/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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Stop posting muslims you cuck.

Fuck you.

Is React-redux-thunk painful or is it just me? Any good npm modules for easing boilerplate?

Stop sperging out over stupid shit, you autists.


I wonder if the mudslime spammer is also a rustlet

Just set up my virtualbox VM, what should the first program I make be? Using golang or python.

a program to uninstall ubuntu and install debian.

He is.

TFW when no muslim qt stem gf holding me to a higher standard

Reminder that all religions are garbage and so is all hate against religions except this reminder.

i wonder who could be behind this post

>stop having opinions about things i don't have an opinion about

thats quite a contradiction m8
Any new kernels looking promising, /dpt/?

I'm an atheist I just think nerdy girls are cute, if they have some moral code that just means they are even freakier in bed.

>thats quite a contradiction m8
it would be a contradiction without "except this reminder"

thank you for posting a muslim image


redux-thunk is a bit boilerplate heavy but it's simple and makes debugging very straightforward. You might want to also look at redux-saga. If the boilerplate really bothers you, you could look at mobx which is a bit more complicated but eliminates almost all of the boilerplate commonly associated with redux.

can we please ban this terrorist sympathizer? he keeps on posting images of these ISIS suicide cunts.

>hire design and development firm to help rewrite codebase
>Find out they're all really devout Christian's

Don't really give a fuck, just thought it was strange. I'm so used to people in CS being secular because... Ya know... Logic.


Which macro should I use?
(define-syntax let-list (syntax-rules () ((_ ((id ...) valuelist) body ...) (let-values (((id ...) (apply values valuelist))) body ...))))

(define-syntax let-list (syntax-rules () ((_ ((id ...) valuelist) body ...) (apply (lambda (id ...) body ...) valuelist))))

(define-syntax let-list (syntax-rules () ((_ ((id ...) valuelist) body ...) (receive (id ...) (apply values valuelist) body ...))))

They all do the same thing in different ways. Here's a usage example:

#;22> (let-list ((a b) (list 2 2)) (* a b))

Honestly it's not that weird if it weren't for the culture of academia. Computer scientists are more likely to be rationalists rather than empiricists.


>"They all do the same thing in different ways."
>"in different ways."
>in his language, three of literally the exact same macro, DEFINED IN THE SAME WAY, will achieve their respective results in different ways
What fucking garbagelang works this way?


int main()
printf("A religious symbol conveys its message even if it is no longer "
"consciously understood in every part. For a symbol speaks to "
"the whole human being and not only to the intelligence.");


Did you scroll the text box user? If you didn't, all you read was the input syntax, which of course would be identical.

If you did and you still think they're identical... user, I... You're retarded.

Slow day for me

They're also a Mac shop. It just feels weird.



>Did you scroll the text box user?
oh my fucking god

Idris or Haskell for startups?

>lispfag code is so bad you have to scroll to the side to read it



Not an option

R-Ruby先生, I will use this new t-trip code so that you will notice m-me and h-help me become a better programmer.

for real dude are you writing that shit on a stock ticker? You are doing the exact opposite of that arabic lisp programmer who was on /dpt/ the other day


Whats a decent C++ IDE for Linux?
Serious question, no memes please.

I would love to... but again, the problem is that I don't know what you already know, and what you want to do with programming, and you've been dodging the fuck out of these questions.

It was written in a repl. I'd obviously indent it in a source file.

(define-syntax let-list (syntax-rules ()
((_ ((id ...) valuelist) body ...)
(let-values (((id ...) (apply values valuelist)))
body ...))))

Not an option

what sort of features are you looking for? completion? inline documentation? auto-indent auto-curlyboi aut-dick suck ML AI big data?

What exactly are the constraints?



I-I want you to t-teach me from the beginning. 私は何も知りません

I don't know much about IDEs, so thats why i'm asking for advice, I want something that will make my life easier with compiling and debugging.

Idris or Haskell

It's almost as easy to imagine creative ways that the bible could be construed as compatible with known science as it is to denounce the bible as fiction and accept known science in its stead, which is almost as easy as denouncing known science as an illusion of the devil and accepting the bible.
I believe in a god. I also believe, as the scientists do, that the universe came into being as a consequence of the property of time/energy uncertainty as it applies to vacuums. However, I believe my god was the willful instrument of that uncertainty and continues to be the deliberate force whereby all uncertainties are resolved over time to arbitrary states. In other words, I believe in fate, and it is my opinion that at the quantum scale, where interactions are probabilistic prior to their occurrence but deterministic afterward, the instrument of this shift to determinism -- of this selection, if you will -- is a force of conscious decision by an unseen entity not of this timeline or plane of existence, not a force of chance.

Why? Are you limiting your startup to Bayesian shit? Or machine learning?

I'd say Haskell because you're more likely to find support and developers.

