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Recommend me good zites Sup Forums

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I don't expect this thread to have traction but I do hope it has. Working on a tech news site for zeronet atm

Btw you can check out the experimental version on Android

Hey g let's make a zite




Zeronet usability is pretty good compared to IPFS. Unfortunately I'm constantly getting errors though and I have no clue how it works and can't make my own site.

me too. I'm just shitposting on ZeroTalk.

I don't know enough Chinese to use ZeroNet

so what is this, a web browser with a bitcoin miner hidden in it as a feature?

looks like child porn tech

Explain to me what zeronet is, user

ZeroNet is a decentralized internet

It's like torrenting, except for the fact that every webpage is now a file. Not literally of course, but that's the general idea.
I may be wrong though.

pedo hangout

>If something is privacy-centered and decentralized then it must be pedo's playground

There is only a single web'z'ite providing child pornography on ZeroNet, you retards.

lolicon isn't child porn

>There is only a single web'z'ite providing child pornography on ZeroNet that I know of

they say its crypt4ed

but its not using https

zeronet is really really shitty

Anything interesting that DOESN'T have to do with child pornography?
How big is it in terms of community and the likes?

>not cp

I want this to be a thing and I have been following it for about a year now, but nothing interesting happens. There's no reason for people to put their website on this and there's no regular content to come back to for users.

I guess the main use is for it to serve as a backup for when the internet becomes a bit too censored in the future.

Can you put ads on ZeroNet?

and that is...? [sploiler];)[/spoiler]

sorry minnasan

>all webzites are slow as shit
>even text based zites
>if it has images don't expect it to load in one day

It looks like the whole thing runs on javascript, but are the "zites" themselves allowed to use javascript? Or is that all css?

tried once it was slow as fuck and kinda boring aside from that zite with chinese girls (male)



no one gives a shit about the fbi reading your midget shemale gangbang history, if anyone cares about using hidden websites it's for the sole purpose of illegal activities

yep that's the one. Didn't change much since I visited it though

You can use JavaScript. Zeronet is written in Python

This isn't better than Freenet (honeypot) or i2p, so why bother?

we should make a chan, I'll make the logo



there's one already it's dead though

I'm not seeding your CP

shits slow brehs

shit won't even load

Hangout is already for pedo, remember...
>No rules thread on Sup Forums

Jews will infiltrate it and install backdoors


Saged, reported, hidden. Fuck off CIA nigger.

Very helpful, thank you.

literally pepe and feels guy right there

Someone explain to me if this is similar to tor at all and how the privacy stacks up against it pls


I take that as an the FBI has probably already broken into it

>not using freenet

What is the use for this for a normie PC user like myself? I had freenet and tor at one point but I never really found any neat uses for it.

How do I make a Zite?

So, is this like Filecoin?

looks like shit

ZP net

and it's paedo, anyway

It became anti-party technology by Chinese.
Will Chinese government invade ZeroNet?

No coin and shit. It's free.

>install it
>find cp within 5 minutes
how do I purge this shit from my history?

remove zeronet data folder

If this doesn't have any impact to secure "normal" Internet usage, who gives a fuck. Nobody cares about your little secret evil lair, nerds.

I had access to all the latest sites in less than an hour, but here's your (You)

>open up a new site
>it has to download the entire history of the site first
yeah this is really practical
>claims to be decentralized
>if the owner gets taken out the site can no longer update and is functionally dead
combine that with this:
>no built-in anonymity
>just use tor bro
tor = slow ass shit
zeronet = also slow ass shit
tor + zeronet = ???

I only use it for the zite Play to get torrents. Its gonna be pretty hard for the MAFIAA and the cia niggers to take it down

I should remind you that Zeronet has no anonymity by itself, that you have to switch to Tor-only mode from the very first run of your installation, that your browser isn't protected from the content in any way and should be hardened and disconnected from network, and that to post anything you must register an identity through author's clear web site — I guess he either believes in “keeping control” in the future, or couldn't invent a distributed identity system. The latter is quite possible given that Zeronet uses filesystem as database and generates tens and hundreds of thousands of small files in its data storage, which is clearly an overlooked non-scalable hack.

I agree with that. It's still important if the internet goes into censorship mode.