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Thanks to these retards fucking pre-ordering a damn mass produced GPU might not be so stupid.

Thanks minerfags.

picks and shovels

Why would I be? My 1080 is faster than all those AYYMD cards put together.

What's your ROI? I'm just asking because im wondering if putting the motherboards in cases will put you in the red.

personally i think buyying some coins low and waiting for them to rise is more effective than spending thousands of dollars in hardware

Thank for saving amd gpu department

>faggot miner wants to buy my rog 480 for $600
>lol k
>I'll just buy another amd card for cheaper
>mfw not a single mid-range videocard available in my country

what clock it run at

Is that Anton?

Joke's on you, cuntlord, the bubble will pop and you will have no money to speak of.

why would someone be mad at the retard who is mining instead of investing

i think it's already going down with ETH crashing

seven forty

No I'm not mad.
I'm just sad, some of that computing power could go for cancer research.

Nope, thanks for lowering the value of second hand GPUs in the near future.

fuck you fagot those stupid platforms will never cure cancer. Might as well use those gpu/cpu cycles on something that can make you money.

it will recover just wait, trust the merchants

t. merchant

>tfw can't find an unopened working old ps3
Fuck these people.

This is why I don't participate in the Buttcoin bullshit even though it might be nice to ship some LSD my way sometime...

So can these combined produce 60 fps at least?

Probably not.

what are they mining? i thought you needed GPUs for most of the coins

Those are PS3's and they were probably used in some other distributed computing like Folding @ Home or something.

You? Yes you are.

folding@home-coin when?

why do you waste so much space? put those things closer together

the fuck is this?

i got mine, I'm fine

Off the top of my head, this is the (condor? Commodore?) PS3 cluster formerly(maybe currently) used by the U.S air force for super duper high resolution rendering from satellites or something. They don't use them for the nVidia thingy in there which is about as powerful a gpu as an 8 year old ekth crayons, but for the CELL cpu because it's cheap IBM POWER cores and also probably because it's fun.

iirc this is a super computer that the USAF made for enhancing radars and processing satellite pictures
I think they went for it because they wanted to see if it could work, with the advantage being over a traditional supercomputer being the fact it's like under 10% of the cost of a normal one
There were more powerful supercomputers out there, but for what they needed those more powerful ones wouldn't have processed their shit any quicker

Post your condolences here.

why is eth crashing in the first place?
will it go up again? maybe we should buy into it after it crashed some more?

Whales shaking out weak hands in anticipation of Aug 1st.

Yesterday it dropped from 206 to 186 in 30 seconds then bounced back to 216 within 15 secs.

His bot is so predictable now I'm making $4 every 10~20 minutes simply doing nothing.

i wish i could have access to this machine for 10 minutes ....
just imagine
[h] [t] [o] [p] [enter] *100 cores apear*

>needs 10 minutes to start up htop

Isn't etherium crashing right now?


yes - well, it went from $320 to sub $200 in two weeks.