Reminder to all Sup Forumscunts who discovered here on their mobiles during the election: Sup Forums is pro net neutrality, always has been, always will be
Reminder to all Sup Forumscunts who discovered here on their mobiles during the election: Sup Forums is pro net...
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So are we, dipshit. Only dumbfucks from /ptg/ are in denial. Trump is absolutely wrong on this issue and any Sup Forumsack who came before 2015 agrees.
>Implying Sup Forums ever supported communism
Nice try shill, but Sup Forums support the free market and NN is going to promote censorship.
That image pisses me off every time i see it.
[citation needed]
Filthy comunist get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Great idea forcing government where government don't belong. Enjoy your gulag for disagreeing with Trump on Twitter.
These dipshits don't get it. No one wants to pass any bills.
>I'm pro net neutrality
>I'm against net neutrality bill
Trump is going to stop net neutrality to ensure freedom remains and big government doesn't bring upon more cultural marxism into our society.
>hey goys let me just tell you that your thoughts on the issue is to let the fcc regulate anything everyone that disagrees is racis mmmkay?
sage because op is braindead retarded
Yeah man, we've got to stop censorship. Look what happened to telephone service after they were declared common carries under Title II - oh wait, phone calls have no censorship, and have stronger wiretapping laws than the internet. Hmm...
>Sup Forums is one person
Support it goyim!!!!
We've come to a time where screeching feminazi whores have more substance between their ears than Sup Forumseddit
>drink water petition
This is the most stupid pic I've seen in 10 years
I dunno if its stormfront or rich assholes who pay pleb tier faggots to make and spread this pathethic shit, but its like you arent even trying anymore
Or just baiting quite well
>yes goy its not like they want control that instead of muh evil corporations right?
this time all of this shit is smelly has fuck
>free market
Sup Forums worships a Literal commie who supported Bernie
> a massive 2000mb
I'd rather trust the government than a corporation. They both want to screw me over, but the government will just want to datamine me. The corporate will datamine me, then throttle my connection and ask for more money.
2000mb is not massive, that's the point you retard
>being an american
>getting so cucked in the [CURRENT YEAR]
>feminists care about freedom than alt-right cucks
That image always has been fear mongering. USA didn't have net neutrality for year and never ended up like that. You can be for or against government regulation of the internet or not, but anyone that actually thinks the internet will exist in that way without regulation is deluded.
>implying that matters
Trump is literally saving the world you faggot. Who cares about government control of the internet when the SJWs are running around unchecked?
Bandwidth is now more important than ever and ISPs have agendas that involve shutting down sites that don't fit their views of what should be allowed.
>Sup Forums is pro net neutrality
Sup Forums also knows the difference between net neutrality and """""net neutrality""""" FCC garbage shat out of Obama's asshole.
>Net Neutrality dies
>SJW ISPs throttle or make it impossible to connect to any conservative websites because they can
>Sup Forums will defend this future
if bernie, shumer, hillary etc are for something, then you know it's bad
>Enjoy your gulag for disagreeing with Trump on Twitter.
Come on user. You know that's the opposite intent.
even hitler/stalin supported some good ideas
I've been preaching that net neutrality is important for what feels like forever now, and nobody has wanted to listen until our damn heads were put on the chopping block. At this point I don't even care any more. Having a fragmented internet will probably be for the best if it means Sup Forums can't organize anymore or phone post and ruin everything.
Net neutrality doesn't even apply to mobile ISP's yet you don't see any of the supposed throttling/blocking bullshit you claim will happen.
With all this talk about net neutrality, they're not just going to start doing any blocks or throttling until it's confirmed net neutrality will never be happening.
Sorry cuck. The free market will fix it. Your image will never happen, the only thing that will happen in the abundance of net neutrality is that you torrents will be throttled and guess what, you deserve it, stop stealing stuff and actually pay for the stuff you want.
>You know that's the opposite intent.
So why do telecoms want to get rid of it then?
Net neutrality is literally cancer. Should be called net censorship.
>g is pro net neutrality.
In the same way it is pro Linsux (it isn't).
The real g is anti net neutrality. It inspires the same competition that made the Macbook, aka the best computer ever.
You have to be a complete moron to be against net neutrality. There is ZERO benefit to the end user to abolish such protections.
This. The SJWs want to remove all conservative voices from the internet using it.
It's the other way around, without net neutrality ISPs would be free to block sites they don't like. Free market won't be fixing this.
>t. doesnt understand client/server interaction and that mobile ISPs are used to connect and send small chunks of data rather than host it and serve multiple clients simultaneously
>t. doesnt understand that mobile ISPs actively compete against each other whereas home ISPs and cable providers pretty much have entire counties or regions on lockdown
Not to mention, cell providers throttle the fuck out of internet connections here in the states if you pay for unlimited data and you're actually using it like the word implies.
