Sup daily programming thread /dpt/ edition

Sup daily programming thread /dpt/ edition
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Bootcampers or degree holders?

Who /haskell/ here?

wow this is a really lame thread image op

1 GB of garbage per second here


Should I learn javascript or python?


python for scripting, javascript if you're doing web development and need to know it

JS, it's the future

Exploring the deepest, darkest corners of Racket ( ̄ー ̄)

I'm currently trying to learn how to effectively use structs in C. So far, they're great, they take all the stuff I wanted from OOP and put it into C.

Can you show me that asm monad?

Pythons sucks. It is literally a cult. Go watch some pycon talks and come back and tell me you want anything to do with those people.

and people say c++ is hard

>Pythons sucks
no es uno argumento

What language would make such a stupid decision?

>search for pycon videos
>click on a random one
>click on a random point in the video
>picture of a family and a newborn
>"a family to take care of"


>I wish I knew about a programming language that had python like semantics but with strong typing, and easily supported haskell-style pattern matching/list processing with some kind of nice support for currying scenarios.
So, I just happened upon OCaml and it seems to satisfy all of these at once. I'm going to go learn it I guess.

>the lazy man of europe is behind the laziest language in programming
really expresses some poetical properties

>laziest language in programming
whatchu mean?


it just cempiles :^)

is that your argument?


kill yourselves

no multicore

>only just started learning how to program
>already passing as a native /dpt/-inhabitant
i think i just might make it lads

calm down, pedro. did you miss your siesta?

Today i found out there a species of penguins called "Gentoo penguins"

What do you think the distro was named after?

I'm a white person who is not an Indian and I use Java. AMA.

how does it feel being bog standard


Do you work for some kind of bureaucracy?

How many design patterns do you know by heart?

How big of a meme are classes and OOP?

This looks quite fancy.

Damn, that kind of sucks. It still supports message passing between processes for basic cases, though. Most of my personal projects don't use parallelism, though, so I'll still try OCaml. If I want to use an "interesting" language for parallelism, I'll try Elixir or something else on the Erlang VM.

How do I learn how construction works in C++?
Where can I learn the rules for (), {}, = and = {} without just referring to the standard and trying to separate all the jargon?

>Watching Python talks by anyone other than David Beazley and Raymond Hattinger

ocaml has multi core through multi processing.


f a b x = snd ([a,x],b)

If done properly they are not a meme at all.

How do I avoid fucking using {} in C# all the time? The doc says it's the best practice but I don't want 398473984 levels of inden-fucking-tation.


Unironically none except for the one's I've come up with myself over the years.
They are useful. But you can really apply those things in any language, some just don't have the syntax sugar. Use inheritance sparingly.

Dont use class POO.

Why should I learn haskell if my job is mostly C++/Python/Matlab?

Why should I poo in the loo if I have no loo?

If you are bad at programming can you still get a job? I think I am okay but I'm scared I am really bad.

Not programming

Anyone have any good Java guides for games and networking
Two threads ago I got no help

you just have to pretend to know thinks.

like, you know, in life

>If you are bad at programming can you still get a job?
Absolutely. I have to work with idiots every day.

I propose that we investigate the connection between the Indian class based society and their proclivity for class based languages

Most people are bad at programming.
The worse you are, the better chance that a shitty company will hire you.

there's a Java sea near India

>near india
By your definition of "near", Canada is "near" Mexico.

What's a good way to introduce a kid to programming?

I'm home for a couple of days and my little sister was interested in it when I was coding. I think if she could code simple games easily she might like it but I don't know any software like that.

I was thinking Racket

How good of a foundation C++ is if I want to learn other languages?

scratch maybe

python turtle

Cool. That makes me feel better.

Uncanny. Right next to India? It could be even shittier than the language.

I suggest for Scheme as well. The constant syntax helps you focus on what you are programming instead of learning the syntax.

C++ makes all other languages look like little babbies.
I won't recommend it as your first language though, it'll be frustrating to learn.

This isn't stackoverflow. Use proper grammar.

Lazy grammar is completely legitimate

Any bad things you can say about Golang? I'm using it for backend microservices and it feels just perfect for the task.


Large binaries. Doesn't actually link statically unless you're careful.


int leapyear(int year)
if (!(year % 400))
return 1;
if (!(year % 100))
return 0;
if (!(year % 4))
return 1;
return 0;

int dpm(int year, int month)
switch (month) {
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
return 30;
case 2:
return 28 + leapyear(year);
return 31;

Interfaces seem fine for me. I never properly worked with C/C++ so it's not a big deal to me.
> Doesn't actually link statically unless you're careful.

Learn C first then C++. It's much better this way.

Shit like Java and C# are super easy to get into after C++. Webdev and scripting languages in general are fucking hell though, I miss having types when I code in python, when I get into a new codebase and I have no idea what kind of object a function returns because it has no return type, and even worse when the object was passed into it it didn't need to have type signature, so you're just backtracking like a retard through function calls trying to figure out what kind of fucking object you're working with. Dynamic typing was a fucking mistake and the person who created should be fucking hanged.

Python has optional type annotation right?

>Learn C first then C++. It's much better this way.
Stop giving such horrible advice, this will only make him a worse c++ programmer.

>>> def add(x: int, y: int): return x + y
>>> add(5,6)
>>> add(5.5,6)


C with templates/RAII/STL is a perfectly valid way to write C++.

type annotations are just hints.

it doesn't do anything

How to make graphic shit with Haskell?
I can't stop installing dependencies holy shit when does it end. With C this doesn't happen.

haskell has the best lib support for FP.


>You end with axioms

Great talk for JS fans:

Right, but complex for a lot of people.

>interfaces that span multiple types
Sounds a bit like typeclasses.

JS is already looking to hack on types in the future. Dynamic plebs will wake up sooner or later.

I worry it will be some gradual/optional typing thing, nowhere near what is needed.

>not having an entire line dedicated to all of your { or }

>JS fans
If you see any tell them to go to >>>/wdg/ and leave us alone.

Oh it will be like all Jshit.
Atleast Nim or Elm seem like viable solutions.

dynamic typing works if the point of the language is just to get out of the way of the developer and let him do whatever shit he feels like e.g. Lisp

Funny that Clojure seems to be moving to types. But yeah, LIsp somewhat manages

JS isn't just for webdev these days, thanks to Node.

>node is not webdev

>JS isn't just for webdev these days
>there's node
I think you're mistaken. Node consists entirely of webdevelopers trying to hamfist their language into relevance elsewhere.
It's just as awful and it's the same people.