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Technology #613
If you don't miss the days of add in cards, you have no heart, but if you want them back, you have no brain
3D Printer fagthread
AC router
What makes a modern CPU running at the same core speed faster than an OC older CPU like this one?
He doesn't own a secret Intel processor
/wt/ watch thread
Post gif
/csg/ Chink Shit General
The city of android
Can your faggot OS do this?
What am I in for? Will this make me get off my NEET lifestyle and actually learn to code?
What is the best text editor and why is it Visual Studio Code?
Rate my 3rd world Canadian Internet
Which GNU/Linux or GNU+Linux distribution do intellectuals use?
If ubuntu is so bad, then why do I keep hoping back after trying some other distro for maximum two days?
How do Solar Cells behave from a Voltage perspective? There are often 12V and 24 V Moduls. What I want to know...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why do you not have a gf, Sup Forums?
How do we fix the "numales in tech" problem?
"user, what's a byte and a bit?"
IPFS thread /ipfs/
Browsing computers for sale
What's the fucking point when a 1080ti can barely run some games maxed out at 1440p?
Spam these people
Do you think National security agencies infiltrate people on open source communities to fill software with...
Millions of bacteria-infected mutant creatures released from California Google labs
Just got my first android phone. What should I know or do first?
What's a good home router?
These are the top paid apps in the Windows 10 Store...
What was the biggest piece of shit you've ever bought
Apollo 11 Anniversary
Is linus /ourguy/????
Do you turn your computer off at night ?
Computer monitor - curved or 144hz?
Speccy thread?
I'm so fucking tired of Windows 10's metro shit UI. Is there any way to run GNOME3 on Windows?
NEWPIPE 0.9.10 is out with adjustable playback speed! (APK provided now)
So whats the deal with AMD's brand new flagship CPU still getting completely roasted and toasted by outdated Intel...
Prove me wrong
Why aren't board manufactures pushing mATX as the defecto form factor?
Emacs or Vim?
/bst/ - Battlestations
Will phones ever replace laptops and desktops?
React vs Angular 4+
Why does a male HDMI to female DisplayPort adapter need a separate USB port?
Fucking miners reeee
Hacking iphone
Self driving cars, anti aging research, smart cities, smart home
Why haven't you switched from Android to Linux on your mobile devices yet...
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/ebg/ - E-Book General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What's wrong with GOTO ? Not that "REEE MY PROGRAM FLOW" or "REEE MY READABILITY". It works
How do we save him Sup Forums? Is there any hope left for him?
Tech autism stories
University soon
Sup daily programming thread /dpt/ edition
Why use Windows?
Will this meme codec die already?
GUIXSD - The most advanced and freedom distro!
2560 x 1600 IPS display
So Sup Forums what hardware was better for it's time the SNES(left) or Genesis/Mega Drive(right)
Should a country's leader know how to program?
/sqt - Stupid Questions Thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Windows 95 only needed 50 mb of drive space to function yet can more or less accomplish all the basic functions of a...
Stop hating AMD
Why is Sup Forums so racist towards Indians?
How do you do your cable management?
Why do other boards laugh at us, Sup Forums?
Net Neutrality Doesn't Exist
Post satanic technology companies
Instead of shitposting, here's a fucking novel idea...
Oh look is the " I want the installation of the OS to be as painful as possible" distro!
Why aren't people programming everything inline for maximum gains and throughput?
Any other phones that aren't butt ugly except Sony Xperia?
Data Analysis General
You always hear that Windows' codebase is a complete mess. Is that the same for Apple's operating systems?
He's not using Windows
Your Fav Webpages
Guts Thread
Why are you not supposed to use one NAS drive in a regular PC? Aren't they supposed to run 24/7 and never fail?
The UK version of driverless cars
Gaming smartphones when?
Is this still the number one book to study to learn C? Some fags say this is too old to be used for anything 'modern'
Can they put a GPU next to 2 CPU's?
Republicans caused and want this
Is this a decent deal?
AMD website
Japan now produce more musical compositions by itself than the sum of the whole world outside of Japan
What should one do if they just rooted their phone?
What are your three biggest pc building memes? mine are
Headphone jack Inside iPad
Today in futurology
In the year ~2017.6, what non-meme reason is there to run a non-Ubuntu distro?