But this is good. You pay for exactly what you use.
This shit right here is exactly why net neutrality isn't going to last, even when everyone can agree its a good thing. We have idiots here actually arguing in favor the opposite stance of what they claim to want. People like this vote and make decisions on who gets to run our country. Just arguing without even knowing what they're arguing about. And this is just here on Sup Forums. I can only imagine what the dumbfucks in the flyovers who have no idea how the internet works are thinking.
This shit is pretty much a wrap. Its been nice, fellas. Hopefully we can at least see it out through 2018 before this place goes bye bye.
Because regulating the internet would be fucking expensive and cause OP's pic to happen.
ISPs would rather not have to answer to the government and have the responsibility of filtering everything though a government approved list. Granted that Comcast doesnt exactly care about you, they dont want to be saddled with the responsibility of what their users do, either.
It's basically like asking the electric company to know every electrical device in your home and what you're using it for and having to turn one off if some lobbyist says so. It's asinine and, more importantly to the company, expensive as fuck and unnecessary in a free market.
You either have ISPs gain a monopoly, or you have them answer to big brother. We're facing a modern utility monopoly crisis. There was a time that Americans didnt want there to be a single electric company, because monopolies are usually considered a negative thing. Even though our economy thrives off of freedom, some things, like utilities, are better off centralized. The internet is a utility and should be treated as one. Democrats want to step in because ISPs arent monitoring everything, even though our government's job is to ensure the opposite.
These net neutrality rules are falsely named. The Obama administration knew exactly what it was doing and you shouldnt be fooled.
Do you think Google supports these rules because they care about your free speech?
Do you think Facebook wants you to post "hate speech" on their "neutral" internet?
>Majority of the world has no net neutrality laws, and never has
>Yet nothing like your pic has ever happened, ever, anywhere
Really makes u think
It's almost as if net neutrality is literally just a baseless redditor meme, and repealing it is a good idea
>trump hats
>le SJWs
>lol who cares I just want to stick it to the libruls
Odds are good it's bored anons fishing for (you)s
>support freedom to visit sites of choice
>ignore the face that they interface using google, which only shows the part of the web they choose
Your so morally superior, my bad.
All your doing is ranting and raving like a woman.
Yeah that's because the state owns the infrastructure.
You sound just like the idealogues steeped in dogma that you claim to detest.
This. Triggered much? lol
>Majority of the world
I think it'd probably be smarter to consider law by where the majority of servers are hosted. Just giving a blanket statement that the 'majority of the world has no NN laws' is kind of asinine. Thats like saying the majority of schools don't have rules regarding students driving and parking and get along just fine without them, while counting kindergartens and elementary schools in addition to highschools and colleges when we all know there are more of the former than the later.
When will this net neutrality debate be over? When will the final say on if net neutrality is happening or not going to happen?
>morally superior
Nah, I just take the time to learn about the shit I'm arguing over before I throw my hat in the debate or show up at a voting booth like a moron.
I came in through Sup Forums in 2007 and mostly browse Sup Forums and /k/. This whole thing is stupid because it's about "repealing" a regulation that never held legal force. Repealing it keeps status quo, letting it go into effect has benefits to net neutrality but opens a few other cans of worm.
> This whole thing is stupid because it's about "repealing" a regulation that never held legal force
Yeah really makes you wonder why they want to get rid of it. Almost like they dislike the very notion of NN. Really makes you think.
no, you fucking cunt. stop lying to push your agenda.
Really makes you think why people want to keep it.
This. Everyone needs to do more research. Please see image for more.
Bait this disgustingly obvious should be a bannable offense. You don't even deserve this (you)
But it's not paying for what you use, it's spreading out of costs of things that everyone uses into different categories, so that they can hide a huge price, assuming you actually want the full internet.
If it was actually paying for what you use, I'd want probably 1 or two things from each category. No one uses Spotify and Pandora and Rhapsody and iTunes and whatever else is in there; they use one, maybe two.
Whoops. Attached the wrong one. Anyways Net Neutrality is a fucking joke. There is nothing wrong with the economy that the Free Market cannot fix.
>Still posting that screencap from /r/le_donald
>hulu, netflix, espn, for 15$
where do I sign up?
No, you don't actually get those services, you just get access to them, you still have to pay those companies for the service. (Except I guess you do get Hulu included for that price.)
Pretty much exactly right. This brings up another point that a lot of people fail to grasp. They complain about there only being 1 or 2 ISP choices but fail to realize that local governments lock in 1 ISP for the entire city/town. They aren't allowing competition.
