Tokenize - One Ring to hold all your data

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the Token ring? It is a ring that is meant to replace your credit card, house keys, car keys, passwords, etc.

stupid and retarded

>ring manages to come off and go missing (don't say "just don't lose it in the first place idiot", shit happens)
>that's it
no thanks

Someone will shake your hand with a near field thing on their wrist and empty your bank account.


Single point of failure

Great for the gov do whatever they please.

I agree with these statements, I've never been a fan of having all my data in one place, just wanted to know the Sup Forumseneral consensus

Exactly, good luck trying to remember everything you put on it and updating it all in time to thwart thieves.

A disgusting perversion of the original term coupled with hipster dreams of profits that make the world a great place for thieves and totalitarian governments.

> I'll enjoy watching you get scraped everytime you scratch your ass. You're better off sticking it up there you granola snorting hipster fagget.

>put a thumbprint scanner on the ring to confirm the transaction
>problem solved

fucking botnet

Thumbprint readers are laughably easy to fool.

but it prevents data theft with a simple NFC reader, and the way I see it the whole idea behind the ring is that it's meant to stay close to you at all times
if you lose it somehow just call the company and have them disable it like a credit card

Yep. Single centralized authorization tool means more opportunities to collect data on more things about you. Plus the driving force behind all this tap-to-pay shit is to try and make you buy more shit you don't need without thinking about it.

>is preprogrammed
>is shipped to an address
I'm afraid, but is this an actual reason to be?

Token rings are cool and are really fun to install and work with, but ultimately unpractical. Certainly compared to today's switches. There isn't really any reason to use them anymore.

>It is a ring that is meant to replace your credit card, house keys, car keys, passwords, etc.
What? No it isn't.

deliberately misunderstanding things to show that you know that token-ring is an old networking standard isn't clever or funny.

hey but look, they have a super cool app where you can see all your info!

>tracks your actions
>sells your data to third parties

This, this all really just creates more problems than it solves.

>put on ring
>end up having to amputate finger

When you have manlet, girly or fat fingers it happens for sure. Been wearing wedding ring and one other ring for 4 years and I never and I mean never even put it down on accident, dont say about loosing it somewhere.

Gr8 b8 m8

Less retarded than a fingerprint scanner and other biometric memes.
More retarded than remembering a password.

Well, they should combine all 3.

What is it then???

Your ring is shitty, is what is.

>What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the Token ring?
bubbles about to burst

does it have any kind of biometrics that make it have to be on your finger to work
also does the finger still have to be alive/attached

Good rings are fitted. These things look too bulky to keep on all the time, which means losing them will certainly be an issue, or having them pinched by whores.

Would be better if it was implanted in your hand or wrist somehow

Single points of failure make me ill.

then you need to put a battery in it.

There's always that one guy who thinks he will never ever make a mistake. Do you also think you'll never injure your hand again for the rest of your life? That rubber band trick doesn't always work.

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