What fits best with an asp.net core backend?
React vs Angular 4+
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please tell me how to into asp.net. I have been taking courses at Launchcode but I cant get into it as much as python(raspberry pi) and html(building a fancy website).
what should I do/learn to get into it?
Visual Studio is the best IDE for asp.net.
React with MobX
also don't use microsoft technologies
fuck you nigger i was asking how i can get motivated to learn c#
You'll want to go with Angular 4 with Typescript if you're in .net world. It's a great combination as Typescript gives you the feel of C# as well (the lead architect of C# headed up the Typescript project).
I used to say react with redux but now i say react with rxjs, or cycle.js
never angulel
All of these things sound like shit to me. Just make a website instead of trying to make an "app".
>Angular 4+
>asp.net core backend
Jesus christ, what the fuck are you doing nigga?!?
fuck off bryan lunduke
we used asp.net core for a few projects, its kinda ok if you like MVC
i have started getting so tired of c# after using hasklel and rust for all my personal projects though
I have learned python and some html... could you explain how i get into this "strongly coded language" and "MVC"
what kind of project could I do to learn this shit?
>mvc on front and back end
Please be joking.
I never said i use mvc on front end
Not sure really, sorry. I have been programming since child
I like Laravel+Vue, something like adminlte for the looks and socket.io for some livestuff (i dont like echo).
It is kinda painfull to setup the first time but if you do it clean you can reuse many components and there is a lot off stuff already made for you in vue components.
>Angular 4 with Typescript
Seconding this, regardless of what you use for the backend.
Neither. Use Elm
You can really use whatever.
But like said, use angular with typescript for that delicious intellisense and readable code.
Personally I use some lightweight library like knockoutjs and some handmade javascript to keep it nice, lean and fast.
ASP is a low-level server side language that nobody's used for 20 years and they didn't even like back then
React and Angular are two very high-level JavaScript frameworks that employ several cutting edge paradigms
That's like saying "I have a background in wood and building the foundation of a house, which piece of CAD software should I use to design chairs?"
Can't even draw a paralell there. Just look into them both, I can't imagine knowledge of ASP would factor into web development in 2017 in any form.
Are you really th stupid?
write your own framework instead.
Rider just left beta last week, but I used it through the beta at work for the last 4 months or so with no problems.
It's the sexiness of the IntelliJ platform but for C# /.NET.
Neither. Razor offers templating to fit your needs.
Pick up Java and learn read up about design patterns
Java is great for learning stuff like this
Do some simple data processing stuff to learn
Listen to this user. I'm trapped writing a SPA in a deprecated framework targeting IE11. Trust me when I tell you that if your project is big enough to need a router, use Razor and make a real website. SPAs are cancer and only exist because javascript developers are cheaper than ASP.NET/JavaEE developers.
At least IE11 is standards-compliant.
Well, compliant to *old* standards. You still have to clutter you code with bullshit like
var myFunc = function() { return doStuff(); }
instead of
var myFunc = () => doStuff();
str.indexOf(pattern) === 0
instead of
Have you tried F#?
I don't use C# but React is far superior to Angular.
May the Christian Lord guide your hand against the Google Popery!
MVC is pretty much code word for putting code in folders.
Models are your database code. This is where you define schema(s), do presave manipulations, etc. Put this shit in the 'models' directory.
Controllers are your workhorse. Controllers are the middleman between the views and the models. This is where the logic goes - grabbing data based on a model, doing sorts, filtering out data, etc. Put this shit in the 'controllers' directory.
Views are fucking views. This is where your html or template language of choice goes.
There you go you just learned the basics of MVC.
If you want to do a project that teaches MVC, build a blog using a framework of your choice that implments MVC architecture. There's about 4 billion of them. I'm not too familiar with Python, but I guaran-fucking-tee that they have one.
One concept you might want to look into before starting is 'middleware', typically this is code that is run before a controller function is run. It's used for things like authorization, error handling, etc.