/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser

We are making a web browser!
PREVIOUSLY In the face of recent changes in Firefox and Chrome some anons were asking for a Sup Forums's perfect web browser, we collected the most wanted here and plan on continuing with the creation.

To contribute follow the WORK PLAN, join the IRC to ask developers for a repo, and get to programming!

WEBSITE: retrotech.eu/netrunner/
IRC on Rizon: #Sup Forumsnetrunner
IRC guide: pastebin.com/YDbEWRHV

Gitgud: gitgud.io/odilitime/netrunner/
Teknik: git.teknik.io/gyroninja/netrunner
Github: github.com/5yph3r/Netrunner

- Host project at savannah.nongnu.org
- Set bug tracker and mailing list in Savannah.

1. Browse links2 source code (you can use Ctags for tagging functions and files).
2. Expose API and give access to everything (scripting through executables is planned).
3. Give total control over the DOM, put options in files inside a hierarchical folder structure referencing sites and subsites.
4. Implement a link grabber for every link and media type to be parsed by scripts and independent applications.
5. Create an uncomplicated switch to general security profiles located in saved files.
6. Implement ncurses simple tree style graphics for bookmarks, tabs, advanced security policies by site, etc.
7. Work in the framebuffer graphics rendering.
8. Open API to javascript support (version 2.1pre28 of links2 had javascript enabled).
9. Cache, logs, cookies, and other data storage options.
10. Ports routing proxy management.
11. Vim/Emacs modes, dwb hints and quickmarks.
12. Optionally add parser for HTML, DJVU, PDF, epub, etc.?

Other urls found in this thread:



- Options by site.
- Granular control over incoming traffic like Policeman (more detailed than uMatrix).
- Granular control over outgoing traffic like Tamper Data or like Privacy Settings (the addon).
- HTTPS with the HTTP fallback optionally in a new instance of the browser with functions like HTTP POST disabled.
- URI leak prevention like "No Resource URI Leak" and no plugin enumeration.
- Local CDN like Decentraleyes and Load from Cache.
- Cookie management like Cookie Monster.
- Option to turn off disk usage for all data (cache, tmp data, cookies, logs, etc.), and make cache read only.
- Randomizer for user-agent and canvas fingerprint.
- Custom stylesheets like Stylish.
- Userscript support like Greasemonkey.
- Proxy management like FoxyProxy.
- Simple ports routing to use networks like Tor or I2P.
- Simple switch to universal profiles to be used like blocklists from uBlock, or like Privacy Settings.
- A configuration file like Lynx for universal profiles.
- URL deobfuscation like "Google search link fix" and "Pure URL".
- Search customization like surfraw, dwb or InstantFox Quick Search.
- Reverse image search like Google Reverse Image Search.
- Use of external applications to open links, replacing video player with youtube-dl and MPV, for text input by a text editor, browse protocols like ftp/gopher, or as a file picker.
- Use wget web crawling feature like a DownThemAll.
- Send commands to a monitor (and command history) to keep browsing while commands are working.
- Simple emacs-like keybindings to menubar by default for new users.
- Keyboard driven with dwb features like vi-like keybindings, hints, quickmarks, and custom commands.
- Configuration options from an integrated command-line.
- Non-bloated smooth UI like dwb.
- Import bookmarks from browsers like Firefox.
- Written in C.
- Low on dependencies.
- GPL v3+.
- Framebuffer support like NetSurf for working in the terminal (TTY).
- Actual javascript support so we can lurk and post in Sup Forums.


For users:
>Will it have an adblocker.
>Will it have tree style tabs?
Yes, but not up in the priorities.
>Will it be crossplatform?
Already is.
>Will it it have vim keys?
>Will it have "graphics"?
Yes. We are planning to run the program in terminal using the frame buffer for graphics, but Links2 also comes with directfb, X server, SVGA and other graphics drivers.
>What logo are you going to use?
We liked all so far.

For developers:
>Are repos representing the finished work?
No. We're focused on making a custom codebase then we're going to go back with what we learned and rearchitect it.
>Why not a single repo?
Developers are experimenting. We plan on moving to savannah.nongnu.org eventually.
>Where do I get a repo to work?
Look at the OP or ask in the IRC.
>Why links2?
Enough features and the API seems more friendly.
>Why not netsurf?
Good rendering but not for DOM updates, plus dependencies gave problems.
>Will you use a separate javascript engine?
We're debating this.
>Will you use a separate layout engine?
We're debating this.
>Will you use netsurf layout engine?
Might be a problem because of the DOM (not enough information).
>Will you use webkit/blink/servo?
>Do you plan to use a separate HTML parser like MyHTML
We are debating this. Some devs plan to make it work as a document viewer too.

>parsing HTML with regexes

pic related, it's the undergrad meme irl

Sup Forums is populated by pajeets

>implying it won't use an HTML parser
at least you try


Looks like shit
Redo it and come back in 5 years


implying you know shit, fuck off

I agree with you user.

>8. Open API to javascript support
>12. Optionally add parser for HTML
Shouldn't any webbrowser have the html-parser in the first place?

and tags showing,
then claims to be a good website, cant even use tags properly.

It will according to a dev

>see logo
>that is the most horrid fucking thing ever
>even 1960s graphic designers are rolling over in their graves over it

What is wrong with moon man?

I left them there on purpose

What the Fuck does number 3 even mean?

Translation: clone the mozilla engine (firefix seamonkey chrome chromium) and add a custom logo.

here is your (you)

Damn, I wish I was prominent enough with my programming that I could contribute to this. I guess I'll have to get back to you guys 2+ years from now when my education is finished.