>he thinks infrastructure will improve and companies will give up on their advantage if the govt takes their hands off em
such an innocent soul
Wow, it's almost like leftists actually understand how good government restrains the worst aspects of capitalism and you're an autistic moron who shitposts fascist frog pngs on a lolicon board
>Regulation has never held force
>If it doesn't somehow we'll end up in a corporate dystopia like the OP image
>calls other people naïve
>thinks the government has his best interest at heart
No one has your best interest at heart. Read Hobbes kid.
>thinks corporations will treat people better than the govt
>doesnt know how bureaucracy and image management works
>gets triggered by an insult directed to someone else
>Governments can be changed by the people
>Corporations will only answer to those who will pay the most
>Yet people think that answering to corporations is the best option.
Your girl lost.
Too bad net neutrality and the legal status of the ISP oligarchy are two separate issues. Axing net neutrality while leaving that structure in place wont help anyone except the ISPs. Especially since those ISPs have land and cable line rights and those lines aren't actually public goods like a road, those oligarchies aren't getting broken up anytime soon, unless local governments illegally seize company property in order for the restructuring to occur.
So saying 'muh free market' and that 'people dont realize 1 ISP is locked in' wont fix the actual problems that come with net neutrality unless they are addressed first. And those definitely wont be addressed because again, its companies who have bought land and cable line rights that basically own an area. Those lines aren't a free market to compete on, and for them to become one, you'd actually have to introduce more legislation so that the big guys either have to share their toys, or that people are removed from their homes so that more competitors can get involved and lay down lines.
If you were interesed in the core issue you will crying for more deregulation to help destroy the natural monopoly of Comcast & Co.
You don't want that the regulator entity is a three letter agency that has powers to control speech.
Yeah, now get over it and start governing instead of going BUT HER EMAILS whenever Le Donald does something stupid.
>He doesn't suck on corporate dick so he's gotta be a hillary voter
since when is it okay to post screenshots from leddit? i want summerfags to go
r/T_D is the only uncucked board there though.
What key words should I use to block everything related to politics in my 4chanx filter? I all ready filter the words feminism SJW communism commie free market cuck trump drumpf drumpfkin liberal conservative tranny but I still get Sup Forums teir threads leaking through.
>[net neutrality is] net censorship
then why does the EFF support it?
>those lines aren't actually public goods like a road,
Local telephone loops were subsidized by the government for many years. For a few years, any literally who that could afford to collocate a DSLAM with the switches had access to local loops and could sell DSL service to end users. The telecoms lobbied to take all that copper back and keep it for themselves. Ever wonder why those literally who DSL services basically don't exist anymore?
Actually, I really would like Democrat faithful to explain why they think it's okay for a private corporation to run a sham primary with public money and not get RICOed into nonexistence for it.
> Forbes
You swine. Good God. That was some of the worst shilling I've ever read in my life.
From the article:
"If the telecoms are forced to compete in a truly free market, Comcast and Time Warner won’t exist 10 years from now."
I hope you're getting paid too, user, for how hard you're taking Comcast and Time Warner'dicks right now.
lol people from Sup Forums have been baiting you retards for the last few days and yo're all falling for it
young republifats practicing their dicksucking for their eventual futures as Congressional pages
This. No one on Sup Forums seemed to care about this until John Oliver did his cuck piece on it.
Typical liberals. YOu only care about somethig becuase le Drumpf is involved. You do realize that we are going to keep winning rihtg? There is nothig you can do to stop us.
Exactly. Sup Forums is only ironically opposed to NN. It's all one big troll.
>ebin cuckold meme
the cancer that is killing Sup Forums. I miss moot.
Hey when Obongo was giving the root server away I was mad too. Turned out to be nothing but still I was mad.
>Sup Forums is pro net neutrality, always has been, always will be
What a coincidence since Sup Forums is always retarded, always has been, always will be.
>Being pro NN
>implying Bezos and Zuckerberg want what is best for the internet
Fuck off botnet shills.
>Sup Forums is only ironically opposed to NN
Which in turn is bringing in faggots who unironically oppose it who think they're serious.
>implying RMS is wrong
>implying EFF is wrong
no u
Thats the only thing that worrys me about it. Why would google and amazon support net nuetrality if it was a bad thing for big companys.
>What a coincidence since Sup Forums is always retarded, always has been, always will be.
This is true.
>go to g
>expect to find people discussing games nad video cards and phones
>instead its a bunch of people arguing over autistic shit like computer languages and supporting communist assholes like Stallman
Sup Forums does everything ironically before doing it seriously, under the law of Thinking They Are In Good Company