What are some of your regrets that you have from your current PC build?
Im going to best buy. i want a tv for my bedroom for ps4/tv. which do i get?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Serious question: Is there even a DE that can compete with GNOME? I don't think so, but prove me wrong
Why did real competitors to PS fail and vanish so far?
New Android Ransomware Threatens to Send Your Internet History & Private Pics to All Your Friends
Are these a gimmick or are they actually worth the $15...
What the actual fuck?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Remove i7 7700k from socket for deliding
>His company is so desperate it has to duplicate logos to make it look bigger
This guy comes in and slaps your Pyra out of your hand
IOS 10
Tor and PDF's
Why is Hello World considered a good "first program" instead of FizzBuzz?
How do you get a non-garbage file picker in Linux (Or KDE for that matter)
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Would you teach me how to solder like a pro?
Lesbian here
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Do you pick
Because its open source it means that goooogle cannot spie on me
Why are you not using bootstrap?
What makes a good programmer
How does Sup Forums pirate there stuff?
Have 600 watt power supply
How do I become /cyberpunk/?
Hey Sup Forums, im a newfag and want to learn programming. Shit has always been interesting to me...
Discord and Private Information
Is the Q6600 still a capable CPU for web browsing and other normie stuff?
Posts a legitimate question about a problem which many users face
Suddenly Bruce Perens doesn't want to talk to me
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
He said it
We 15 now
Photoshop vs GIMP
So I have some books that I want to get rid of. The problem is...
Is C really that hard to learn? If I spend 5 hours tomorrow reading a book on C (don't even know which one)...
What's the best phone on the market right now?
Blacklisted iphone 6s
How you look when all of your normie friends think SSDs don't get fragmented and you're explaining to them that they do
2:1 aspect ratio
HAPPENING: new 0-days released!
Hey Sup Forums we got mentioned on Linus Tech Tips
Mac or PC?
What tech brands do you avoid at all costs?
This is The Education in the Future
How do you stop yourself from distro hopping?
What the hell is your problem with iPhones?
Why isn't there a decent PS3 emulator?
How come cute girls always use apple
Is this the new 2500k?
Screenfetch/Neofetch Bread
Why is it ok for Google to advertise a product on their homepage?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I'm starting Computer Science this fall, what kind of computer should I get? Should I get a Mac or PC...
Which linux distro would you recommend to a cute girl that has only used Windows?
Describe me the feeling
Are all "indie game developers" retarded?
What DE do I use if I like KDE but hate how fucking buggy it is?
How come neets like you run away with your tails between your legs at the mere prospect of needing to drive a car or...
The perfect keyboard doesn't exi-
Pronouns? Master/slave? You're like a little baby. Watch this
Start studying CCNA training on youtube
/PMP/ Portable Media Players
Which one and why
Virgin has now partnered with Apple and will only offer iPhones moving forward
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Should I feel bad for getting Windows 10 Home instead of Pro?
Did you fight for Net Neutrality yet?
"Breaking Moore's law is what we did with Infinity Fabric."
Why is electricity difficult to understand?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Browse Sup Forums for a few days
Applied to Google as a transexual with zero qualifications
/ost/ - openSUSE thread
Distro for newbie
What's the best price-to-performance build for a pfSense router?
1984 meets the circle meets the NSA
How do you Sup Forumsuys stop distro hopping ?
/wt/ - watch thread
So this... is the power... of a Mac
Goodbye Linux. Work on your AMD hardware compatibility
How did they dominate the market so much, so fast?
Using a shell other than bash
Passthrough, is it a meme?
What's your excuse for not keeping your cables organised?
Comfy Competition
Ivans hate thread
Audiophiles are objectively crazy
15 inch GPUless MacBook
How did this literal nigger get one letter domain? What the fuck is ICANN doing?
Sup Forums, I need help
/pcbg/ - PC Building General:
Best gpu for 1080p gayming?
Do you have something to hide Sup Forums?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Member the cringe cube?
Glued together
/mpv/ - open source, and cross-platform media player
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How does one effectively categorize his reaction image folders?
How would you program happiness in AI?
Is it true that current devices (especially cellphones) are designed with a hard coded life expectancy of 2 years...
