/ptg/ - Private Tracking Goodreads

Previous: Feeling those threads growing a little stale and wilted? Maybe those discussions aren't going anywhere or are lacking energy. Fear not! Ubik is scientifically proven to reinvigorate any Sup Forums thread and will keep it away from the bump limit! Safe when applied as directed. Ubik edition.

>Not sure what private tracking of goodreads are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to curate and promote the highest possible standards of bookreading initiatives to Sup Forums and its outer demesne by advancing the interests of its readers and concurrently their literacy.

Not sure what books to read tomorrow?: pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc (embed)
Wiki for collating book data: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and Infinitely Jest
>This is a thread for educational purposes. Although Powerful Users may occasionally indulge in soma, please do not laugh at them.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users and request invitations to Trantor. His Imperial Majesty Cleon I forbids these requests and individuals who participate in this rhetoric will be shot and killed after a lot of discussion on what is and isn't permitted.

Daily reminder to start with the greeks

I can't believe /ptg/ is fucking dead.

Why do you say that?

have a turd

I bite my thumb at thee

Is there any point to going past Fanatic on TehC?

sixth for dead music trackers

Sindarella recruits from higher tiers

Psycho pass is pretentious trash.

from what tier? Nothing in the Actor forums

Hard-hitting criticism.


Jewish CEO class forum.

Recommend me an anime to watch


hajimete no gal


How long does the HDB recruiter take? :(


He's running a full background check on you.

Is this actually a thing?

With HDB, yup.


I got 'questioned' because some dude who had been banned three years ago on another cabal tracker was from the same IP range, lul.

>The Savior of Sadistic's Liido
what did she mean by this?

how do i get into aaaaarg.fail?

Starship Operators

Join irc.oftc.net #uuuurg and ask for an invite, may take a while but someone will invite you.

I already am


Had this downloaded for a while, might as well, thanks senpai

>neither Apollo or PTH has the albums I want

reeee obscure metal bands

disposable email and I'll invite you

you have to be 18+ to browse this site

Rutracker is still the best for metal.

I don't speak cyka blyat though.

Just google translate to register and use the search.
Always try to search for just the band's name, lot of full discographies.

>dl a full bd
>seed for a year
>ratio is 4-5
>still the only seeder

How long did the process take?

>mkv with flac audio
why are encodes so retarded?

I don't know how you'd think it's pretentious, but ok. I thought it was a good futuristic look into thought crime and the talmudic endeavor of asking where our morality ends and begins. I found it stimulating to watch, but that's simply my opinion.

>tfw you have invites but no friends to give them to

Sirs, Taxi is available to INDIAN CABAL

A week or so, then a day after I got questioned I got an invite, invites and invite forum access were permanently removed tho.

I'll buy them from discogs and upload for you

currently shipping fanisk to my office :^)

I know the feeling, it's a bad one.

GIve me ONE reason why I shouldn't sign up.

>even they only accept bitcoins
>trackers like MAM still take jewpal

what did the jew mean by this?

Le boku no pico xDDD

This is pretty good confirmation that the wiki is right about not ever using IRC or forums on trackers

>Complaining about lossless audio

You can post, you just shouldn't express any opinions.
You can ask a question related to encoding, but you should never express a different opinion about an encode than someone else.
Stay away from the the "Serious Discussion" forums completely, don't even browse them.

path to RED?

why are people on private trackers such beta cucks?

give me a redacted invite, then :)

how is it good confirmation without confirming poster isnt pooloo shill? the post has absolutely 0 proof backing up claims

how long does the waiting for a redacted interview take, anyway? hope it isn't like what where you have to wait 16 just to answer piss easy questions

whats the difference between other(illegal) and other(immoral)

Where I'm from it's illegal to fuck kids, but legal to fuck animals.

I waited about 19 hours for an interview

no /news/ and /ptg/ is teh kill...


yeah, not even going to bother then

I waited less than an hour

Is AHD good enough to settle on in lieu of HDB while I wait for HDB to open up invites on BTN?

Or more importantly, is the gap between HDB and AHD as big as BTN and MTV/etc? Or is it more akin to PTP and TehC where the latter is clearly inferior but not a waste of time like BTN alternatives?


Just a reminder, HDB isn't the top of the pyramid, it's the separate private site for HDB internals. :^)

whats the difference between other(illegal) and other(immoral)?

>is the gap between HDB and AHD as big as BTN and MTV/etc?
It's more like BTN versus Nebulance
AHD is pure curry

nigga u stupid or something?

What's the path to RED besides that hook shit interview?

Is it immoral to fuck animals?

It's decent as a complement. TehC + AHD is a fairly nice combo. Fairly good cross seeding possibilities as well. It just has a meme status in /ptg/.

The cheapest rickshaw.

>tfw Nebulance closed down 10 hrs ago

Serious Discussion isn't that bad. As long as you're not completely and cleary against their rules. And if you write a long post, they won't read it.

She's Sadistic

big if true

Is that the new word you learnt today

Too many malware popup ads, donation begging (minimum $100),niche content,asshole staff

Wait, wasn't Sadistic's mug plastered on discord? Or was that just another one of /ptg/'s attempt at memery.

The latter, genius.

it wasn't him. pooloo staff shills memed that it was, but it wasn't

Well the gap is pretty big since AHD doesn't do TV basically at all. They don't allow single episodes and season packs are lacking too.

But for HD movies I would say it's definitely worth it. Small and pretty great community. Not waste of time. I usually check there first for mainstream movies since the site looks much better than HDB,

Though no use reading comments here since /ptg/ hates AHD for some reason.

>/ptg/ hates AHD for some reason.

Cry more fag.

>/ptg/ hating curry

Like poetry.

AHD isn't curry. AND /ptg/ had a hard on for xanax if you recall

Calm down with your memes Kyle.

anyone else excited for the BTN GoT watch party this weekend? :3

Pick one

>Invite threads to PTP/BTN/HDB

>/ptg/ had a hard on for xanax

Quite literally the subset of /ptg/ who was too curry to figure out how to get into RED had a hardon for open signups, and freeleech, which ironically fell off hard once the geniuses began to realize the extent to which that economy had been tanked.


Going to start a heated Trump thread in the Serious Discussion forum on PTP. Wish me luck!

Call it ptg.

Is RED still recruiting from BTN?


Go away Adam, you degenerate

i just want to say hello to my user friend from mocksville north carolina u r cool but u r now /marked/

you can't mark me, cunt

hi .red.it

path to reddit?