Why use Windows?

Why use Windows?

because it actually works

muh gayms

The only actual answer.

More and more [productivity] software will be software as a service and largely platform independent.

every other platform is shit for using anything that isnt a queer little opensource window-imitation software

Games and some specialized software like adobe stuff.

it just werks

the only thing i've ever needed windows for since switching is to write windows iso's to a usb for a friends re-install


linux is error/glitch/bug/wtfisevengoingon hell
mac is a walled garden for toddlers

not to mention the amount of work needed to make anything in linux work. Anything that is point and click in other OSes requires 50 packages, 20 config files, and carefully crafted commandlines to work in linux, and then you get to figure out why it doesn't work when you switch to an ssh session instead of a local one.

Adobe crap (PS, Premiere) and CAD.
There aren't any viable alternatives.

Gaymes run fine on Linux.

Try winusb/woeusb. No need for Windows.

Storm and Sewer Analysis

>inb4 open office and freecad
Piles of shit for the work I do

Funny enough, that's the feeling I get when using macs. Nothing just works

>I'm too stupid to use it so it sucks

Dumb fucking kid

Blizzard Games
Visual Studio
Adobe Photoshop
Applications interface without issues, all of them look the same way out of the box. If app have problems there are two ways: author fix problem or it goes to the trash bin.

On Linux we have problem with gtk/qt appearance, chromium tabs in the title, small version of window decoration in telegram app, open link with x.... instead of naming default program, font rendering, and more more more. There is no alternative for comfy and good UI/UX photo editor, word processor, and other programs. The only way you can feel nice with linux is use only terminal programs and do things the hard way, like code in vim or write document in LaTeX. You can do this, but for what reason?


Or, just upload your dotfiles to your github and then "git linktoyourfiles.com" and autoinstall them

I don't even play games on my pc anymore.
I just hate change.

Not everyone is a masochist who loves fixing weird shit in linux.

You would probably splooge your pants if you found a problem nobody else had before.

Is way more productive than Linux, you don't need a wiki to use it and forget about compiling your own drivers, just do your work
Also, it has the largest compatibility software list

Can't play overwatch at frame rates anywhere near what I get on windows.

Use it to develop .NET software.

My reasons


Better question:
Why use Linux?

Exactly. TurboTax and Office both have web versions now. More and more games are getting Linux ports nowadays too. Windows will soon be outdated.

it just werx

>outdated because shitty web apps

Alot of things are becoming web apps nowadays and Linux (or GNU/Linux for Stallman) has plenty of web browsers to run them in. Windows is a shit show, and the only reason it's still used is because of the amount of software written for it.

Yeah, and that's why you use an OS, because the amount of software written to it.

I maintain a small windows network at a nonprofit. Of course the software is windows oriented. It all works ok. I can see using it for certain applications. I can't see running windows on my own machine that I built and payed money for however. They act like they own the machine it's installed on. I run it virtually if ever. All OS are a guest on my machine and I decide what is done on it and when.


>it just work for gaymes until I use the browser and get a virux then I 'fresh install' then it just werks again.

>gpu doesnt support dx12
>literally no reason to upgrade from 7
sometimes it feels good to be poor

Works really well in Wine, as long as your interface is compatible.
The vendor even supports that configuration.
>until the native linux version, which is proceeding surprisingly well


and windows is both of that

>Downloading from shady sources
You only have yourself to blame, retard.


Literally this.
Find me a replacement for Maya, C4D, Solidworks, Photoshop, AfterEffects, Premiere, Foobar2000, Notepad++, Office package, etc.

And games on top of it.

>be computer illiterate
>try to play xcom on steam on my W10 laptop
>encountered an issue where I have to delete my files on my C drive where my steam files are
>lol no admin privilege, despite my account having administrator privilege but apparently the actual privileges are disabled on default

I fucking hate W10, the "it just werks" argument is getting thinner and thinner every fucking day

I just had this issue with Dota two days ago.
A simple restart fixes the issue. You don't even need to delete the temporal files, they will be gone after the restart.

>not dualbooting Windows for gaymes and Linux for productivity

Linux/GNU makes me feel alone, like no one's watching me.

>Office package
What is Brackets, LibreOffice and Clementine? Also, use www.alternativeto.net

>blizzard games are trash
>visual studio isn't that great
>photoshop exists on osx
>osx has superior third party uis

>mfw my toddler sister actually uses a Mac which is made for t. Toddlers

isnt it cross platform
on osx
vm will do
on osx
on osx
on osx
it's trash. use cmus or hell, even itunes
it's trash. use sam or hell, even sublime text
>office package
ms office exists on osx and iWork is pretty good.

Libre Office is garbage, and doesn't offer all the stuff the Office package for business offers.

So that's two out of nine programs that I use on the regular.
Can you find me comparable replacements for Maya, Cinema 4D, Photoshop and After Effects? I'd say those are even more important to me and my job.

I got into CMD and enabled my admin privileges over there, it's working for now.

I guess microsoft is trying to make the absolute drooling normies unable to screw up their computers by preventing them from being able to delete vital files by accident or stupidity.

between handholding backwards bullshit like this, telemetry, forced updates and god knows how many fucking other future issues I am going to encounter I am really considering to just buy a machine dedicated for games and nothing else.

No thanks

I use windows on my work PC for two reasons

>Visual Studio
>Computer doesn't shit itself every time I tries to resume from RAM

>Linux fucks something up every time the kernel upgrades

I am using windows because I don't have autism :)

those run in wine

And how well do they perform and how responsive they are when run through wine? Does wine mean I get full support on everything that I could get on windows, like plugins and external tools, renderers, etc?
Are the render/encoding times comparable when ran through Wine?

Because, unless you're gay, the only alternative is systemd/Linux+GNU.

>Linux for productivity

Y'all niggas need LaTeX

>writing lines of code to make a simple fucking essay.

Moreover, try to do a team work with teammates who don't even know what LaTeX is, then think again if LibreOffice (who usually messes up with the formatting of docx files) or LaTeX are good alternatives to MS Office.

Because I'm content with being a lazy shit.

and for WannaCry Pieta and another ransom that will appear next month.
myh WINE/Dualboot

PS. pic rel

Because it's the best.

>using adobe products on windows

What's the alternative? There's no Linux version...

Shitty overpriced laptop OS?
No thanks.

nothing as good as PS


>Implying linux isn't the only productive OS

To have a computer that doesn't crash every 5 minutes.

Do I have to compile my own response for that?

I use Linux for fun and Windows for productivity, can't really do my work on Linux

Foobar and games.

What kind of work do you do?

linux is a toy, it doesn't have the necessary polish and support an operating system needs

>not using adobe products on windows
Are you a faggot toddler of something?

I'm a designer full time and motion graphics artist part time.

I can see that, but how do you use linux for fun though?

I like coding. building scripts, tinkering the OS, etc.

Dunno what you're talking about, my laptop is a piece of shit yet I think I can count only with one hand the number of times W10 has crashed.

>can only launch 10% of programs and even then the performance is 70% worse than on winblows

>complete a task on windows in 30 minutes
>need 5 hours just to get the program to work on linux
So productive