Software for Linux
Void Linux
Window Managers
Post your IP besides loopback
Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from a T420?
Unix Time just hit 1500000000!
Low power computer
Kill me
Which programming language should I learn if I want to avoid pajeets and nu-males?
Why isnt Sup Forums and /biz/ combining their powers to be ultra rich tech disruptors?
TFW too brainlet to even learn Python
Computer Monitor Recommendation Thread
"UK is the fourth most technologically advanced country in the world" - The Independent
Sup Forums technology autism
/vrg/ - virtual reality general
Why isn't Apple suing?
Is Windows 7 feasible in 2017?
Screenfetch / Neofetch Thread
How do we save Terry? He was drinking all last night and is probably still drinking
Can't move paused torrents to a specific category
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I bet Sup Forums can't even explain this simple transistor circuit diagram
I use Duckduckgo, and you ?
*warms your leg*
Monthly Get rid of FIrefox Day
What do they do with them?
Is uBlock developed by a liar?
Content providers demanding 1st class seating in a 747 while paying jump seat-in-a-Piper prices
Should I support KitKat in my apps? Does anyone actually use it in the US still...
Ok Sup Forums, I'll give you a chance to convince me to switch from windows to linux
Home Server General
What are some good games for an x220?
Need advice..Is this computer chair worth it Sup Forums?
Serious Question About Mac
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
How do i avoid a motion detector?
Which one is better for storing porn and staff
How do I escape technology? it is robbing me of my humanity
Redpill me on powerline adapters
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Women are officially obsolete
Thanks to Apple, all laptop and phone brands can look good now
AMD mobile phone chipsets when?
Can a national security organization CRACK a .rar file with a good password? How?
It just occurred to me that there is no retro style computer equipment available...
Arduino hate thread
Stop idolizing this loser
How can I convince my colleagues not to fall for this meme?
Found a bunch of old hard drives at the tip
Is Lua a meme script language or is it worth picking up?
How organized and functional is your dock? What does it look like...
Give me one good reason why you don't use IOS mobile operations system in concert with the macOS desktop operations...
Anyone here a successful self taught programmer?
I am starting to think they are just joking with each new release
Are these Windows 7 Ultimate licenses that you can buy on eBay for less than $10 legit? Are they a scam...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
The Apple Maps app on a 120Hz iPad pro is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen
Explain why exactly this book is so worth buying/reading
16 cores
Intel BTFO's amd
Open video
All memes aside, will this be a good piece of normie tech?
EPYC Failure
Why did nobody tell me about this
Just ordered the Asus X299 Prime Deluxe + i7-7820x for workstation level work
Want to live in van
Problems i have had since using KDE 5
How come modern sound editors like Audacity and Adobe Audition don't have functions that Nero Wave Editor had in 2006?
Is Javascript good now?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
50 TB SSD in 3.5in Form Factor
Aesthetic computer pics plox
You don't need 16GB!
XpiY meme
Post your screenfetch in itt thread
Can we take a moment to thank AMD for making CPU's affordable. With out them...
Why does he lift if he's worth 85 billion
If you use anything other than a blue switch you should probably just go ahead and an hero
Raspberry Pi interest
Non-slave edition
So this guy got got my ip address from my little brother while he was gaming...
Dubs will decide what I name my new laptop no matter what it is
If you could build absolutely anything, what would you build?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Why is Windows still not free?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What is the best fork of Firefox?
How long until we're storing porn in DNA?
User patch unlocks Windows 7 updates on Kaby Lake and Ryzen processors
Life before social media and smartphones, what was it like?
Sup Forums, do you want to work on something together?
Is there a way you be identified and traced when using a prepaid dumbphone?
How does she afford all this stuff?
Hey g what should i name my new hard drive
Childhood is when you idolize iOS. Adulthood is when you realize Android is the better option
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Let's all love Lain
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
Why android can`t be upgraded like Linux or windows...
I wanna get this but why are the specs so bad, 3gb ram lmao
/vrg/ - virtual reality general
How come neets like you run away with your tails between your legs at the mere prospect of needing to drive a car or...
Hey Sup Forums wtf is that black shit on the cpu cooler, aka i found this pc in the trash...
Arch Linux!
