why do other boards laugh at us, Sup Forums?
Why do other boards laugh at us, Sup Forums?
nigga how the fuck am i supposed to know those men's professions from some random picture of them.
Is that a merchant?
They don't
because you're taking yourself too seriously and don't even realize when you're shitposting
>why do other boards laugh at us, Sup Forums?
Because shit in the picture exists and fa/g/g/ots tell people to go to Sup Forums when it gets pointed out.
Which board isn't laughed at?
Because the large Sup Forumsirgin infestation here makes this board look bad. If you filter out the consumer, spec me, benchmarks, Linus and GPU war threads it's not so bad. Gayman discussion would be acceptable here if it was about the technicalities (e.g. how a polygon is rendered) rather than the consumption of the media which is what it usually always devolves too.
Don't be silly, it's a colorblind test
>racists see black men
Wrong, I see only niggers.
they should kode with klossy
Klossy only kodes with kirls
kood for her
Where and how the fuck did he get occupation vision?
>25 yr old male with no High School education
>Working his way up to a Phd
You're supposed to assume they're reaching for the stars professionally because they're "disadvantaged" and their domestication is a triumph for the progressive west. That's the liberal logic of it anyway.
He sees thing that he can't confirm but denies the things that he can see.
Sounds like he belongs in a church.
is this loss
>why do other boards laugh at us, Sup Forums?
I don't know what you are talking about goy- I mean guy!
>Why do other boards laugh at us
>Glorified consummerist board
>Filled with underage vidyafaggots who pretend to be epin haxxors
>Thinking installing obscure Linux distro and ricing desktop is the pinnacle of technology
>Everyone is downright ignorant over here to the point they cannot even argue about any topic that demands a little knowledge, like Net Neutrality
>Obsessed about race and gender dysphoria more than Sup Forums, /lgbt/ and /d/ combined
Gee i don't know
Real shit, I see a bunch of dudes who are too old to start their PHD, and are too old to be successful in their field if they actually get their PHD.
Shit tier b8, fucof m8
nothing of value here