Why do people still use this cancer?

Why do people still use this cancer?

I'm using uMatrix and I have to unlock Javascript in case of almost 90% website.

Other urls found in this thread:


because it's useful. stop blocking it you fucking autist

Why is it cancer?

99% of web-botnet comes from Javascript and Flash.

Because if you want to keep up with looking modern and professional (and you do, because it's an arms race) you need to use it because there's nothing else that will run in browsers. (Well, other than WebAssembly which hasn't/just launched).

Dynamic web pages. No joke.

what the fuck is "web-botnet"


Malware is a sandboxing issue, not a client side scripting issue. Blaming the whole of client side scripting is rather throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

there's also malware for operating systems written in C. I guess C is cancer now

I'm happy that there's no C in web.

For the same reason people use Java, C, C++, C#, etc. IT IS USEFUL, you fucking mong.

At least they don't prevent me from using AdBlock.

It's because JavaScript is "hip". All the developers want to use shitty JS frameworks like Angular and React, and this alone forces you to enable JS. They care more about using "hip" technologies than your privacy.

Facebook connect buttons on every page. The same six ad companies tracking you across every site you visit.

You better buckle up, because there's about to be.


Slow as fuck, ads, tracking, disabling browser functionality.
We need to go back.


>Why do people still use this cancer?
because they have to

it's 2017. javascript engines are fast as fuck

youre an idiot

It is fast. Very fast.

I mean even if JS isnt fast. Node.js is a lot better than apache. And node.js is js based

>Node.js is a lot better than apache
node isn't a web server you faggot.
you need to use nginx in front of node, or apache if you're a pajeet

because brainlets need jobs too

op everest

>Node.js is a lot better than apache
you mean node's http server is better than apache? it's not

>you need to use nginx in front of node, or apache if you're a pajeet
you don't nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_server
but it's true that you should use nginx. unless you really need node (when you're doing SSR for example)

But user, it's usable even out of the browser. You can write your scripts in ECMAScript and run them in node.js. I think it's pretty neat.

why cant we just use html5 and css


>confusing javascript with java
how fucking clueless can you be

>why cant we just use html5 and css
because I don't want to refresh the whole thread to load one new post and I want to be able to click on post's number to add it as quotelink to my reply
you clearly didn't browse Sup Forums before js extensions so you don't know what a pain in the ass it is


there is any good boilerplate for make JavaScript-free webpages?

My shitty webpage

Just write your own stylesheet. It's not that hard to write something that looks nice and avoid js altogether.

Yeah, but it doesn't matter on a 50mb webpage that connects to 150 other servers.

it does actually

Because there's no way to make a declarative website.