Computer Gore/Cringe Thread
90s are so comfy. Why would you want to be cold at your work?
ugh that one hurts me externally
He turned it into a keychain fob.
Need more RAM?
I don't get it? Does this mean you guys don't go in there often? Why not keep it warm anyway?
At my job I have to wear a coat to go into the freezer, I wish I didn't.
3 4
Because computer components are best run in a cool environment to ensure longevity of the equipment.
As old as this one is it still elicits emotional responses from my brain. Sometimes it is rage, other times sadness or laughter, complete disbelieve and such.
When I was in school one of my friends used to brag about the computer he had. Top tier Phenom X4, 24GB of RAM, 1KW power supply.
One day he tells me he ruined his glorious PC by doing pic related. I thought it was hilarious, even our ICT teacher laughed his ass off. It was after then I realised he never had that computer at all, and used that embarrassing excuse to back out of the lie.
Server rooms get VERY hot. They're typically heavily cooled to prevent the servers from overheating. If the air temperature in there is 94 degrees image how hot the components are getting. It looks like some clueless user saw that the temp was set to 10 degrees c or something and decided to warm it up a bit.
Fuck OFF
>via 9gag.com
94F isn't bad you doofus
It sounds too high to me. What is the standard?
94F Ambient temp sounds pretty bad. I'd be more comfortable if it was closer to 70F
How do people ruin their chargers like this. I've had the same ones for years.
What are you even saying? Are you from Africa?
>Insane amount of space heaters confined to poorly cooled room
>Thermal runaway
>HDDs run at ~30C max load while cooled with external temp at 10C
>Room temp is suddenly 35C
>HDDs now running nearly 50C, blaring smart alarms in sys logs
>One vdev goes down after repeated mechanical failure to commit writes to disk, entire pool faults and server room begins to meltdown.
>GPUs used for compute relying purely on case fan flow, pushing excess of 300 watts through one die begin to sweat, one overtemps at 105C while a client loads it.
>Incidence of memory errors jump by a factor of 100 over poorly cooled DIMMs
>Fiber and networking backbones fail intermittently and retrans spikes
>Server room grows loud on the outside like a banshee despite the auditory shielding in place
Yup, it's not that bad.
pls respond
This guy likes soldering and stuff, I think he likes it that way. His computer is really dirty, it looks like he is trying to grow potatoes in his keyboard or something.
Anyways, we told him that everyone in the office was going to chip in and buy him a new charger, and you know what he replied? "Awesome! That way I can keep the new one as a backup!"
Wow, i was not ready for that
Yeah it is not even a phenom...
Are you fucking stupid?
Learn how to read before posting, retard.
Am I supposed to believe that a microwave would have any influence on my router, since a standard microwave should have no radiation leakage?
do you work for apple?
I remember the time that Sup Forums convinced me to buy a thinkpad and I bought a thinkpad edge
One of the flip tap dealies broke so I had to superglue to fix it.
they have a small amount of leakage, not enough to damage anything, but wifi is already very low power (typically
And the thing was perpetually overheating so I got one of those usb fan pads.
who aren't you quoting?
You have downs
Wtf man are you mentally hilarious or what
But it didn t work, so I took off the bottom tray, and superglued some velcro on it and the computer so make a new, fan bottom
Jesus, it's like a horror movie
The playing cards were to hold the HDD in place. It was precision work, so I went with duct tape instead of glue.
how about you just spend $20 on new complete case, you fucking ape?
that's nothing. Once had the air-conditioning fail in our office. On an 80 F day the heat turned on and the plastic holding the heat sink on to my colleague's computer MELTED. As in seriously melted. Unfortunately no pics, but once the heat sink was replaced it ran just fine. It's a nice old machine.
I still use my E330, in fact I'm typing from it right now. It's been a perfect laptop for me, I'm very satisfied all in all. The battery still gives me around 3.5 h of autonomy.
But the airflow was still insufficient to prevent critical overheating, so I used my soldering iron to melt out parts of the plastic protecting the fans for maximum coolness.
Long story short, it was a disaster all around.
Doggo liked chewing on mine
i really enjoyed that punchliVKDOTCOMSLASHSYSODMINSDOTRU
what is that?
Somebody is so fired.
Are you implying 90° f is bad for a non-inhabited room that absolutely cannot have heavy condensation from ac?
Maybe you should set your ac to 80
Guize . . . did i find the hyperthreads?
94 degrees Fahrenheit waaaah
Maybe you should dump ice on your server
breaking hardware is pleb-tier gore
making computers go fucking insane through years of practice at software abuse is god-tier gore.
>your average intelfag
Just found this, wanted to check what Intel fanboys had to say about the disaster unveiling of the new xeon line and stumbled upon this
How big of a problem exactly?
