Only for the US?
You can sign it but they will claim you're Russian
Yes, signatures will be verified so don't waste your time.
Signed. Bump so everyone can see.
why is comcast pushing for NN?
also why is there so many pages in the proposition?
shouldnt it be simplified? has anyone actually read the whole thing?
i just dont want SOPA 3.0 to be shoved down my throat under the guise of a positive thing
Keep all this bullshit to one thread please, literally nobody cares about this shit.
it says that content providors have to treat everything you request over the internet equal and they can't paywall, block or throttle any of the traffic. Its basically the opposite of sopa 3.0.
Go away, shill.
> petition
Got any better ideas?
yeah but can you cite something for me that directly states that?
you are just repeating the same stuff without evidence
you also didnt answer any of my other questions
>online petitions accomplishing anything
Yes, actually. You wanna do something, don't just click a "sign this petition" link, write a letter and email it to your congressional representatives. Online petitions are easy to just blow off as slacktivism, but lawmakers and party officials are more likely to notice when congressmen get tens of thousands of emails and have their phone lines jammed with callers all day demanding that they support or oppose some issue.
can you fuck off with this shit i'm so fucking sick of internet slacktivism
>oh look i posted it on facebook and upboated it on reddit i'm doing my part i'm such a good person
fuck off
Amerisharts should just be banned from the world. What good have they done in the last 30 years?
They stopped Hitler, and brought a global Zionist empire called USA, they spread degeneracy everywhere, they bring poverty, they shart everywhere, they're 49% white and have the nerve to tell others what parts of the world are white, they endorse nigger culture. Fuck this kikes, the Jewnited States of America has literally killed the Internet, let that sink in and remember whose fault it was next time the riaa storms into your house for not giving them all your shekels and you can only use kikebook. Thanks amerisharts.
>Whitehouse petition
>implying anyone in the whitehouse is even bothering to look at this
>implying Trump gives a single fuck about what some pleb making under 30 mil/year cares about
Unless you have a very, very tall stack of green portraits of dead presidents to give the president and his friends, then you're just wasting your time. I guess it's a nice thing though. You feel like you've accomplished something when you hit submit on that form; we live in a democracy, etc. but probably even then, most of you should understand that you're only fooling yourselves.
Why do you think about us so much? We don't care about you.
The plan isn't for Pajeet Aye to dismantle it.
They're going to cause a furor. They're generating outcry. Then voices of wisdom will "come to the rescue" and insist that Congress should compose official and untamperable Net Neutrality rules.
And then the goddamn clusterfuck of a congress we have is going to do the worst possible thing they can, let ISPs write the bill they pass (if they pass anything) and shuffle NN off to the FTC, which is overworked, understaffed, doesn't have room for wrist-slapping ISPs on its plate, and doesn't have the authority to create regulations even if it did.
This is their plan.
>Ultimate Internet
>The Sup Forumstard starter pack