you a bigger dose of fluorine than drinking tap water.
Does this make tea unsafe? Nope.
Tea leaves readily absorb fluoride from the soil. Thus tea is high in fluoride without any added by humans.
Drinking water: ~1ppm fluoride
Iced tea: ~2ppm fluoride
Brewed black tea: ~3ppm fluoride
Green tea: ~5ppm fluoride
it's just water without minerals
why would you drink it though i don't know
If you want to shit like hell, it is.
Please explain why you think it'll affect your poo, pajeet
Drink for a week and discover it yourself.
Interesting, do they sell for consumption or other applications? I can't imagine companies make a lot from selling jugs of it at $.90.
I've been drinking for over a year with no issues.
>mfw retards fall for the fluoride meme
>mfw retards fall for the bottled water meme
>mfw retards fall for the water filter meme
Well, I got a diarrhea so I just stopped.
5 gallons of distilled water is 6$ CAD. Our city water isn't great so it helps with business.
To add to this, most sales are for personal consumption, a small portion for night time breathing tools and clothing steamers.
Doubt it was from the distilled water. Your body might be a mineral deposit if it really was from drinking clean water.
Any water that comes from tap is shit, regardless of where it is. Some just care more than others.
DEHP on the plastic bottle may dissolve in water, that's a bad thing to your health.
distilled water is cheap at gas stations
That's complete bullshit. Osmosis causes the cells to absorb distilled water far better than regular water.
you disgust me
"Oh no, distilled water is a HazARd"
Yes, and driving a car has a greater chance of you dying. Sup Forums Is really a baby board.
Now, back to what OP asked.
Just use a destiller. Boiling water and something to catch the steam. Only normal way to do it
I think it's mostly shills. I asked on another chan on Sup Forums and immediately got lots of emotional responses. I never thought drinking purified water would become politically incorrect.
Yes, the cell will absorb more of the distilled water because of the bigger difference in osmotic pressure. Which will lead the cell to burst.
No it won't. This only happens during water intoxication. H2O is H2O, Distilled water is not some magic molecule like you think it is.
i can't tell if people are just pretending to be retarded or whatever
Distilled water is still just water. If we're talking about elevtrolyte imbalance, then that would be caused by your diet or some health issue. Can't imagine the trace amounts of mineral in tap water would be detrimental to anyone even if your kidneys are dysfunctional (the water intake itself would be the issue).