Comfy GUI

Hello, Sup Forums.

If you are 20 years old or younger please let me know your opinion:
1- Do you think this GUI is comfy?
2- Is this GUI less, or, more, comfy than modern GUIs?
3- Would you like to use a comfier OS?

Thank you in advance.

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looks like sh*t

> Yes
> More
> Yes

>implying this looks better

more comfy
>yea i guess

>this is bad so that means this other thing has to be good
they both suck

>new installations will never have interactive guides anymore

Modern UX is so sterile.

yes, what is it?
I'd use a comfier DE/WM

but happens to work better

1) Yes.
2) More comfy.
3) I already use Debian XFCE4 with a Motif theme. Debian is comfy enough OS and I can rice XFCE to look like anything.

That's Mac OS 8.


what desktop environment are you using user?

If your UI needs a tutorial then either your interface is unintuitive or your documentation is poor.
If neither apply then your UI is too complicated for your target audience

well at that time almost nobody at the consumer level really used computers. Unlike today where most kids grew up using some computer a few times or grew up with a computer and had the capability to figure out programs by tinkering.

no, we are talking about normies in the 90's

Those guides were needed back in the 80's and 90's when most people had never used a computer before. They even explained how to use a mouse. Pic related.

Related question. How to make a normie friendly retro comfy setup? I think of using motif window manager with just a few normie friendly applications for specific tasks. All application launch is done from the menu of right click mouse.

You could check out CDE, it might have some good stuff. OpenBox is probably the comfiest Window Manager. I'd think OpenBox + some custom theme would be max comfy.

It doesn't need to be "retro"... it's all about making things more human, friendly, warm and fun: which is the opposite to material design.

Mac OS always did have a nice UI. I prefer Windows because that's what I grew up with but I can appreciate the Mac UI.

My first GUI

>pretty fucking comfy
>contemporary UIs are ugly imo
>I do and I would

>not using TempleOS

20 years here
>way more
>currently using arch looking like win95 and using i3 comfiest shit ever

the font strains my eyes a bit otherwise it is pretty comfy desu,gambatte user-kun!

I'm actually making my desktop look like this. I enjoy it way more than current windows. Super comfy.

Both material and skeuomorphism design are shit. When will cartoon-style design rise again?

>When will cartoon-style design rise again?

Just install any GNU/Linux distro aimed at desktop use.

Right, just make everrything a colorful square or white text on a transparent graded background.

Don't want anyone to get confused...
>*App cannot run because it was not downloaded from the App Store*

>family oriented software

Comfy? Maybe if you're used to it.

>he doesn't use xubuntu

It looks fairly comfy.

It beats windows and mac but some linux looks better than this.

yes of course.



Linux used to be comfy, but not anymore...

pic related, the last comfy distro

mmmm comfy

The screenshots of the older OS's give me PTSD from all of the eye strain back in the day.

close but os9 was the epitome of comfy for me

I don't know, user. I used Windows 95 and 98 as a young child and didn't go through those silly guides. Their games were a way more intuitive way to teach people basic computer usage without being a boring slog. People learned things instinctively.

You and me both. Damn, we're so old now.

>the generation Z will never know the feel of making hypercard games


Yeah. First computer was a Packard Bell. Navigator ran over Windows 3.11.

I'm late 20s and I drew up with some macs around the house with Mac OS 7-9. Definitely gets me a bit of nostalgia. In some ways the old mac os was more user-friendly than current (though overall still inferior, of course). Good memories of playing Dole 5 A Day Adventures and Club Kidsoft demo CDs.

>In an almost nostalgic way. I used to use OS 9, but 8 is nice.
>More, but in an ironic V A P O R W A V E way
>I already do. Fedora is comfy as fuck

Checkout these typefaces for instance, it doesn't get comfier than this.

Im +30, mix of ui of win7 +winxp were best in my opinion, IOS was always kinda offputing to me, i even consider Workbench (amiga )as better ui for OS than IOS.

First thing that really annoyed me was 1 button on mouse, for fuck sake,that was so dumb,there was absolutely no rational
eason just for one button except:"look at me,im different,retarded and dumb but different!"

Just that little thing made me never again sit in front of Apple product, that little thing showed me core of philosophy that stands behind every fucking Apple product)stubornly being stupid for some small semblance of"orginality/being diferent".

People who eat glass are different , but we shouldnt do it.

>comfy "af"
>a lot more
>if i could stay being productive yes, otherwise no

apple invented emoji

1997 was the pinnacle of comfy design.

Stopped reading after you called macOS IOS twice in one paragraph.

Not even iOS. You mistook it for Cisco shit you baby faggot.

heh, my last mac was pic related. I didnt even bought it, i got it as part of debt.
I say ios because i dont use them(or iphones) and im wounreable to brainwashing as the next guy.
Honestly, cant even remember the name of os, i think it was "fast cats" periods

Kinda comfy

Did these laptops look good back in the day? I remember the plastic, colourful and see through Imacs and that they looked pretty nice. Even today I think the old Imacs look like a fun machine. But I can't bring myself to see any beauty in those laptops.

I really thought this was cool and sophisticated back then. Some stuff doesn't age very well.

Remember pet, dos, win 3, but my first comp I owned had this...

is pic related considered comfy by Sup Forums?

I just found out that kde has a theme that looks like nextstep. Looks retro as fuck.

>I didn't even bought it
You have to go back

I kinda miss it.
And Haiku is not ready to be a daily driver (and probably never will)

I grew up on Mac System 8 & 9

I have always disliked OSX and I began to prefer Windows after 2000

So much easier on the eyes than using a computer today

Nice flat colour background, chunky pixels

It fucking worked on my P4 computer in 2011 or 2012. The nighlty supported my obscure WLAN card, too. I wasn't satisfied with linux back then so I looked for alternatives, that's how I found it. Since then, arch satifies me but is like the holy grail of desktop OSes for me. Still checking its status from time to time.

is this an old apple os like system 7 or somethin
anyway 16 here
1-meh.. too big bars on top and side
2-gui is gui, i like the retro stile it has though
3-yes linux with i3
3.1-tfw no bars wasting screen space and you can open/move/resize windows instantly

It's OS 8, and i3 is not comfy m8

More comfy
Not necessarily, maybe on my secondary system


OP, what is sad is Windows 98 SE and OS 9 respectively perfected the user interface. There was absolutely zero reason to change either.

Remember when that fucking ribbon came out for Office? It wasn't needed and nobody wanted it. Same with Windows 8 and 10. Shitty ass interfaces nobody wants but is forced to live with. The number one downloaded app for Windows now is classic shell. Go figure. All my windows desktops look like Windows 2000. 17 years and it works just fine.


I appreciate you

Now this is nice

THIS! 100 times over.

wow, like, how does it even work? i tried poking the icons with my finger but nothing happened xDD

If Windows 98 was so great, you're free to make your own operating system. Surely Sup Forums has the skill to create an OS on par with something Bill Gates wrote in his garage on a Commodore 64 during a weekend 20 years ago?

I miss the lack of font smoothing. Fonts look so nice and crisp, especially on a modern monitor.

Holy shit that is a huge rush of nostalgia. Thanks user, and yes that was comfy as hell. The brushes made noises during strokes didn't they?

imma go out of the usual way and give general advice
you cannot tell shit about UI from a screenshot, you have to interact

I want that background