/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:

/Cyb/er/sec/urity general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk and cybersecurity.

What is cyberpunk?

Nothing to hide? - The importance of a cyberpunk mindset applied to a cybersecurity skillset.

Cyberpunk directory:
Cyberpunk resources:

Cybersecurity essentials:
Cybersecurity resources:

Harden your OS, reroute your DNS and fire up the VPN!
Shit just got real: - Looking for more resources, help is welcomed.

The Old Skool: - Looking for more resources, help is welcomed.
>0ld 5k00l h4ck3rz:

Join: irc://irc.rizon.net:6697
>#Sup Forumspunk - Requires SSL
>#Sup Forumssec - Requires SSL
IRC guide:

Thread archive:
>archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/search/text//cyb/ /sec//

Thread backup:

Previous thread:
Suggestions for new resources are welcome.
The Gentoomen /sec/ community is looking for CTF team members, contact them at the IRC channel.

OP message:
So, the poll proved to be utterly fruitless.
There were 77 posters in the previous thread, excluding myself, yet only 9 votes on the poll.
4 of those votes disregarded as they didn't follow the instruction that went with the vote: "please stipulate in the thread."
None did.
So that leaves 5 votes.
3 votes to keep the new pasta.
2 votes to return to the new pasta.
So the new pasta wins and shall remain.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/search/text/bear trap router/

IPFS inside I2P SOON!
Toxbots made with Ratox SOON!
RISV libre hardware CPUs SOON!
OpenSSD libre hardware SSDs SOON!
Monero wallets SOON!
The future is bright comrades!

Dont forget Verge with the Android I2P/TOR wallet.

I actually have no idea what that is.

Sounds pretty glorious.
We shall keep dodging the botnet!



Verge (XVG) is one of the better anonymous cryptos, sporting I2P/Tor integration. The main dev Sunerok really knows his shit.


Check out the blackpaper, also this interview


Verge dev is Justin.

Would you like me to add this to the pasta?

I doesn't really seem to improve anything over monero to me.

That'd be great! People should know more about Verge.

Vergedev has discussed one important difference between Verge and Monero

Where Monero has private ledgers Verge has public ones, why? Becuase it makes it easier for mass-adoption. A retailer wouldnt like it that the transactions are encrypted because that makes their jobs more complicated/suspicious, and in the end all thats really needed is that the buyers/sellers themselves remain anonymous.

Put these in too.

I'll log back into the pastebin and upload them.
I added a cryptocurrency section into the cybersecurity resources.

Lul soz op I didn't vote either. I have no issues with the pasta changing. It can't be a static object set in stone because this field doesn't stay still.


It is updated every thread, new information added.
I just prefer the more organised layout.

That's alright.
If you find some other interesting resources, please let me know.

Decentrilzed and encrypt everything via tox overlay.

Forgot one

This is some goof stuff, user.
Into the cybersecurity resource it goes.
I'll include a Tox section for this.

The future is dark. Hope is found in the underground.

And people say cyberpunk isn't real.
We already have high tech and low life.
And that divide is only set to increase.

So what's the secure alternative to SystemD? And what distro should I be using for pentesting/sec?

I don't think the OP addresses this but admittedly it's been a while since I've went through the whole thing.

>what distro should I be using for pentesting/sec?
Install Kali and get a feel for the tools. When the time comes, you'll know what one to use, and how to make it work for you.

This, perfect answer.

Get the fuck out of Sup Forums you larping faggots.

At least sometimes good info/resources comes from here.
Wouldn't it be better if you shared something interesting?

Parabola/Arch has a guild on how to make it non-systemd.

And yeah, Kali.

Blackbox is pretty cool desu
And you can easily just get some tools if it doesn't come with the distro.

what does user think about this ?

Sounds like a honeypot.

Seems pretty cool.
But I like to maintain my whitelist.

We're burning the threads. That's a good or a bad thing?

if you want a "just werks" distro go for parrot os
they were the first to offer cloud-based installs and they're still the only one with ootb support for anonimity (tor, etc) while being debian based just as kali/blackbox (ubuntu)

if you still want to use a systemd alternative this is my setup
manjaro openrc because i like arch and wanted a quick install with actual support for openrc (lvm+luks, grsec, etc)
then added the blackarch repo which is bigger than kali
and setup whonix vm inside for anonymity

if you dont mind using a fedora (systemd) based distro, then just use qubes os, this was the actual base for my setup

more anons become aware and are able to learn, so i guess it is good

I disagree, this is getting better and better.

Btw pastebins are great but not breaking links while changing content is hard, also I like to give other format to my guides, so might try something different.