>half life 2 for android
w-what's happening here senpai?
wouldn't the notches prevent it?
microwaves heat up dense things, like water, it's the purpose of microwave ovens
if a significant amount leaks out of the microwave oven, it may heat up surrounding objects, the danger of which depends on what those objects are
you'd know if your microwave oven was leaking badly, as you'll feel it, that and there's a massive hole in your oven. iirc any hole less than 200mm will begin to attenuate these microwaves, so it'd probably take a pretty big (and noticeable) hole to cause a problem
Look top right of the chip
Sure if you weren't a fucking mongoloid and tried forcing it in with too much pressure while the chip is rotated in the wrong direction 180 degrees
That's what you get when you buy Intel CPUs.
I lost so fucking hard.
isnt that the guts from some really expensive audio connector some dude ripped apart to prove the tech was bs? if not someone post that lol
Imagine being at computers
I worked at a school district in IT and had a wifi deadzone from a microwave being used in the break room for teachers
i bought my laptop at a discount because it was the last one at the store and it was the display model
3 months later i started getting weird green bars flickering all over the screen and i could hear a loud ass fan inside (almost certainly GPU fan)
i had them repair it since it was under warranty and the repair guy was bullshitting me by saying "i dont notice any green bars and i dont hear anything" to which i said "bullshit" and told him i have a recording of both the green bars and the noise.
they replaced the GPU fan for free and i haven't had a problem since. i think switching to ubuntu helped because now my entire computer doesn't heat up to the temperature of the fucking sun delivering all my data to the NSA or whatever.
Fuck no, otherwise we wouldn't have this happening at my work constantly
I remember going to a friend's house and he was like do you want to play computer games and like sure so we go into his room.
His room smells like ash, something is wrong. He sits down and boots up some shitty free to play FPS called Blacklight and that's when I saw it.
His keyboard was completely covered in dried up weed, tobacco and knife marks on the wrist rest.
He fucking uses his keyboard as a weed chopping board and joint rolling station. The keys were covered in ash like he flicks his joints at the keyboard so the keys were black as fuck and this was all normal to him he just kept playing while I was cringing at that fucking disgusting keyboard.
I wish I took a picture because the keyboard looked Ike that Game boy that survived Vietnam.
kek, the gameboy isn't THAT old
you're thinking of the one that was bombed during the gulf war
>paying for aircon in a room where nobody goes and is for servers
Yeah, brilliant decision making.. not!
It was a really bad looking keyboard.
Nsa had a huge part in developing Ubuntu idiot
>welcome to City 17
>it's safer here
do you have a point? Any other factoids you'd like to share? Did you know the Navy funded Tor?
Why are women always cold?
Depends, where i live you call a public number before digging, and utilities have something like a few days to mark them. Being a larger projects, I'm not sure how that translates to this
My friend introduced me to this girl at a party a few months back. Nice enough girl, pretty easy to talk to.
Later on we're chatting about interests and hobbies. I sperg out and talk about tech. Turns out her desktop is BSODing on a fairly regular basis, so she invites me over to take a look at it. Usually I don't go out of my way to help others with tech-related issues (especially when no money is involved), but I figure the girl is cute enough. What's more, if I oblige, I might even get laid.
I walk in her house and her pitbull is going fucking nuts. I barely survive the mauling and we head upstairs to her bedroom where the PC resides.
Her room is a fucking disaster. Clothes strewn all over the floor. Dark sheets blocking all sunlight from entering the room. Messages scribbled in marker and paint plastered all over the walls. There's a fucking dead tarantula in a plastic box atop what looks appears to be a dresser, but there's garbage piled so high you can't really be sure. She says the tarantula is "moulting." Apparently it's been "moulting" for an entire year. Next to the dead tarantula, a water bottle with some sort of fungus growing inside.
And then there's the PC.
The keyboard is black as tar with weed crumbs and pills everywhere. At least four ashtrays filled with cigarette butts. The smell: indescribable. Multiple half-drank two-liters of Pepsi and even a few fucking MLP statues crowd the desk.
Her PC is fucking whirring away in the corner. The thing is emitting sound like a fucking weed-whacker.
I fix the issue as quickly as I can and gtfo. She begs me to stay and asks if I want to get drunk with her later.
Suffice it to say I never saw her again. Thing is she lives really close to me. We're talking a few blocs. I literally avoid her street at all costs.
fucking HELL
the case on the micro-b connector on my phone's cable broke, had to tape it up
for some reason they decided a imitation apple cable was a good idea instead of just molded plastic like everyone else uses
I wish I had a picture of it, but I forgot to
it's called "the room of shame" by my school's IT department
it's the main network closet, it's got POTS hardware from the 60's being run concurrently with a shitty VoiP system, 3 non-functioning VPS's and a firewall that is half dead
there's no cable management whatsoever at that specific campus
this is why I hate marijuana users
they're all dirty
Hyper abortion tier
I'll admit it took me a second
I'm clean and I make more money than you
would anyone get mad at me if i did this with a 560ti?
anything above freezing is torture, unless you're an insect, a parasite, or a poisonous reptile
the cold cleanses, there's a reason why vermin can't tolerate it