So what do when Comcrap and Ad&Hd inevitably fuck us after net neutrality is kill?
So what do when Comcrap and Ad&Hd inevitably fuck us after net neutrality is kill?
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Move to a sane country like Russia.
keep fitin da good fite
gb2/b, frogposter, your maymay spam doesn't belong here.
Start our own ISP. With waifus and memes.
>start our own ISP
I mean, if we can successfully crowdfund the billions it takes for new physical infrastructure, land-leasing contracts, fiber optic cables, federal/state/city/township approval, and custom software to run it all, then sure.
Petition Jeff Bezos to start Amazon Internet or some shit
Intentionally rack up an impossible to pay "metered" bandwidth bill and cancel your service then refuse to pay for it, send all complaints to the BBB, if they try and fuck with your credit score fuck with them back, etc.
>be me
>year 2023
>purchase Amazon Online™ subscription
>set it up, try to browse to Sup Forums
"Please confirm your Triple Platinum Prime subscription to access any site outside of the Amazon™ directory."
>sigh and auto-deduct $79.99 to access an internet board about frogs yelling and calling each other fags
>browse for 2 hours
>"I'm sorry, your allotted time has expired. Would you like to continue browsing for $0.99 per minute?"
>sigh again and hook up my Amazon Blood-Pay Apparatus™ to pay for using Netdix to stream
>start getting dizzy, pass out after 1.4 quarts of blood loss
>"I'm sorry, your time has expired. Would you like to approve a $49.99 payment to continue streaming outside of Amazon™ services?"
What if the death of net neutrality makes us go outside more, thus becoming healthier and more cultured and socially active.
Even Google got fucked by your ISPs.
There is no hope. The Jews own you.
As much as I would like that to happen, not even google could successfully roll out google fibre.
I mean, yeah, they got a few cities, but google had to fight tooth and claw to do so.
ISPs were suing like crazy to preserve their little monopolies.
How do the Jews keep doing stuff like this for thousands of years? Can a Jew tell us the secrets that are passed down across generations?
Step 1: Have money
Step 2: Make the general public not give a shit, or otherwise astroturf when you can't get your way.
Run everything on Gentoo. It can be GNU/Internet.
Trump is making America great again, why can't you cucks see that?
Have fun paying premium prices for accessing le reddoot and fuckbook
Well memed my friend
gb2reddit with that cuck speak, sjw libtard
>none of what people are crying about happened before obama signed net neutrality laws
>suddenly crying about all these what ifs to protect it
I wish
The baiting and trolling are coming from all sides in this thread. Nothing is real.
How is panicking about impending internet censorship considered trolling or baiting?
Nigga I don't feel like being cucked by Comcast just because I hate using their shitty streaming service.
Accept their hot, greasy member in your ass, and call it freedom.