Have you thought about giving up on all that technology bullshit and start living the life? Look at that river...

Have you thought about giving up on all that technology bullshit and start living the life? Look at that river. Isn't it beautiful? Wouldn't you prefer spending your weekends at that, instead of rising your distro and shitposting on Sup Forums?

you have no idea how much I think this
but, I need the computer in order to 'live' i.e. make progress in the world
so I can't just flush them out

i live in a third world shithole. Sup Forums is my escape from reality.

The world won't be better with another modern hipster nodejs app

>extreme heat/cold
>sun in your eyes all day
>other animals that want to kill you/suck your blood
>finding places to piss and shit
>having to remember not to pollute
>lack of electricity/online access/entertainment
Yeah, no. I'm fine staying indoors. You go have fun out there.

>giving up on all that technology bullshit >weekends
So which is it? A weekend getaway or a permanent lifestyle change? I certainly would do weekends.

I climb mountains every summer and go on week long backpacking trips dude. Nature is very free.

Coding in a cabin in the woods is my dream, don't take it away from me

For some reason I hate this word now.

I would fucking love that user, too bad that I live in the city. Whenever I have a chance I am getting the fuck out of here.

I would want to kill myself within a few hours

It's because of the failed women in tech movement.

Ok Japdeetpajitsahildeepjeep

Right, okay. I totally want to stop being a part of the story of the ascent of the human race to godhood and regress to being a glorified self-righteous wild animal.

Are you out of your god damn mind?

This. So Much.

t. Rat Race shill

we all do

What kind of implications does living in a place like pic related vs living in a city have on a person's life? Why do they say beautiful countrysides have a higher quality of life than crowded cities?
Is a person more receptive to knowledge when staying in a calmer naturally aesthetic environment?

>Wouldn't you prefer spending your weekends at that, instead of rising your distro and shitposting on Sup Forums?
Lol no.

Because it's a hip faggot way of saying programming

No. Fuck off.

Alone in the Wilderness was pretty good desu.

Who says you can't have both?
Use technology as work and hoby, give some free time for things like camping, hiking?
Time managing, is it really that hard..? -.-

Jokes on you, I live there AND rice my distro on my dual booted gaming rig and laptop AND shitpost on Sup Forums over my 100+mbps internet connection.