Modern software complexity
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How the fuck do I make this thing less laggy and have less input delay? I got Ethernet on both my pc and the link
What are some more amazing iPhone facts?
For those of you who have a Ryzen CPU, I want to buy a 1700X but I have a few concerns :
This wasn't supposed to happen lads
Emojis are technology
Daily autism thread
/pmp/ Portable Media Players
What is some neat simulation software?
Cheapest Android that can deliver
ITT: divide Sup Forums into classic rpg/fantasy classes
So I've been wondering about the FCC bending the rules on Net Neutrality for the internet companies...
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Who here /home server/?
What do you think of my desktop Sup Forums?
Battlesttaion thread
He bought an amazon snitch stick
Unix time (and Sup Forums filenames) are going to roll over from 1.4 billion seconds since January 1st 1970 to 1...
Itt: We post our browser back in middle school
Lift spacebar
Mac OS
What is the best browser, Sup Forums?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Reminder to all Sup Forumscunts who discovered here on their mobiles during the election: Sup Forums is pro net...
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT: "Idea Men"
Does anyone still use I2P? Or is it dead...
So some time has passed, Zen is released and benchmark results are in
Tfw brainlet
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General - forgot to bump edition
Let's be honest here
Threadripper mITX revealed
My raspberry pi laptop is getting into shape. What are you working on?
Cinebench R15 Thread
Everything after Core 2 Duo is backdoored and monitored
When's the last time you opened up your PS4, Sup Forums?
/retro/ - Retro Computers
Anyone that owns one of these fucking tumors should be exterminated
Why is macOS so comfy?
UX thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Public source of power
MS Office vs Libreoffice
What are you doing to celebrate?
Year 2023 we have 128 Terabyte micro sd cards
Should I stop?
Why are there so few women in programming?
This is the Chengdu JF-17, a fighter jet developed jointly by Pakistan and China...
Sticker thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
X86 emulation on ARM
/wt/ watch thread
Making the Best Sup Forums Mobile App
What is the biggest difference between systems development and web development?
Hey Gentoomen what's on you schedule?
Quad core i7 on 13inches laptops?
What's her end game?
What does Sup Forums think of Brave?
Distribute adult apps on Iphone/Android?
IDE sucks, real programmers use terminal-based text editors like Vim or Emacs
What went wrong?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
Is it ok to use Windows?
Why can't MPV get a real Windows installer?
Hey Sup Forums a crazy client of mine (I'm a software consultant) wants to buy me a new laptop right now
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Which is better, C++ or Java?
Just got my hands on some of these bad boys(some aren't working) some are, any cool project ideas?
RIP in piss, Intel
Project ideas for advanced oop
Could someone explain tape backups to me? I keep reading that they're more portable, have longer shelf life...
It's over Intel is finished
This does not bode well for Intel
Computer science is a low prestige job
First page when searching "Sup Forums cli client"
Question: Can my ISP see the website address I'm visiting if it's HTTPS?
It could be worse
Is 170 usd (150 euro) for a used EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB SC a good deal?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Ultra fast
I want to activate my Windows 10 pro, but I can't afford 300 fucking euro for the license
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Stupid Questions Thread
Cinematography reached its peak in 1962 with Cinerama
This is the future of Amerifats internet
/zero/ ZeroNet General
What went wrong?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Accidentally click in one website
/csg/ Chink Shit General
The economy will forever collapse and the currency will always get devalued
I remember a more or less recent x86 processor manufactor that wasn't intel, amd or via...
Welcome to the Google Bot Net
I have a laptop, but you can't change GPU and CPU. Why the fuck aren't they meant to be upgradeable...
Why haven't you plebs upgraded to High as fuck Sierra masterrace?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Pixel 2 XL edition
WTF is wrong with you?!
Chinese scientists just teleported an object into Earth's orbit for the first time
Tfw see a qt3.14 at uni typing fast as shit on a x220
Internet Speed
Daily reminder, a 14 year old Apple laptop with a G4 processor is miles better than any modern PeeSee
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Any good stuff
Spaces in URL
What's the OS equivalent of white trash smoking weed?
Gyrfalcon needs root to install on the local machine so it's literally fucking nothing
Why aren't you using KDE?
