Can your Kindle do that?
Android master race.
Can your Kindle do that?
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you're my kind of guy op
Kindle literally uses X11 though?
But can you root it? Can it play video?
>video on an eink screen
That's actually pretty smooth
silent movies?
the screen on the yotaphone is shit compared to those videos of the kindle
oh hey I remember you from the other thread :) I'm gonna post when I get an e-ink driven via SPI/I2C
I'm goig to bed. Will install kernel with usb host support later thst week.
post it up in Sup Forums again I wanna follow along. I'll post once I find a decent e-ink screen i can hook up to an arduino
>android 2.1
because you can, of course.
this is how Sup Forumstards reveal themselves. they see technology as a tool for a specific task, and lose their shit when another use is shown. A true Sup Forumsentoomen on the other hand, will work hard to find and execute multiple uses of a single piece of tech, even if it's pointless. Why? because we love technology.
TLDR: Fucking Sup Forumstards GET OUT.
This is "we are legion" tier autism.
no, it's being real smart and not basement engineer like Sup Forums love to be.
couldn't have said it any better
>videos and games on a e-ink screen
I bet youre one of those fags who also played games android wear watches
just off yourself user
you mean pure autism?
My old Ching Chong reader had headphone out and inbuilt MP3 player. I might have to root it.
i actually really want to take the mini vmac system 6 (black and white mac OS from back in the day) emulator and put it on e-ink. If I could play ray's maze (played it with my dad when i was a kid) like it was a choose your own adventure book that sounds cozy as fuck
thats a valid use for this though
but playing movies and doom
thats just autism
I would pay so much for a e-ink-friendly (low refresh-rate, greyscale) android build. slap that bitch on a phone and you got battery for weeks
He's not wrong though.
oh yeah I cant wait to browse the internet on a 4 inch monochrome screen you fucking tool
Kindle is known to spy on their users, i.e. what page your read for how long, notes you take, etc, etc.
Nope. Android is shit on batteries.
have you always been able to root the nook user or is this a recent thing ?
that sounds cool
yeah i was just sort of having a high thought but i'm actually gonna do this now
It's not too bad, I get about a day and a half with moderate to heavy usage on my Pixel
idk it's just some really quaint text based adventures from back in the shareware days. Worth one play through just for the unmatched nostalgia. if you decide to play the games write this down 'HAKO'
it's not the b/w, it's the framerate
im interested in this for a couple projects
i've never connected my kindle to a network