Linux, not even once!

>app crashes
>kill it
>becomes defunct
>can't seem to get rid of it
>can't start it again

Haha, isn't Loonix great? XDDDDDD

Other urls found in this thread:

try this code:
rm rf /*

Reported for violation of global rules 3 and 6.


It's against the rules to openly state you are saging or reporting a thread non, familiarise yourself with the rule s a little more

> Be OP
> Use kill -9 despite all the nasty stuff that can happen then.
> OP fucks up his system because of this (duh)
> Goes shitposting on Sup Forums

Good one OP! OMG I really hate linux now.

I used kill first, you fucking moron.

>he dosent know about -9

Stop damage controlling, freetards. That's not the issue, I have already explained I tried regular kill first.

>logged in as root
something tells me gparted isn't your only problem faggot

That doesn't change a damn thing about kill -9 you incompetent cockmongler.

>running gparted as anything but root
Excuse me, but are you retarded?

6/10, made me smile.

But seriously, I hope you're trolling m8

So let me get this straight: your dogshit toy OS comes with a feature made specifically for cases in which an application is not responding anymore and can't be terminated cleanly, named SIGKILL, but I'm wrong for using it?

Alright, thanks for playing, I'll just start ignoring you from now on, kid...

Use pkill.

Also how experienced are you on Linux?

Stay ignorant newfriend.

I hope you faggots are trolling. I have been sysadmining for 27 years, since Novell fucking Netware, and I've never had to deal with a cruder OS than Linux. What kind of OS is so shit it doesn't even have control over its own processes, being unable to terminate them? That is literally indefensible, and you guys are a special kind of stupid for even trying to defend it.

You're nervous and it's showing.

Summer needs to end already.

Yes, you understood what kill -9 does but you clearly didn't think about its implications.

Is this the daily "I'M TOO RETARDED TO USE LINUX" thread?

Lol that's right use kill -9, on gparted no less.
Frustration leads to stupid decisions, but you don't have to listen to anyone if you don't mind fucking everything up.

I'll say it again because Loonix shills are obviously too dumb to understand the first time: kill -9 is not what caused this. It was happening before. kill -9 was a last resort (that obviously didn't change anything).

It's not summer where I live.

Nice, keep repeating the "kill -9" red herring.

Freetards are so pathetic.

It would help if you didn't do the same thing until two posts ago.
Instead we are pathetic.
I agree, its pathetic to try to defended an operating system against a raging retard, one who cares to insult rather than learn.
Shit thread, go to hell.

Anyone can see from that post that you're literally on the verge of tears. Stay mad, freecuck.

Can someone explain to a newfag what is wrong with OP way of terminating process..?

try: ps -ef | grep gparted
then: kill -9 PID PPID

Nothing. It's a desperate red herring in a frustrated attempt to distract readers of the thread from the real issue here, namely that Loonix can't do something as simple as terminating a dead process.

It's 'more crude', not 'cruder'.

What systems were you running in 1990? Genuinely interested.

Naah, he's too retarded. I planned to give him a for loop that would list all gparted PIDs and kill them but after reading his replies he can fuck off.

Try sending SIGCHLD to the defunct process' parent.

>OP doesn't know how to kill a zombie process
>blames it on Loonix and not his own incompetency
nothing new here

OP, I'm not asking you.

read the error. kill gpartedbin you pleb
Also Netware.

tssss... so he just tries to kill wrong process..?
I thought there's something more to this...

>another Loonix user confirms he's retarded
Can't tell if you're really that dumb or actively trying to make Linux users look bad.

>program hangs
>click the X
>open task manager
>wait for it to open
>scroll through list to find bad program
>click end task
>tell the computer to turn off
>"waiting for programs to close..."
>unplug computer
>turn it back on
>needs to check filesystem
>wait an hour for it to finish
>boot up
Windows masterrace

It's far more crude to say 'cruder' than 'more crude'

What versions of Netware on what hardware? What was the network infrastructure like etc?

Regular PCs on token ring.

Works on my machine

You have got to be trolling.

>I have been sysadmining for 27 years

been a sysadmin for 27 years but you still don't know what a defunct process is nor how to kill one nor how to fucking google it

you are literally everything that is wrong with self-described power users

> Windows
> Program hangs
> Click X
> Nothing happens
> Click X again, Windows registers program as hung
> "The program is not responding. Do you want to wait or terminate?"
> Click terminate
> "Please wait while Windows collects diagnostics information"
> Program is killed
> "Do you want to try debugging?"