Tech Hate Thread
Is a vpn a waste of money? Do you have a vpn?
I just found a 0day for:
Just set up my ubuntu VM, how do I make it beautiful?
Net Neutrality
Friend is a consumerist whore despite using linux (which I got him into)
Going to Intel after AMD
What are the best microwaves with mechanical switches? I went to Lowes...
Just lied about having basic unity knowledge for a job. How much can i learn in a week?
Sup Forums users younger than ~20, what tech is popular with kids these days?
Seems legit
How comfy is macOS for programming?
My fried is streaming, I'm behind him, trips decides what I do
Why is Debian one of the most used and well known linux distros? It's complete and utter shit
Was feeling spontaneous and bought a thinkpad 410s on ebay but it has no OS. wut fuckin do
/ptg/ - Private Tracking Goodreads
I set my Gboard colour to pink so I can be cute!
Let me share my insight to you
FUCK THIS FUCKING SHIT. No matter how expensive your XPS or X1 Carbon is...
More like Blunder
Calling C++ Autists
So what do when Comcrap and Ad&Hd inevitably fuck us after net neutrality is kill?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread:
Is this the most antisemitic processor ever in existence?
Is Net Neutrality really something good or it is a meme?
PCI card or USB dongle?
Is the LG G3 good for 70$ Jamal btw
/vlg/ - Void Linux General
/edc/ - Every Day Carry
Any tips on not getting targeted ads up the ass or generally not getting tracked by jewgle analitics or some shit...
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Visit Sup Forums sometimes to shitpost about linux and "freetards" for half a year
1080p vs 1440p
Thank you based Intel
Mouse thread
How often do you clean your keyboard Sup Forums?
Shelled out for amazon day and got an echo
W-what if youtube started blocking adblocker?
It's not that bad desu
What brilliant new innovation will we bring to the iphone 8?
Greetings Sup Forums
Why are C and C++ dying?
How will lincucks recover from this?
All these le_donald faggots shilling in overdrive against net neurtrality
How do you disable the fucking head parking in the BIOS or at startup automatically? This shit is killing hard drives...
Become Enlightened
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Where were you when Mozilla was kill?
If you're wondering what ISPs will do if net neutrality is repealed, we already know
Does softrware prove reincarnation?
Why doesn't the internet have an age limit? Kids should be at least 16 to use the internet for non-educational purposes
Will net neutrality be feasible once we hit 5g/IOT
Screenfetch/Neofetch Thread
Core Question at the Heart of Net Neutrality
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
4 cores vs. 6 cores
Do you ever feel like Linux is a major waste of your time Sup Forums?
Want to buy cheap ebay thinkpad
What is this?
At college
/hpg/ - Headphone General
So, SJWFox is secretly tracking its users with Google Analitics, so much for a browser that "respect your privacy"...
How do you design the gender select menu for the modern age?
Tell me, within 60 seconds or less why should i care about peering issues between large corporations. (aka...
It's upgrade days, boys
Which Android browser, Sup Forums?
He uses aio coolers
What plugins do you use, Sup Forums?
Where were you when Microsoft saved the Linux Desktop?
Ok that's the last straw I am never solving a capchas to posting on here ever again
Why is this linuxshit on my Windows?
Before you ask, YES - I MAD
Which cool things can I do with a lot of GPU power?
Why does Ubuntu look so damn good
Firefox tracks you using Google Analytics
Why is niconico so shitty? I can't find shit on here. Does anyone use it? How do I use it?
If OSes were fast food joints
Is Sup Forums run by commies?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forums would working at the Apple Store in the Genius Bar give me any valuable IT experience worth putting on my...
I installed Firefox on my sons school PC along with https everywhere, ghostery and unlock origin
AMD Status: Ass Blasted Beyond The Milky Way
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Computer Gore/Cringe Thread
He has icons on his desktop
Linux still sucks
Why should i care about net neutraity if im not amerifat?
Mfw shills shill so much they buy into the X299 mayonnaised firehasards
Which OS do you use ?
/wt/ Watch Thread
What mobile Sup Forums browser does Sup Forums use?
So when net neutrality finally dies later this year thanks to drumpf...
Skylake Xeons are a massive flop
Install gentoo
I know there are a lot of different ways to make coffee and not many people agree on much of anything about coffee...
