This is the new king of Sup Forums

This is the new king of Sup Forums

his specs
>rasperry pi a+
>shitty old monitor
>vortex core

That's a cute monitor.

That old chestnut chair looks pretty comfy desu
I'd take it over my gaming chair anyday

where can I get a monitor like this? this thing is awesome

He looks comfortable in that hoodie/poncho combo I admit.

>rasperry pi a+
bud why
There are plenty of SBCs available that do not require proprietary bootloaders.

Also keyboard to few features.

senpai ^_^

I sit in that chair nude on the reg it's 10/10

sony trinitron beware shitty ebay resellers

anybody talking trash about my pi A+ I got loads of drawers full of uC's you haven't even heard of (this one not a good example)

Show us pictures lord kingly

>not using an ibm bucking spring with your raspberry pi

we got a total pleb here

could we get some more pics of this setup? how's the pi with dwm?


I don't use it for the Pi but I do use it for my arduino and esp's ;) ;) desu

Just my work laptop atm, I had a 1U zomby serving as my desktop but it's at my office RN. I'd get a gaming PC or whatever but machines are cattle not pets.

the pi A+ works alright with DWM. it's definitely not a streamlined UX. I was running it overclocked with just surf as the browser. once it loaded pages it handled fine but pageload always took a bit.

>dwm without Super key
not fucking possible, using alt/ctrl as modkey fucks up way to many programs to use it.

yeah for real, if it wasn't just surf/links and irssi i was using on that i'd be too much of a pain to actually use

nice foot

d-d'ye really think so? *blush*

well i mean it doesnt look nasty so at least theres that

pic related

that cat has a weird skull

yeah he's got genuine damage

I like this cat. This is a good cat.

he's a reflection of his owner in that he's constantly breaking shit and bricking electronics

He looks pretty chill, I wish I had friends like him.
I hope he keeps posting here on Sup Forums

still here bb

What browser and how do you post without google captcha? Pass?

I have a pass because I'm a massive faggot but you can use links w/ captcha websites it's just jank as fuck. look up XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND in the links documentation, you basically tie it to a command you want to fetch and view the image

To be the king he have to pass the anime test fisrt.
Post your 3 favourite anime

I'm scared but I'll try this is a hard question. I have really weird taste. I'm gonna give three that I can't call my favorite (not sure what it would be) but why I like them.

1.) (pic related) I like really obscure non-canon commissions.
2.) Gurenn Lagann. I guess this is sorta childish but when I went to college my roommate was the full 9 Sup Forums for real. fedora, anime boob mousepad, nervous laugh, xbox avatar that clearly had thought put into it. one night I got him baked and he was like 'listen man, just do this for me and watch this with me' so we did. It stuck with me. Kamina is a god.
3.) Akira. came out the year I was born, saw it when I was too young to understand it fully and kept having to go back to it. It was made by hand when that kind of art was a real craft--there wasn't any CGI every single layer and texture and lighting was considered carefully.

I guess those are really basic bitch picks but I more so think they're fundamentals.

Otherwise Ghost Stories is my shit. Keiichiro Miyanoshita is my slack handle I love that little tard

Nigger you're supposed to answer with something like Yuru yuri or Love live.

user look at me do I look like I know what I'm doing?

Imagine just pirating an internet connection and living in a cabin in the woods, your favorite machine with you for programming, scripting and the interwebs.
You fish, hunt, cut your own wood.

>Imagine just pirating an internet connection and living in a cabin in the woods, your favorite machine with you for programming, scripting and the interwebs.
>You fish, hunt, cut your own wood.
You cunt

that sounds ideal user

How is the orbit? I'm considering getting one.

king king king king king king king king king kingkingkingkin gkngin kgngingkgn ging kgng ignk gnkgn ging ingkng ignkgn gin gkng kgn igngk ngingingkgnkgngknging ig ign gingi ngig nig ngkng kgn king

do you mean the desk or the bong i just got both one day i don't know the brand. both work awesome

It's fine at least he didn't go full tryhard.

The trackball.


oh shit dude. It's really awesome actually. the movements are more exaggerated but somehow it's easier on my wrist/arm. also you can take the ball out and fuck with it and spin the scroll wheel till it vibrates so 10/10

wow shit was there really a meme that predetermined what I like?

/k/ needs to be added to this.

I main Sup Forums but I definitely go in for the Sup Forums list.


Look at him he's so kingly

was it autism?

>not Luke Smith

>Being a king of losers

Anime is.

>calling yourself a loser

I like Like Smith but he reminds of Peter Dinklages older brother

Definitely my new favorite guy on Sup Forums

>guys tinkering away make me happy
>havent spoeken to a girl all week
>it wont get any better


add berserk to /fit/ and it's spot on

you spoke to a girl just last week?
i don't even have to speak to girls when shopping anymore thanks to self-checkouts
don't even specifically recall the last time i spoke to a girl

He isn't. An average Sup Forums user is any combination of a pajeet, an applefag, a gaymer and a C-Haskell-Arch-clown.

nothin's wrong with Arch homie even my Model M is Arch themed :-D

Pretty much everything I do involves text.

I could probably get a SBC or cheap netbook and save a whole lot of space.

>Owns a SJW pi
>King of Sup Forums
Try again.

that has to be the ugliest tifa i've seen yet

Tifa works in a slum bar and gets punched in the face for a living.

She's not going to be pretty.

fair enough

where do you get small crts?

10$ Chromebook with gallium is

12 hrs of battery life when using dwm

That cable clutter