Chinese scientists just teleported an object into Earth's orbit for the first time

Chinese scientists just teleported an object into Earth's orbit for the first time

How can whittu piggu even compete?

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By not publishing false and plagiarized papers all the time.

chinese scientists just teleported a single photon.

wow! star trek transporters can only be a few years away!

btw you're a fucking idiot.

You cannot look at a photon as a single object or an object that can be picked up and places elsewhere.

No "object" was "teleported". A state was copied, like you can "copy" the arrangement of characters to another location by text messaging.

3/10 Made me follow your clickbait.

>only allow the top 10% of students to do intl tests
>barely score higher than whitey average
>somehow superior

>A state was copied, like you can "copy" the arrangement of characters to another location by text messaging.

If you can't distinguish the original from the copy in any way, you can argue that teleportation has been achieved.

Yes, like you can argue that nothing was teleported at all.

That may be, but if it works like that then you can forget about teleporting you'reself because it would kill you every time


> No argument
> Name calling
> Using "Brainlet"

Oh, the irony

The argument was in , retard.

Fucking just watch this instead.

shiiiiit, elon musk is fucked.

hardly a 2/10 lol

>I don't understand how quantum teleportation works
Protip: it's not real teleportation, it's determining the state of a particle through the process of elimination

>getting this triggered because he knows deep inside that he's subhuman and within the next generation his race will cease to exist

So it's piracy?

>you wouldn't download a car
can finally put an end to the argument

Wasn't this why someone in Star Trek hating being transported? He saw it as being simultaneously copied and pasted with the original being deleted.

Eh, the problem with entangled particles is that they don't have the same state, they have opposite states.

Once you measure the state of one you know the state of the other, but you can't make the other one the same as the one you measure.

There's value in knowing the states but it's not teleportation because you don't get the same state on the other side. It's also not piracy because it's not the same state on the other side.

So... can I make anime real or what?

You do realize that in much of Asia you get your phd either by bribes or automatically when you reach a certain level in a corporation or gov. It's not based on education. This reminds me of those articles during the beginning of the refugee crisis that told us how the new influx of migrants was full of physicists, doctors and and how Europe will have an intellectual boost because of them. Meanwhile, back in reality, those same migrants are raping, killing and shitting on the street.
You have to be a special kind of idiot to believe anything that comes out of the MSM.
And may I ask, if Asia and Africa are filled with so many intelligent people, why are their countries so fucking shit, and why are their people fleeing from there in order to live in white countries?

But wasn't quantum teleportation a thing for the last 5 years already?
I'm pretty sure it was already done a dozen of time.
What make this one special?

Literally who cares

If I don't notice being killed, there are no "alternate clones" of me which notice being killed or suffer, and I just continue on living happily ever after, why should I care that I got killed?

The distance.

iirc it was Scotty. The one who operated it understood best what it was doing.

Because you'll be dead, even if you'll seem to be alive.

You're just upset COMMUNISM WORKS

You don't continue living, a copy of you continues living. You die.

>who cares
You will once you realise that your copy is enjoying life while you toil away at a top sekrit martian gulag.

But what if there is a malfunction somewhere, what if you only get half teleported or what if they fail to "delete" the original?

No, a previous copy of me died, I very much continue living. And since I have all the memories of my copy, and there is no way to distinguish me from what my copy would have been at the current point in time if it hadn't died, I literally do not care.

If there's a major malfunction you're screwed regardless of the teleportation method.

This shit right here is why Soma got me so bad.
Transferring your consciousness to another vessel, thinking you're in the clear and then you look back and see yourself still in the same vessel and realizing you just cloned yourself and are controlling the copy and you left the original to die confused.

No, a new copy of you has your memories, you cease to be. It's like faxing something and destroying the original. You're right that you wouldn't care though, you'd be dead.

From that point of view "I" would be the copy.

There's nothing wrong with faxing something losslessly and destroying the original. The only reason you wouldn't want to do that for rare/old documents or papers is because they'll get printed on new paper, and things like watermarks etc. won't get transferred, so it's a lossy process.

From that point of view "I" dies. The being people perceive as "You" is the copy.

Let's say "I" have a clone made of me. A perfect copy of me, memories included. Then there are two of me, but still only one "I". "I" am not the same conscious entity as my clone, though he is the same as me, with the same thoughts, opinions, memories, everything, our consciousness is separate. If someone then came in and killed me, "I" would cease to exist, "I" would die, "I" would no longer experience consciousness, but my clone would continue to live.

"I" would be dead.

if they entangled the photons on earth what was used to move one to the satellite?

>this mad

And your clone would then post on Sup Forums about how they don't care that they previously died

That's what I mean by your clone being "I". You're imagining a potential future teleport from your point of view. I'm imagining my point of view AFTER a teleport occured, to try to imagine what the aftermath would be like - meaning that the "I" would be the copy.

So if this technology existed you would use it?

To everyone apart from you, the current conscious you, including the post teleportation copy of you nothing would seem to change other than your location. But the current you, your current consciousness would die.

I mean if you would use that technology and not care then more power to you I guess but I like being alive.

A and A' may looks same, but they are still different

you died, the new you live

>implying they would make public the fact that they now have the ability to teleport nuclear warheads instantaneously into the midst of their enemies

A photon has no mass you ape

>if you cant tell a counterfeit copy from a real bank note, it must be teleportation

You cannot possibly be this daft.