Must not match any of the four previous passwords
Why is this browser so fucking perfect
Terry losing it on his parents
Qutebrowser general
Should I care about FreeBSD?
What did Sup Forums mean by this?
Firefox botnet
What is the best laptop for creative professionals?
Why must almost every piece of technology have an annoying as fuck bright blue LED on it for no reason?
And they say Chrome is the botnet
Starting my CS degree in 1 week
Ending net nutrality will be the best thing for the internet...
/mpv/ - open source, and cross-platform media player
You'll never be alive in Tokyo in the 1990's during Japan's technological revolution
Is online searching of computers even possible?
If you had a $50,000 budget what system would you build and what would you use it for?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Vacuums are technology
Year of the linux desktop
Give me one good reason you aren't using GNU/Linux
ITT; We were not ready for them
I'm quiting smart phones!
What is the best monitor for a vertical monitor setup?
Fuck you Sup Forums. Your shitty advice has made me regret every tech purchase I've made since I started lurking here
1 10Gbps/5Gbps/2.5Gbps/1Gbps/100Mbps Ethernet port
/pcbg/ PC Building General
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - On Tour!
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
You''ve got 1 year until Windows is a subscription service
Home Server
4 glued-together desktop dies
So this... is the power... of Apple
Who is the most palatable techtuber and why is it Tech Deals?
/guts/ thread?
What do you guys use to burn CDs?
Give me one good reason you aren't using OSX
The last Clover update was nearly five months ago
ETH is dead
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
Edgy script kiddie here
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT Shit Apple shills say:
Old websites
I sure hope you have f.lux installed, Sup Forums. You wouldn't want to hurt your eyes, would you?
All hail the new king of Sup Forums
Why everyone hates php?
How Often Reinstall OS?
Amazon Prime Day genital
Choose your language
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Earbud dilemma
Firefox, now without extensions, lost its raison d'etre
China blocking VPNs
All intel has to do to fix their thermals is sell bare-die chips and refuse to warranty cracking the die
Give me one good reason you aren't using windows 10
12th July Internet-wide Day of Action for Net Neutrality
What do you think about Discord? I know that it was backed partly by Tencent
What advantages do imageboards such as Sup Forums have over Discord?
Literally every single vulnerability in Windows, Linux and OSX can be exploited using a payload or shell code
What's the best way to keep the i7 4790k cooled down? Not overclocking it...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are we being assfucked by corporate entities in greater proportion simply because the vast majority of people without a...
I'm fucking done with Windows 10, it keep changing my configurations and defaults apps
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Redpill me on trackballs
Intel launches its new precious metal Xeon platform
Recently spilt a bottle of piss in my PC and fried my GPU
/vrg/ - virtual reality general
Open task manager
Any 10/10 sites/utilities
Who killed these guys?
What's a good enterprise level ultrabook as sysadmin/developer?
ITT: cases that don't have gaymur bullshit
Private Tracker Development
So, Firefox 57 is the day we switch to Chrome?
Sticker thread
Dark Web
Windows 98 can run like a top with 256mb of RAM
Guy hit my car and doesn't want to pay
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Have you upgraded yet Sup Forums?
Is the MacbookPro worth it?
This is the Thinkpad X200. Post yfw you learned that it weighs less than the
Pixel 2 Leak?!
He pirates with torrents
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What is it with Sup Forums having a hard on for IPS panels? TN panels are just fine
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Any good podcasts?
AMD EPYC and Intel Xeon
How fast can Sup Forums type?
So ETHereum price is crashing down since last week so are we safe to see GPU prices going down in the upcoming days?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Chrome v Firefox
AMD Unveils AMD4U - '''4U'''
Mfw fell for the iToddlerpad meme
Prove this image wrong
Well, Sup Forums?
Why do Linuxfags even try?
Linux, not even once!
Do any of you actually work in tech-related jobs or are you just pretenting to be experts?
W3C approves DRM
Teen dies from using cellphone while taking a bath
Video Converting Program
I fucked up guys, help
Safe Device
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Any /vip/posters here?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Linux bankrupt & finished
Which one? Current on lg g4
Why do people still use this cancer?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Spend $1000 on a brand new CPU
Tinywall is a fucking burden
Nightly has become fast as fuck and honestly, the change to WebExt made a huge difference in performance
I need to run a program 24/7 ... I tried on a Raspberry Pi3 but it was just a little bit too weak for it...