I am planning on reformatting and reorganising the resources and guides.

> more anons become aware and are able to learn, so i guess it is good
Yes, I was thinking something alike.

> I disagree, this is getting better and better.
Sorry, with burn I meant fast consuming.

does anyone else worry that you were born too early? I worry that I'll die right before all the craziest cyberpunk futuristic shit will happen. before they figure out how to put us in robot bodies or upload our consciousness onto a computer. fuck I want that so bad. I want to live forever as a fucking robot or cyborg.

this sticky is awesome

Thanks, user.

Uploading your consciousness won't do shit. It'll simply make a copy of you with your memory. You will still die.
All you did was to give your twin eternal life

It won't even be a twin. It'll just be what some underpaid Indian programmer's software thinks your personality is like.

we should work on netrunner cracks lol

should we visit i don't know if it can even build yet

is the sticky on the wiki?

Please help test Aktie, an I2P program that does distributed private messaging, distributed file torrenting, distributed forums, all in one program.


Yes it can but be aware there is no single repo and no more updates until devs finish current phase thanks to some idiot who lurk exclusively for shitposting against the project, they even had to take down the download link to the binary

Violent Python, for beginners?

War games, as much of a waste of time as video games, or have some actual merit with real world transferable skills?

If you guys know a little Ruby and want to learn infosec stuff, read Rubyfu.

Perl, Python or Ruby?
And why?

It's easy to learn and read. The gems are nice. The community is nice. I like red.

The fact that hardly anyone understands this blows my fucking mind.
Any time transhumanism comes up with my normie friends it's always
>I would totally upload my brain into a computer and live forever!
>Ewww I would never do that lol
Same shit happens either way: You die, and eventually the universe does, too.

=== /cyb/ News with a touch of /sec/

Chips are compromised. That is a problem ... even for Pentagon

>U.S. Paves Roads to Trusted Fabs
>DoD programs to secure sub-32nm sources

>The U.S. Department of Defense is working with partners on multiple technologies that would make any foundry a trusted source to make classified ASICs for the military. If the government is successful it will be able to tap leading-edge process technologies from multiple fabs by 2019.

>Separately, a university is helping develop an obfuscation technique that lets engineers “design [a chip] with a flat netlist and program it when it gets back into a trusted facility. The true nature of the circuit is not revealed until it is in the trusted location,” Chappell said.

>>Separately, a university is helping develop an obfuscation technique that lets engineers “design [a chip] with a flat netlist and program it when it gets back into a trusted facility. The true nature of the circuit is not revealed until it is in the trusted location,” Chappell said.

I don't understand what this means. Can someone please explain?

means backdooring everything, but relying on a procedure to guarantee that gov chips aren't backdoored and that it's not possible to backdoor them because they are manufactured the same way no matter what, but activated differently by being cherrypicked by said procedure.

means hide your shit.

Makes sense. Thank you.

verge is a pile of shit
stop shilling it you complete and utter moron

>ASIC mineable.
stop shilling your pajeet scam shitcoin.
Sup Forumssec official cc is xmr. only. xmr.

privacy "not by default" will make you stick out like a sore thumb.

I'm really hoping s3 of mr robot goes back to the way it was in s1. I genuinely, whole heartedly enjoyed the first season.

Watching it makes me want to study my sec.

I have never heard of this before, thank you very much trips of peace

You are welcome! It's a great book.
There's a season 3??

>There's a season 3??

Looking for a screencap from a few years ago, probably from a cybersecurity or fucko thread. user talks about all of his set-up's security features, including a tinfoil hat with a Faraday cage and bear trap next to his modem.

I too want to see this

Maybe hit up Rebeccablacktech search for "bear trap"

Might get a bunch of gay shit tho


>So, the poll proved to be utterly fruitless.
Whoops! I didn't see it.

I am so used to the OP post being a large collection of pasta that I didn't notice the straw poll. I checked now and I think it would be best for comparison if you put the two versions up somewhere (pastas?) for comparison.

As it is now I don't know the difference between new and old.

I appreciate your work and I have already contributed some pasta.

So .mil has made the next great thing and wants it fabricated. How to make sure it can be fabricated by your guys and an agent does not walk off with it and produces it in Russia or China?

This is what it is about.

Don't you 404 on me until someone answers my question about violent Python

If you want to add videogames too, maybe the botnet can be useful:
- steamdb.info/tags/?tagid=4115 'Cyberpunk'
- steamdb.info/tags/?tagid=5502 'Hacking' (jej)

archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/search/text/bear trap router/
That one?

Interesting, this is how I was gonna search for that post and can't see shit that's what the other guy was talking about.