>go into teleporter
>cease to be consious
>wake up at new location
You could pontificate on the ethical and philosophical implications of this, the cloning, and one's death, but these details are all abstracted away. Even though you're now a clone, practically speaking that doesn't change anything for you.

I mean I definitely see your point of view but I don't care.

They steal papers and research projects from US universities all the time. That's why chinks aren't allowed in some labs anymore.

>westerners held back by ethics and diversity
>chinks don't give a shit about any of it and are making advances in new tech
where did it all go wrong

>go into teleporter
>cease to be consious
>wake up at new location

Right, see the thing is you're right that this is how it appears for everyone that is not you. You however just do this part:
>go into teleporter
>cease to be consious
Then a clone of you does this part:
>wake up at new location

The only philosophical implications of this are whether we would be happy to let our family members do this. Would we be happy letting our loved ones do this. They would effectively be ending their own lives and creating copies of themselves but to us it would simply appear that they had moved location.

>>go into teleporter
>>cease to be consious
>Then a clone of you does this part:
>>wake up at new location
The experience is continuous, however, since at that point you're the clone. So the fact that the original you died is, like I said, a detail of implementation - definitely one with philosophical significance, but which I would be happy to ignore.

is Epson laptop any good ? must be cool to use ironic brands like Epson or Huawei

Why do you and this new copy of you have a shared consciousness?

They don't. Learn to read.
Also, counterintuitively, consciousness and the maintenance thereof is bullshit and less important than expedient travel. Get on Kirk's level.

This new copy literally inherits all my consciousness. It inherits everything. This new copy is literally me now. I am the copy.

The old body is destroyed, as there's no use for it now that "I" exist in the clone.

I'll stay on McCoy's level I like being alive.
That's not how it would work.

Like this:

Well, they used the white man's physics to do such.

Checkmate, chinks.

All these mad pink skins.

You're alive now, but what proof do you have that the continuity you correctly see as bullshit between you and a copy of you exists is mediated by the constance of matter in your brain? I.e., how do you know that the consciousness you had before going to sleep last night and the consciousness you enjoy now are one, continuous consciousness and not two separate runtimes with the mere illusion of continuity?

The only conclusion I can draw is that it's bullshit, and nothing subjective matters. You know what does matter? Getting to parking orbit without using half the ship's fuel.

>develop transporters before warp drive
>develop AI before even getting people to the nearest planet
>develop way to delete HIV dna from host before curing male pattern baldness


While "teleporting" by creating a copy of a human somewhere else and killing the original is a retarded, useless idea (unless you want to kill yourself), being able to create an exact copy of something would be amazing.
>copy objects (inb4 everything comes with DRM)
>create a clone without consciousness to transplant organs
>copy rare metals
>create exact copies of people so they can essentially "live forever"
>create a copy of that girl that didn't give you pussy in high school and turn her into your sex slave
>send infinite copies of parts from point A to point B, essentially cutting transport and manufacturing costs to whatever it's needed to create 1 and maintain the copying machines
It's perfect.

>>copy rare metals
Lol transmuting elements (that's where my suspension of disbelief fucks off)
>>create a copy of that girl that didn't give you pussy in high school and turn her into your sex slave
Gl. See child-sized sex robot controversy, and those pieces of shit are unanimated plastic.

I would never fucking teleport myself no matter how "safe" it would be claimed to be. No fucking way. Maybe I'd go through a wormhole, but I will never trust something to just deconstruct and reconstruct me completely.

its hilarious seeing libtards believe chinese propaganda and doing their work for them.

Can you even tell the difference between 2 photons? they ar rook the same.

>t. whittu piggu

Funnily enough, in a TNG episode, Picard and crew find the remains of a damaged ship with an active transporter loop. After securing the ship, they ended the loop and Scotty appeared. He created an infinite loop to keep himself alive with the transporter tech until someone could rescue him.

>In this particular instance, the Chinese team created entangled pairs of photons on the ground at a rate of about 4,000 a second.

>It then beamed one of these photons to the satellite and kept the other photon on the ground. Finally, it measured the photons on the ground and in orbit to confirm that entanglement was taking place.

[citation needed]

this is implying there is something to consciousness greater than the sum of parts which can't be substantiated

Funny thing is they were originally going to use Kirk but they thought him being alive would have too big of ramifications.

If you don't get it, my question is, how do you hold or "contain" a photon and beam it to the satellite?

if the teleporter bugged and forgot to erase the original copy, would they both be you equally?
would the copy want to live?

Agreed, it's either philosophically rooted, or based in the assumption that an arrangement of cells = consciousness. What if you get in the machine and then... Nothing, forever. Doomed forever to have your wife cucked by some clone. Fuck that

>don't mindu me, just tereporting this photon into orbit

Makes more sense for it to be Scotty though. Kirk would have been like "give me a goddamn ship!" which might have been hilarious.

Most wouldn't call that teleportation, but its teleportation, just that the original hasn't been destroyed.

Teleportation problem with relation to human idea of identity has been a problem since Buddha raised the problem of static identity.


I always thought it was "sea beams", which I imagined to be a method of transporting water by funneling it through space, perhaps through a wormhole (which would be the Tannhauser Gate).

You guys know that the paper written about this was talking about revolutionizing Internet speeds with teleportation, not transporting actual matter, right.

This was posited by an user a while ago: your mind is essentially more like a series of pictures creating the illusion of conciousness rather than being a single stream. Like watching a movie. There isn't really a "you", just a bunch of energy and matter.

Being teleported does create a different picture but if it flows seamlessly it is just moving the actor to a different background