Just finished making a very easy luck based game for a summer course.
Now comes the hard part of writing the report. How the fuck am I going to write 3 pages about this shit? I just glued a bunch of whiles, ifs and a couple of ors together.

you should get some other people's opinions because mine is probably a bit autistic. Emacs or Vim have been enough for me with C, I really don't know if C++ is of a nature that those would be enough but if not I would maybe look at some of the big IDE providers out there like eclipse or jetbrain or whatever and see if they have something suited to your needs. for real though IDE's for compiled languages have always been cumbersome to me. I'd really only need an IDE if I had a repl

The only language that everyone on the team has familiarity with is Haskell, but I've heard these days it's deprecated and Idris should be used instead

>The only language that everyone on the team has familiarity with is Haskell
c-can I join your team?

If they know one functional language, they shouldn't have much trouble learning another one. Pheonix elixir is the future.

>I'm so used to people in CS being secular because... Ya know... Logic.

Literally who!

I met an Idris dev who wrote Idris compilers in Idris. It's a pretty lang but it doesn't have the env haskell would, and haskell doesn't even have much there. careful not to stunt yourself early on. enterprise demands worty languages that can take a beating.

Seems like most enterprise languages make the dev take a beating

>Seems like all languages make the dev take a beating

t. never used a good language

t. never used a language

t. a language

my experience has been that the languages that get used promote mediocrity. Python, Java, Ruby. Nice laundry list languages for doing CRUD. They don't want art, they want code that is easy to maintain and written in a fashion that another person could easily adopt it.

that's why I've been writing tools in CL and committing them to my company repo without saying anything. One day these motherfuckers are gonna have a problem and god damnit they'll have to install sbcl to solve it or my name isn't Barnaby Jones.


Then stop programming. Find something else to do.

Alright, we'll start with C. Do you have a compiler and text editor installed on your computer? If not, what operating system do you use?

Also, please refrain from using my name.

If you're doing anything web related, or even just front end, you're dealing with paradigm shift every couple years. After a couple cycles, you get pretty jaded.

Too bad quality isn't rewarded more.

I showed my coworkers what a POST request using drakma looked like and they were all like 'hey thats actually really clean looking ...' and it was just a POST lol. If people can get over their fear of the (easy) syntax, it's so obviously a superior choice.

You're crazy.
There's no science proving that chance is chance and not God. There can't be. But come the fuck on with this garbage, you can't just keep moving the goalposts. First you faggots said God directly created life and the universe. You can't then just move on over to this shit just because you were BTFO. God doesn't exist. Period. Because even if the retarded unfalsifiable premise you're proposing is true, that's not God and you can't just turn around and say it is.

r-ruby senpai will you teach me too?
i have gcc

>fucking ugly as shit haskell/idris code
>muh art
could you be any more of a pretentious hipster fag

You don't need to convince coworkers. You need to convince managers and clients. They don't think in terms of code quality, or hygiene, or cleanliness. They think in terms of being able to easily replace people. Lots of people know Python, Java, etc. Few people know Haskell or CL enough to be productive in it.

S-Sensek, I-I can't study now. M-maybe tomorrow?

i said they dont want art. nobody does. a language is a means to an end. CL is pragmatic as fuck. work on your reading comprehension skills, board is 18+

Can you imagine being a programmer and using a module that you couldn't test or even inspect? Writing code where faith is an operator?

Calm down, retard. We can't all be as intelligent as me but you don't have to make it so obvious.

Not relevant.

Thousands of people use M$ shit every day user.

kill yourself fucktard. work on your writing skills.

Well that's a perfectly respectable compiler, and I suppose if I can teach one person I can teach two. Do you have any previous programming experience?

Oooookaayyy.... What times are best for you? And do you need to use that stutter all the time?

>you can't just
>you can't just
>you can't just
And why not exactly?
Are you denying my property rights? My religious beliefs belong to me, why shouldn't I be able to reshape them over time as I see fit.

It's relevant, just inconceivable because you've compartmentalized your religious beliefs. We're scientists. We make our living on things being testable, provable, and discrete. What other beliefs do you have that are like religion?

same fag, C# dev

>I installed a Linux VM to program
How about you actually install Linux, or program in Windows. What you're doing is a meme.

lisp fag sperg

So what is the problem with Codeblocks?

>We make our living on things being testable, provable, and discrete.
There is no need or good reason to live the way you make your living. Computer scientists are not computers.
>What other beliefs do you have that are like religion?
I like to imagine there are such things as magic and fairies.

Nothing for C/++ dev.
Its the second-best IDE.

It's pretty solid

>or program in Windows.
This is also a meme.
>ms visual ____


It's not vim + screen

>you're waifu
a shit

>vim + screen
>not nano + screen

I use mingw, it's fine. MSYS2 specifically.
Cygwin is fine.
Visual Code is a thing, even popular amongst Linux users.

So install Linux, I'm running Linux. If you're not comfortable enough with Linux, why are you using it as a dev environment? Meme.