Why can't MPV get a real Windows installer?
Why do I have to extract, paste the files and make the file association myself?
It would literally take 5 minutes to make a self extracting archive with a couple of registry edits.
Why can't MPV get a real Windows installer?
Other urls found in this thread:
Install Gentoo
It tries to make you think it isn't malware and bloat by letting you install it yourself.
>eh, you see, you do install, we don't install hidden shit, promise goy
Sadly that's the state of Sup Forums, they think that counts for anything.
Why would you use mpv on Windows? It has nothing over MPC-HC with madVR and is missing a ton of features.
You can build it yourself if you are worried about that. Kill yourself dumb shitposter.
Because no one cares enough to do it. Linux users just use their package managers to install and update it. If windows wasn't shit it would be the same.
>choco install mpv
>literal MitM
that's not what mitm means
linux users make things they want
windows users complain that someone else hasn't yet done it for them
Chocolatey ftw
MadVR is currently a shit compared to the renderer of mpv and mpc-hc (with lavfilters internally) has only 1/5 of the mpv features.
mpv's renderer is literally nothing but a poor copy of madVR. It's also shit. There's a reason it needs a 24/7 help thread and MPC-HC with madVR doesn't.
>twingoposting outside of /o/
Just use mpc-hc with mad-vr, or use KCP, ignore the autistic Sup Forums memes.
what is mad vr ?
honest question - i dont watch anime and instead use J River Media Centre for everything because it supports my autistic audiophile formats
Twongiposting is ALWAYS relevant.
>It would literally take 5 minutes to make a self extracting archive with a couple of registry edits.
You do it then.
He's not the one shilling mpv 24/7
No you can't, the binary has parts not included with the source
So you can't build an exact copy of the binary blob