Would you rather get have no sex the next 5 years, or code PHP every day for the same period?

Would you rather get have no sex the next 5 years, or code PHP every day for the same period?

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>do you wanna learn PHP for free and get a job, without making any other changes whatsoever to your lifestyle?
Of course.

i've been in a loveless relationship for 8 years, haven't had sex in about a year and a half. still can't program. kill me.

Why not both? :^)

no sex

>Would you rather get have no sex the next 5 years
I don't see how this is any different than the last 27 years

PHP is like C++ in it's as ugly as you make it, and you need an editor with auto-complete because the standard library is so bad

Nobody programs in the base language for anything. You use a framework. Problem we're having, for some reason retards keep repeating PHP like there aren't any frameworks for it.

I can do both.

I'm 60,000 lines of pure PHP in to a personal project I'm trying to spin off as a company. I'm the only developer. After a while, you learn to love it

I already do both

that's called stockholm syndrome

PHP is only bad if you have to maintain a project someone else has written.

PHP is a bad you guise

t. Javascript """programmer"""

Perl is much worse than it comes to that.

Lol true

Does that mean that sex after those 5 years is guaranteed?

That's just sad. You could stop the PHP coding at least.

>tfw either way I'll never have sex
At least I don't have to write in fucking php.

PHP is comfy with Laravel.

Leave the relationship.

I like sex and PHP

PHP can be beautiful, just look at github.com/chiru-no/chiru.no

The only problem with PHP is that there are way too many ways to do the same things. Reminds me of Java but even worse in that regard. It makes maintaining code extremely difficult and time consuming.

The only problem with Python is that it's f*cking slow

>Reminds me of Java
How? That's the last way I'd describe Java.

True but that has nothing to do with its philosophy. Programmers are autists who will do "hacky" shit if they are not prevented from doing at by design (fantastic example being python 2.x's "xrange" bullshit that so many people threw tantrums about when 3 came out.)

Koding in PHP will stop you from having sex anyway

I dunno, I'd say that the only problem with PHP is that the answer to everything you google about the language is answered by a shitty programmer who's copy/pasted the answer from somewhere else, and 90% of the time it's for a really old version of PHP, where you really shouldn't do that shit any more, but everybody who's looking it up doesn't know that you shouldn't do it any more, so more people learn PHP the wrong way because of the inertia of bad practices and pretty much anywhere you get a job with PHP will be a cobbled-together mess of bad and/or old practices that have never been updated.

I'm sure there are good PHP companies around that don't let that shit fly but most of the PHP jobs, around here at least, are from companies that use PHP in shitty little internal-only apps that never get updated and either look like they're still using, or are literally on servers still using, PHP 4.

Already not going to have sex unless I pay for it so the former I guess.

Perl is better, actually, because Perl programmers actually know what they're doing.