Window Managers

So what's Sup Forums favourite window manager?
I've been using i3 for awhile and so far it's surely worth it's money.
Xmonad, on the other hand felt a bit clunly but I know that there are lot of fans of that WM.

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it just works and is easy to configure

You and I should be friends. (I could really use some.)

Bspwm and wmii

Fluxbox :^)


everything suckless (dwm/dmenu/st)

Openbox. I switched from bspwm. Can't decide which one I like more.

i3 because of good defaults. I only put the status bar on top.

muh man. my setup:

dwm+dmenu+st (w/ powerline and compton)
vim+ii for irc

dynamic tiling while i can minimize window is amazing

literally any window manager will do.
I've tried them all and I don't care anymore

those two are the best

i3 vanilla(no gaps), maximum utilization of screen space, sane key bindings, literally just install i3, and set it as your default WM, no rice, no wasted time diving into documentations.
It's pretty much perfect, simple, clean, all you'll ever need.

Ratpoison because I don't to spent time configuring shit.

you're the dude eating the burger with the wrapper still around it

First one I tried was Awesome, which I quite liked but I've recently started using i3(-gaps) instead and I really like it. Works great out of the box and I can waste as much time as I like customising it

>sane key bindings
default i3 bindings are trash

i3 + polybar

>>default i3 bindings are trash
t. scrub

which one should a beginner try?
no experience with wm's besides openbox

There are basically 2 serious options: Awesome WM and i3.

meme3 braps

I switched ir to hjlk and x/y for tiling direction.



>which one should a beginner try?
>no experience with wm's besides openbox
Unironically awesome. It is intuitive, easy to configure and honestly a joy to use. The keynindings are easy and easy to remember.

awesome is great but i3 is much easier to configure and more suited for a beginner I think. awesome is much more configurable, but I switched to i3 when I couldn't bother to rewrite my config for awesome 4 and I don't really miss any features

But 4 is soo nice. :)

I don't doubt it

I use XFWM, mostly. Lately I've gotten into TreeWM. I tried awesomeWM and discovered it also works nicely as a non-tiling window manager.

I've been thinking -- what is the point of a task bar? Why not just run programs full screen and switch between them with super+#?

I have to use my mouse a good bit for the applications I use, so having to rely on keyboard shortcuts would really be inconvenient with all the switching back and forth I'd be doing.

not to mention the perseverance and sticking through the whole period it takes to learn it well enough to be instinctual.

and brain farts bro. I don't consider icons bloat or pleb-tier at all like most Sup Forumsentoofags. Some people seem to have a weird obsession and relationship with keyboard shortcuts. Fuckers are religious about it.

I was actually just thinking about the taskbar itself and not necessarily dropping the mouse -- but now that you mention it, I think I want to go 100% keyboard since all I do it watch anime and browse Sup Forums.

I've been doing that lately. The task of the window manager boils down to making windows fullscreen and switching between them. I don't even move windows around anymore.
This approach works really well, because I have very few windows open at a time.

>Xmonad, on the other hand felt a bit clunly but I know that there are lot of fans of that WM.
yup, i'm one of them, and I see no reason to switch from it

Suckless still sucks
The title is ironic because they have an attitude as if they shit gold
Ratpoison is actually enjoyable to use. The concept could be developed further, however.
Seriously shit

bspwm with lemonbar
once you have a good config going it's really the best

can you align the bar to the sides of your screen?

>Suckless still sucks
enjoy your bloated window manager then

I use Xfce because it's the right balance between working correctly and not being bloated dog shit. My daily driver is a Chromebook (without ChromeOS) so it's noticeable if I use a full DE but tiling WMs are a pain on laptops.

what? I don't even know which wm in using?

i'm hating this so much right now.

It's like one of those chic Ikea desks you get in a thousand pieces. Have fun putting it together in whichever hipster trash programming language the devs chose too have you configure it with

if it's not dwm then your wm is as terrible as your english

Seconding. I use Xfwm via Xfce as a pseudo-tiling WM. Webm related.

dwm is shit tho

fuck this. bspwm and lemonbar is a meme. i'm using i3.