I can't fathom why people think that free add-ons like add blockers are any less spyware than google services and tools. Deactivate java script, or, when a site doesn't work without, at least use ghostery or something like it to block external scripts.

Because it's not about not being tracked, it's not having to see fucking ads

Just a reminder about the movie list at

Perl is essentially used by old school hackers and sysadmins who are actually good at their job.
Ruby is essentially used by web developers and younger people who respect Perl but appreciate Ruby's "magic".
Python is essentially used by scientists and people with anal retentiveness

Any /cyb/ or /sec/ projects on github I can contribute to? C or C++ if possible

What do you think about the expanse? Is it watchable or just pure normie trash?

Tox, uTox, qTox, Ratox, Netrunner.

First half a dozen episodes I remember being borderline. I distinctly remember episode 7 being the first time I actually started to get interested in the plot and the acting started to get better. Overall the first season was interesting enough that I’ll probably bother to watch season 2 when I can buy it.

Thanks I'll watch it then.

Thanks I'll look into these. Also do you know of a programming community that is not retarded. /dpt/ is beyond autism at this point and every reddit programming related subreddit are cancer with the same post over and over again (I don't know what I expected from reddit)

Netrunner definitely, don't know how much I can stand ff/chrome and their bullshit

Do I really need QtCreator to help on qt based projects? The installation is fucking massive

Why programmers rush to use qt when so many don't want it? I get that for windows is nice, but on linux is a pain to add all those libraries.

Well it looks good and works well.

If you have /sec/ skills you might want to contribute to 9front and Redox-OS.

I honestly don't.
I think you do. Nobody likes QT desu. uTox is best Tox.

Didn't they had a problem by mixing licenses? Like everybody dumping everything without proper documentation and then removing the copyright file because of that. A this point just go for Plan 9.

A browser like netrunner is more urgent anyway.

Here is why "Blame!" is the ultimate /cyb/ manga, as I mentioned last thread:
It perfectly illustrates what happens when you hook everything up to a universal global network and let an incompetent totalitarian government take care of it. I can't really say much more without spoiling some big parts of the story.
But I can assure you it's the whole package - people augmenting themselves into silicon creatures, massive networks and systems gone haywire due to hacking, mankind at the absolute brink of extinction after centuries of computer-driven chaos. The technology presented in the series is incredibly futuristic and impressive despite not being very flashy.

Not to mention, every single major character in the manga is either a cyborg or AI. I can think of only one truly important person that was a biological human throughout the entire series.

I also mentioned Biomega last thread, but that's a little less heavy on the /cyb/ content, although it still does have cyborgs, advanced AIs, data terrorism and so on.

>"Blame!" is the ultimate /cyb/ manga
Is it really cyberpunk though? Shouldn't it be classified as some sort of "post-cyberpunk", rather?
You're right about it being a great manga, though. One thing I love about Blame! is how ridiculous and extreme its world is despite being biologically dead, namely in terms of sheer size.

Is that a thing? Could we call NOiSE, the short prequel, a cyberpunk manga then? As the world in it is a more... traditional one and showcases what went on before shit hit the fan

>Is that a thing?
I don't think so, I pulled it out of my ass, but cyberpunk is defined as a subgenre that focuses on a "high tech, low life" society. Which implies that there needs to be a society for a cyberpunk setting to exist. Even if said society is undergoing radical change, it still needs to be there.
Blame! is somewhat post-apocalyptic, so I wouldn't call it cyberpunk.

I want to live long enough to witness that big crunch

I'd say there definitely IS a society, just a very hostile, lonely and unconventional one
The City can still be thought of as a single societal entity, with at least 3 distinct social classes and a failing government

By "society", I was implying "society of humans". But maybe you're right.

This is absolutely correct
it'd have the same effect as making a clone - that guy would either have a separate consciousness or be in a vegetative state

that is, UNTIL we finally figure out the mystery of human consciouness and manage to leave our biological shells

What if you use some kind of artificial neurons that progressively replace your natural neurons. This way you don't make a copy of yourself you just replace it with a machine. And when your neurons are all artificial you can put them in a robot of some kind or a box connected to a network.
I don't know just throwing some ideas but this seems to be the way to go

I've had that idea before, it propmpts the 'boat' dilemma. But I'd love to help develop that it would be awesome.

You would need to take into consideration that your brain works on bio-chemical reactions so your artificial body would need to emulate that perfectly.

Yeah but at first you wouldn't really need a body, just somewhere to put your neurons and interact with the world in some way. But I think if we manage to create artificial neurons we would be able to handle these kind of things

Burgers, have you called your congress about Net Neutrality yet?