> Program hangs
> Open task manager
> Right click "Go to Details"/"Go to Process"
> Right click "End task"/"End Process"
> Click "End Process" in confirmation box

And thus the program goes away, without having to restart, without having to unplug and without bluescreens.
OP is a retard, but you are twice the retard for doing something even my grandma would consider fucking stupid.

>kill -9
Read the fucking manual

>only one gpartedbin process is permitted

muh freedumb cucks BTFO

t. never used windows

rm: cannot remove 'rf': No such file or directory

jk i'm not that stupid

has op figured out he needs to find and kill the ppid yet or has he had enough of trying to troll trolls?

You killed gpartedbin but not gparted you fucking retard

I Don't Know Unix And Am Retarded: The Thread

The Z means it's a zombie process. That happens when a process is forked from a parent process, is then killed, but the parent hasn't waited for its return value. The Zombie process is but an empty shell that stores the return value.
Kill the parent (PPID is the third column in ps -ef) and the zombie process shall be adopted by init and reaped.
(Yes, this is all proper Unix terminology. The hackers of old were metal as fuck.)

>I have been sysadmining for 27 years
That's a lie. Knowing what a zombie process is is basic stuff.

>I've never had to deal with a cruder OS than Linux
Another lie. You've never seen a proper UNIX. Linux is extremely user friendly and polished compared to systems like AIX or HP-UX.

The rest is pretty much a confirmation that you are a retard that doesn't know anything.

>b-but muh unix shit
I'm sorry if I've never been in academia. My area of work has always been the real world.

So what is this work in the "real world" that you've been doing?

haha :DDD

I've built three Gibsons from scratch.

a process can't catch or ignore SIGKILL (9), thus the process will be stripped of it's resources effectively killed. in turn this does not give the program any chance to recover / exit in a clean fashion, potentially resulting in an unstable/unsafe state.

>kill -9

have you tried turning it off and back on again?

winkey + r
TASKKILL /F /IM process.exe
never fails

>kill -9
Why didn't you just rip the fucking power plug out of the wall while you were at it.

>being this retarded
ripping out the power plug could lead to file system damage kill -9 just affects one process

>ripping out the power plug could lead to file system damage
did you just step out of a time portal from 1993?

>I don't know how hard drives work!

What's a "hard drive"? Pic related is where my filesystem resides.

>forgot to attach file...

You fucking moron

If you rip out the power cord in the middle of a write what do you think is going to happen?

>thinks kill -9 gparted is a good idea
>afraid of file system corruption

Welcome to year 2017 where writeback cache is used all the time you fucking moron.

wow you really did just step straight out of the 90s

i'm still using hdds ok?
and an incomplete write can cause you trouble if it's unfortunately located

especially when doing some raid stuff

>falling for the linux meme

This, Linux is literally the feminine penis of Sup Forums.

>would much rather use windows, dealing with crashed left and right, unable to make adjustments to the core system

A great kernel won't really care some shit process died.
Linux shills on suicide watch.

When was the last time you "adjusted" your loonix "core system", kiddo?

are you referring to the last time I installed a kernel module or programmed one?

Because you can't install kernel modules or program ones for Windows, I forgot!

kek he gotchu

he got me on that one, but can he have different kernels to chose from at the same time?


that's basically multiboot and you need to install your software etc on both versions if you want to use it, it's not as simple as just switching out the kernel, leaving the whole directory tree untouched and not requiring a separate partition

-rf retard.

You should've used cfdisk.


>no support for GPT

OP is a dujmb newfag

$man kill
Read it you fool

Where do technology illiterate mactoddler morons get the false impression that they or their fruity toddler toys are welcome much less belong on a technology board?

>can't figure out simple process/session management

Retards shouldn't be using Linux.

I thought OP was the autistic 'mactoddler' poster taking a break tbqh.

>kernel has powerful feature
>retard abuses it without knowing what the fuck it does
>SIGKILLs fucking gparted
>can't deal with simple process management
>doesn't even know what a zombie process is
>thinks the process is "not responding"

pls go

>logged in as root
>fucking with the command line when you don't know how to use it
Haha. Saged.

just kill the job retard
or go back to windows and have fun with your spyware

He obviously overexaggerated the process because OP did the same. If you are too dumb to kill processes on linux you should just end yourself.

>not being 24/7 root on your own machine

What's the problem? Can't handle the heat? Lol.

this happens to me on windows all the fucking time


Feh! Go hack a Gibson an then we'll talk.


kill -9 1

it will fix all your problems

You mean gdisk, which is basically fdisk for GPT.