Any good wm to manage virtual machines in seamless mode? Used i3 for long time but it's dogshit for this purpose

>tfw too dumb to configured DWM
I'm literally so retarded at programming I can't tweak simple C, I just always give up.


This shit is why I stopped using i3, can't fucking stand a horizontal panel.

colors are little ugly, but that's quickly changed

>not removing window borders in fullscreen
>not auto hiding your bar

You really want to waste space don't you?

this works for me in vanilla i3

>le shintel users

ditch your i3s for Ryzen.


Pretty easy to configure but mine is mostly default. I'm using 3 monitors and its really nice because I'm not a full on keyboard purist so I can change between programs in different workspaces just by mousing over them as you'd imagine. Only usually have 5, 6 max workspaces open, so its a one hand gesture.
I thought it was gonna be a bit of a meme but once you get the hang of quickly adjusting window size if needed its really nice. Also always just stacked heaps of shit on my taskbars instead of using workspaces which has been a nice transition.

this tbqh



Patched st to fix the delete key but it didn't work so I just use xfce-terminal like a sane person which also includes full mouse support.

Dmenu is great though. Never used dwm.

Girls, so I am using i3wm and haven't used any other wm, because I don't know why should I?
What features I'm missing in i3wm..?

I use KWin as a pseudo-tiling WM :^)


WindowMaker. It's still the only one I actually like using.

> gaps

looks pretty amazing, what do I need to get it all to like like that ?


It's a script I'm writing. All you need to do is download it and enable it. It's still in development and I'm constantly fixing bugs.

>tiling WMs are a pain on laptops
but that's the only place where they're useful! Because you have to use touchpad (or that strange thing Thinkpad users have) a lot less.

Absolutely agree with this. I use KDE on my desktop but i3 on all of my laptops because moving and resizing windows with the trackpad is hell.

>tiling WMs are a pain
Are you stupid?

They are the best place to use them.
Optimal usage of space and you don't need a mouse or touch pad which is fucking awful if you ever tried it.

wtf i love kde now

Seconded. 1366×768 i3 is best i3

I installed surf but it's manual is lacking a key piece of info.

How the hell do you exit it?

>I've been using i3 for awhile and so far it's surely worth it's money.

So basically nothing.

A nice touchpad is perfectly usable (Chromebooks have good touchpad hardware). I also primarily use software which is keyboard-driven (terminals, emacs, Firefox with vimperator, etc). I just find all the knickknacks (brightness and volume control, power management, suspend/hibernate, etc) simpler if I have a unified WM across all of my laptops (Xfce). I also train some friends in using GNU/Linux systems and have them use Xfce as well for consistency. Can you stop with this smug bullshit?

>Ratpoison is actually enjoyable to use. The concept could be developed further, however.
What would you do?

and when you think that you've already tried them all - there is a new one you haven't even heard about.


Nothing. When I used a Unix desktop last, what seems like ages ago I had a lot of ideas about what could be done with ratpoison and felt like doing it within the framework provided would have been futile
As you have asked that question I have realized that this is a strength of the software and that a DE needs to be established with ratpoison at its core for such fantasies to be carried out in a non destructive fashion.

One more vote ratpoison

> hasn't even heard of ratpoison
how new are you?

i3 in tabs mode and openbox

As ratpoison is highly scriptable I use a couple scripts like binding one key to screenshot/screencast, dmenu as application launcher and window switcher because it looks cool. Also have virtual desktops but don't use it because it all works well. One script I do use is highlighting a URL and open it with to my browser.
And I am just scratching the surface.

Can't you do that with i3?


Sadly I'm using macOS more than anything lately which has the worst WM ever, it's frustrating even when using things like BTT to help.

You see, I like your script and all, but from what I'm looking at you're able to use a global menu. Does KDE have an official one? I've been looking for an alternative to Unity.

It works mostly for Qt stuff so if you use a ton of GTK programs you're better off with Mate/Xfce + Vala Global Menu.

But to answer your question, yes. I think it's official as KDE Neon had it pre-installed.

Anyone that uses tiling wm on Ubuntu?


explorer.exe is great


the fuck are you talking about?

Will use the advise from to make a script and automatically open layout and my desired programs on ratpoison.