Actually I like it a lot. One of the few redeeming qualities of this browser

More concerned with a logo than making something like qutebrowser which already exists

Qutebrowser is a good option, although I don't like it being based on python, once they make the proper security enhancements I'll use it. Also, I don't know how difficult is to port firefox bookmarks.

I'm going to use it but fucking make sure it won't kick me off whatever is fullscreen on my main monitor when I click it on my secondary monitor
It happens with brave browser and it better not happen with this
And dont make it look shit like some rehash of internet explorer 5
Get competent designers to work on it not doing it yourself
And the only animations should be for the browser load icon, dont fuck it up like Mozilla
You have a built in adblocker and incorporate an incognito mode

Just dont fuck it up
Also your website looks awful, fix it

The NIH is real.

Please stop. You're making yourself look like a fool

>Get competent designers to work on it not doing it yourself
I suppose you want it to have a GUI too?

>Also your website looks awful, fix it
Duly noted

Website is cool though

Needs to be better for the actual production site. Cheers though, not enough motivation as of late.

Speaking of I need to grab the binaries off the devs

the logo is rad desu

this desu senpai

moonman was better

do we have a website? I can help build the website

They can't take moon man from us user

this "project" is a disaster run by 12 year olds

I am waiting for netrunner so I can jump ship from firefox. Truth be told, chrome is more shit and is no alternative.

Chrome is a train wreck since google is all-in for selling private data and don't care about the user

Current state of netrunner "developers"

you'd be trusting your internet security to a bunch of high school "hackers"

good that it's not gonna take off in any capacity

Your inferior brain arouses me

>The power of Sup Forums


Ah, nice. I still support netrunner but qutebrowser seems like a good alternative for the time being.

literal pajeetware

So, chrome shills are back and spreading FUD. Go figure.

you stopped being funny like two weeks ago

You are the same guy shitposting since the start?

chrome shill is

There is one guy shitposting all the undergrad memes etc, going out of his way to be an asshole every other post in these threads. I think he just likes RPing as a villain or something but it is really pathetic if he actually has bad enough autism to hate on something cool


He's right though. The code is awful.

I can't be sure but you are probably the same guy, either way you are ignoring a multitude of things about how the work is to be improved from the original, and also try to be harmful in that comment, you are pathetic

you meant to quote the "chrome shills" guy I presume?

Stop trying to make this happen, OP. This "browser" is and always will be pure trash.

>everyone who's critical must be the same person

>I can't be sure but you are probably the same guy
I'm not.
>either way you are ignoring a multitude of things about how the work is to be improved from the original
The original is so bad though. It looks like the writings of someone who has been learning C for 1 week. It's difficult to have faith in a project that begins like that.
>and also try to be harmful in that comment, you are pathetic
Are you unable to participate in discourse without resorting to insults?

It's more like Netruiner

that logo is garbage just like the code

Is raining shitposting right now

there's nothing constructive to write about a dead project. all that's left is shitpost

go away, you are pathetic

how am I pathetic?

better than shit code

It's not shitposting though. They're right.

`nproc` you retarded nigger monkeys

>anything I don't agree with is shitposting

>valid criticism is shitposting

I'll make the logo.


This guy's cover is blown and now he is all out to maintain appearances. So much butthurt for a simple project.

You think we're one person (we're not) while you are the only person defending this shitty project. Fucking hilarious.

Same goes for you.

What FF decision finally broke Sup Forums's back?

That doesn't even make sense. Your cover is blown, pajeet.

FF breaking my search bar, but I think it was long before when Mozilla announced the end of XUL.

Don't be fooled by the pajeet OP. 99% of Sup Forums doesn't support this project.

>OP is literally the only person left in here defending this garbage


How do they break a long standing feature so quickly? Do they want people to give it up all together?

Are you saying Sup Forums consists of 100 people?

The people who unironically believe in the "chrome shills" meme are ridiculous. You know how every second beginner gamedev wants to make a "MMORPG like World of Warcraft"? Imagine one of them. Reasonable people would always tell him that he has no idea how huge of a project this is and that he needs to scale down his ambitions considerably because he would never be able to pull this off alone, especially as a beginner.
Imagine he then responds "you fucken blizzard shills spreading FUD I can smell your fear you're truly pathetic".
This is pretty much what happens here.

So because ricing
> Sup Forums priorities

Meh, I wasn't plan on switching this year until last update. Now I try to compile Icecat because I need things to work.


nice priorities, shit-for-brains

>Gitgud: gitgud.io/odilitime/netrunner/
>Teknik: git.teknik.io/gyroninja/netrunner
>Github: github.com/5yph3r/Netrunner
Which is the fucking main one? Which one do I commit to?

None of them because this project is dead in the water.

none of them

Wasn't odi the main dev?

Why would you commit to any of them? This project is dead.

ask on the IRC

It doesn't even compile.
What a pile of trash.

>that code
I think I'm going to puke...

Who is that?

>more of this thread is crabs in the bucket instead of anything at all

How is Uzbl doing? I like how minimal it is, reminds me of dwb.

B-but w-what if cursor+n > html.length()? This is worse than shit I wrote in highschool, at least back then knew how to check bounds.

That isn't even a parser

The whole point of webextensions is getting chrome apps, I guess.

My eyes hurt.

pretty sure it's basically dead thanks to deprecated webengine, qutebrowser is the only valid vim-like browser.

But qutebrowser is not on my repository, do they have a ppa?


it's time for you to upgrade to Arch GNU plus Linux

Arch? What a hassle, at that point I'll just go for Gentoo.