You work for free I work for google
I would not buy one for 5$
1920x1200 laptops are nearly non-existent
Home screen thread?
Top 2 languages for beginners:
Study computer engineering
Do you believe in secret nazi technology Sup Forums?
What would happen if you applied thermal like in pic related?
He doesn't have his own 3d printer in his home
Ding Dang Drones
Screenfetch Thread
How Far Ahead of Us Were They?
So i was looking at this website called, and i found some pretty disturbing stuff
Is it the best backpack for laptop?
Has /r/technology been /r/politics with a thin veneer of technology since the beginning or did it become this shit...
Thinking that git and github are the same
Clearly the best mobile OS and mobile device combo on the market
Dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Best/Most Autistic sites you read?
>BST - LinusShillTipsEdition<
What the hell are loonixtards gonna do now that windows has the best of both worlds?
Who was in the wrong?
What penis pumps do Sup Forumsentlemen prefer...
Why are tech nerds always talking about getting extra frames on their shitty Cock on Duty - Modern Masturbation 3...
Was thinking about buying a new router on prime day...
UK's ex-spy chief warns Amber Rudd's plan to pass new smartphone encryption law is dangerous
Harness the lambda user before you are left in the dust. Salvation through wisdom. Wisdom through salvation
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Didn't get much help from /wsr/, was told to post it here so that's what I'm gonna do
Who wins, Sup Forums ?
Linux still has no thumbview
It's over
Texas teen electrocuted after cell phone accidentally falls in bathtub
Alright Sup Forums, down to my last DVD-R. Dubs decide what will I do to it
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
PRIME DAY DEALS -- General --
Why don't you believe in home automation?
Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from a T420?
Tfw you're from a third world shithole where botnet doesn't give a fuck about what you do
3TB external storage for $70USD
This is Rajeesh
Le Apple is BAD meme XDDDD
You know that this is the only real candidate for a year of the linux desktop
What should the hostname for my work computer be? It's at Google if you can come up with any related puns...
Im turning my old PC into a gaming machine for the old games. There are a couple 95 era games like Driver...
What's the best book reading device?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
This is the new king of Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
You lied to me Sup Forums. It's garbage
Sup Forums mocks ribbit
I'm going to build a new high-end system in the next year
Is OLED a dead meme already?
Any Witcher-like open world games where my character is never alone?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/wt/ Watch Thread
He spend his free time on learning text editor instead coding apps in Atom
What if we're living inside a computer simulation?
Can your Kindle do that?
Mfw for every 400 dollar Freesync panel the G-Sync equivalent is 600 dollars
What is the best thinkpad model? Need some thoughts before I buy one
Is Murica fucked? Tell me, Sup Forums?
ITT: Nu-male technology
Two rigs with i7 6700k
What is your hacker name?
You always told me that he's a raging psycopath, but he looks very soft spoken and calm mannered here. What gives?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Last year, I was taken under the wing of an old-school programmer. We'll call him Arnold...
I lost the silicon lottery. I need 1.4v to run 3.9ghz
Why does Chrome sucks so much?
What was Sup Forums like 10 years ago?
Best CL applications
Insert executable solution
This is why macOS is the greatest operating system in history
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Architecture Autism
What is the official Sup Forums opinion™ on django?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/retro/ - Retro computers
Just got this for $40
Is this finally the year of linux?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/psifg/ Privacy / Security / Internet Freedom General
Tokenize - One Ring to hold all your data
Speccy thread
My friend gave me some of his old sheets of Apple stickers today
He prefer using an OS coded by a bunch of basememt dwellers living in their mom's basement...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Okay I am done with this piece of shit browser. It's lagging and hitching nonstop on top of being slow as hell...
*blocks your path*
When will bitcoin finally crash to the point where its worthless?
Use uBlock Origin
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Comfy GUI
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Researching mbp because I'm about to drop 2.5k on one
Intel is allegedly limiting the production of the Pentium G4560 to boost i3 sales...
Cryptocurrency on freefall
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Which linux distro do systemd haters use?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...