Instead of shitposting, here's a fucking novel idea. Let's discuss how to protect and prevent malware like LeakerLocker from anally raping our beloved Android platform.
Instead of shitposting, here's a fucking novel idea...
Use F-Droid where possible and trustworthy developers' software when not.
shouldn't you disable the internet before installing an app?
like even if you disable the permissions, what good is that if they've already copied everything?
but then how would you install a google play app without the internet
Download the apk to an sd card
Put phone in airplane mode
Install apk
The Apple iPhone 7 Plus doesn't have this problem.
Once again Apple reigns supreme since you have to consent to giving each application a 'permission,' one at a time.
If an app wants to see my photos, camera, contacts, camera, calendar, or anything else, it will have to be done one by one. And I can still use the app if I don't allow it to see my shit.
Hey, Android added individual permissions in 6.0.
Sure less than half of all android devices are on 6.0 or higher but that's not important.
common sense
kill yourself
There's Google play apps infected and no real way to tell, fuck off with the "common sense" meme
And what if you don't give consent? Does the app still install? if not, it's the same exact fucking problem.
every device that can be rooted has access to xprivacy
This is why we need open source software.
Use an older Android version and xprivacy
All my app permissions are whitelisted, I think this is default behavior in 7.0
People who fall for this kind of fake apps are too retarded to follow that guide.
Lineage OS, Google is always selling garbage
Don't use lagdroid?
Lineage OS is buggy as fuck. I'd rather have a phone running stock Android, with maybe root access.
Unfortunately, to have a device running the latest Android OS, you basically have to upgrade every two years, because Android devices become fucking abondonware by manufactures within two years.
>with maybe root access
And here you are, complaining about Lineage
>Let's discuss how to protect and prevent malware like LeakerLocker from anally raping our beloved Android platform.
What "beloved Android platform"? There is no such thing. And no, ios isn't better, but at least it has some remote resemblance to security.
WTF you going on about?
Rooting a device doesn't destroy battery life, fuck up data, bluetooh, or GPS, and whatever 3r party ROMs do.
BlackBerry has done this since late versions of BBOS7 & the creation of BBOS10.
As in a long while ago.
Whats this "blackberry" you speak of?
>I don't like toilets so if people have issues with theirs I'll tell them to shit on streets like me, lel, I'm so smart and cool
I think Android is shit in a lot of areas, like iOs is shit in a lot of areas, but I'd rather put up with Androids shit. Just like a lot of people love iOs, a lot of people love Android.
When are we getting more phone OS options?
This is just like our browsers, we're stuck with two options that had great premise but became such shit over time
It doesn't matter what other Os comes next, there's always gonna be shortcomings that will be deal breakers for a lot of people, you can't have everything in one, so the best you can do is choose the one you tolerate more.