

What's your opinion on cloudflare "its not mitm, its an app" apps Sup Forums?

If the site owner chooses to have it added in transit, I don't see the problem

>DDOS protection company slowing down customer's websites over some political bullshit

remind me to never use this service again. I bet they also launch DDOS attacks on websites in order to try to gain them as customers later

Some dumb guy adds some third party javashit app which could technically be used to track you and shit.. Imagine ads being delivered like this..

Are you retarded? Website owners have to specifically enable this. Cloudflare just runs a general app marketplace like the chrome webstore or firefox addon marketplace. Somebody made a net neutrality protest app and published it, and some cloudflare customers are adding it to their sites.

>so many people baited this fucking hard by net neutrality
I hope they sneak in some juicy well worded idea that puts internet into the same government controlled communication as radio.

>internet websites agree to not pay the ransom
>people turn on government

I'd say let's work to get net neutrality killed and then we make a pact to never pay the fast lane fee!

Google or facebook won't give a shit about your pact. And for free market to fix the situation, it needs to exist in the first place, which is not the case in the US.

>net neutrality was great until drumpf said no so entire Sup Forumseddit is now against it
gotta suck that dick innit

>wtf I want the government to control the internet

>Jews jewing other Jews and us at the bottom. Whaaaaaaaaaat

ISPs weren't doing this before NN regulation so why would they suddenly do it when the regulation goes away again?

Because retards didn't pay attention to anything before Obama and Netflix doesn't want to pay debnts

Yes, I want internet to be regulated by an institution responsible to the people, rather than two or three megacorporations. If there was a healthy competitive environment, I might look at things differently.
I really don't understand what it is with you americans and your
>corporations are people too
It's completely fucking retarded.

>regulated by an institution responsible to the people

el o fucking el

Your choice is that, or Time Warner and Comcast. Now what?

I use neither of those companies and never had



>this is what libtards actually believe

>FCC vs Comcast
Which option do I take to kill them both?

lots of websites use cloudflare. Sup Forums included

Do they actually believe that putting up shitty pop-ups and blocking people from using some sites will do anything? How delusional are those people

>wah I want corporations to control the internet

Net neutrality is a lose/lose game.

Corporations already control the internet. Netflix and whatever other biggest opponents to neutrality are corporations. This is literally a battle between whether the government gives special treatment to web corporations or they let them and ISPs tear eachother apart.

I personally would just say fuck them, but the idea of ISPs and particularly cable companies winning over online media behemoths is rather concerning.

I will remind you to kill yourself soon.

Why not just remind me now?

>not siding with corporations
You idiots are delusional