
none. all movies suck, I only play games 10+ years old, and everything i do is editing text files, in some sense. I think I should go back to floppies.

Ayy lmao

>I think I should go back to floppies.
i like this idea
how expensive are they now?

I'll take a 5TB version for

expensive and unreliable enough to not be worth it, except for reenacting scenes from cyberpunk movies, and feels factor

no thanks. Call me when SSDs are under 30/TB

I'm buying two running in RAID 1

I wonder what is use for such drives. Buy one and in case of failure you loose 50TB of data. Put them in RAID 1 and holy shit its even more expensive. Put them in RAID 5 and in case of failure rebuild time will be close to infinity and you may lost another drive before rebuild will finish. So what, RAID 6 ? Trippe parity? I'm not even sure if triple parity would be enough to protect this shit.

This isn't aimed at companies that would care a whole lot about losing drives, even ones this big and expensive.
At the scale of these operations hard drive failure just becomes a statistic that you mark in your loss column, and you'll have technicians walking the aisles of your datacentre with a trolley of fresh hard drives to replace failing ones.
The fact that the ad talks about having 5PB racks should speak to that, any company who would want one of these would probably want dozens or hundreds to build a system with.

>The endurance is one drive write per day for five years

Cool, so ten minutes in a regular system.


>a trolley of fresh hard drives to replace failing ones.
What part don't you understand about the economics of redundancy? Large drives take too long to rebuild. How long does it take to rebuild 50tb?
Too long.
I guess if you really enjoy the feeling of your anal ringpiece twitching waiting for the rebuild to fail.
Everyone ignored that guy blabbing about non recoverable read errors in TB range drives. At some point that's going to actually become a serious problem for some reason maybe?

I just bought a 3TB drive and I think it's excessively big.

There are 10 TB HDDs that enterprise customers use rated at ~110 MBps for sustained writes. It takes about a day and so hours to rebuild a 10 TB drive HDD.

Similarly, with a 50 TB SSD sustaining ~350 MBps, it takes about day and half to rebuild a 50 TB SSD.

In short, it doesn't take that much longer to replace 50 TB SSD compared to traditional 10 TB HDD. Not "Too long".

These are enterprise rated drives rated for 5 year operation period with maximum daily writes every day. So they won't just fall off and die at the blink randomly like you perceive it would. Infact modern SSDs are much more resilient than HDD.

Where are the google datacenters?
They surely will not miss a couple of pbs in drives, right

None. I just want affordability.

An enterprise customer of mine recently bought 96TB of SSDs for 650k usd. IOPS aside, this would be a pretty good deal.

you can just buy 100 samsung 960 evos for $40k
is he retarded?

>96TB of SSDs for 650k usd.
Do you mean 96PB?

> 50 TB
Still not enough to store all this porn.

Large businesses operate on different principle.

Consider the following. They're not children.

>Limit to 500/350 r/r speeds


Can't be right, that's as much as RAM in $/gb.

>Total Data: 810.502 TiB
You just need 16 of that drives to download all empornium
Set for life