>you don't need 16GB!
>stick to 8GB, you won't use more than that!
Sup Forums said
remember to never listen to Sup Forums. Get as much RAM as you can afford, user.
>you don't need 16GB!
>stick to 8GB, you won't use more than that!
Sup Forums said
remember to never listen to Sup Forums. Get as much RAM as you can afford, user.
You don't need that much RAM unless you're doing something like video/photo-editing, in which case you should be at least intelligent enough to not believe anything you read on Sup Forums.
Windows 10 was designed to use all your RAM, they call it caching
except there is clearly no cache used here
Talk about bloat
>clearly no cache used here
>not noticing that his pleb C code has memory leacks
Looks like you're just running a stress test that uses most of your memory and maxes out your CPU
It only use 3 gb ram on Xbox.
Cool kids use 32 GB to be safe
You sure this is actually cache-on-ram?
Because I'm at 1.9 GB used, and it says 1.5 GB is "Cached".
It does say everything I'm running takes 0.4 GB, but surely there's windows services, drivers etc that takes *something*?
We're on Sup Forums right now and you told me to get as much RAM add i can afford. So should I listen to Sup Forums or what? Really makes me think
Cache itself might be a good argument for more ram or less.
If you use a LOT of files on your daily work, like,10GB+ of data you update per day, having a bunch of RAM to cache this data might be a good idea.
>tfw fell for the 32GB ram meme.
Feels good though.
Made a Ramdisk for %temp% and pagefile. It's very convenient.
Ever thought of virtualization?
>kernel secret
please tell me!
Sup Forums also told you to not use Chrome you stupid fuck.
Honestly I should have gone with 4x16GB, but cheaped out because DDR4 prices are high.
>ramdisk for pagefile
kinda redundant don't you think?
but what's the performance increase from putting the temp folder on ram?
What's the 9gb cache suppose to help with?
void *s;
while(1) {
s = malloc(1000000);
if(!s) {
printf("Look how much RAM I'm using\n");
Some programs/gaymes won't work properly without a pagefile. I don't want it on my SSD (more writes) or HDD (slow speed).
>but what's the performance increase from putting the temp folder on ram?
May speed up some programs that use temp folder for cache (7zip for example). And I don't need to worry about all the shits that Wangblows and other programs throw in there).
>Some programs/gaymes won't work properly without a pagefile.
didn't know this
Don't know about you user but my gentoo install uses around 150 mb of ram with firefox
What the fuck are you guys doing I can never get over 6 gb of ram even when doing something very autistic
>windows 10
Remember to not use javascript/electron based software
>You don't need that much RAM
yeah, most of the time you don't need 32 GB but it sure is nice to have it when you do.
yeah, I had to increase my pagefile to play arkham knight even though i got 16GB ram
~ $ node memory_leak
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { void *s;
SyntaxError: Unexpected token *
at createScript (vm.js:56:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:97:10)
at Module._compile (module.js:542:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
at Module.runMain (module.js:604:10)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:389:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:149:9)
check mate C fags, bare metal nodejs protects you from memory leaks
i merely pretended not to be retarded
Lel, productive on plan9?
3 tabs open on chrome
I'm testing some DFT based quantum transport code I'm working on. It involves a few eigenvalue problems for (complex, double precision) matrices that are quite large, so that's why I'm using so much memory. For bigger problems I'd have to run it on the cluster, but working locally is just nicer when testing code (if possible).
Made me reply
Okay that doesn't sound like what your average fa/g/ would do
You need ram
Hmm, It looks like OP is using google chrome.
>99% ram usage
>100% cpu usage
I can do that with 64 gb of ram
your point is retarded
>JUST get 8 gb
>it's enough
I only have my browser open
>winblows 10
fucking retard
But the OS isn't a full Windows 10 OS