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Churchill was right - the Anglos should have gassed them all.
I hope he fucks you Americans off from internet.
All he wanted was dedicated shitting bandwidth
get cucked faggot
I encounter a lot of Indians in real lige. How can I fuck with them without breaking the law?
It affects you too, idiot Ranjeet. No more broken English horny comments on 14 year old white girls' photos when your ISP blocks you from Facebook for being a faggot.
>your ISP blocks you from Facebook
Except that his ISP is not American and can't block him.
>Ajit Pai
>Ajit P.
>P. Ajit
>liberals complain about white males ruining everything
>Republicans get a minority to actual ruin everything
net neutrality is one of those things that sounds nice on face value but is shit on further inspection
no, it's still nice on further inspection. At least, it's better than giving monopolies the power to abuse their monopoly, which is what getting rid of NN would do
You mean Americans? Nice dubs btw ;^)
>it's better than giving monopolies the power to abuse their monopoly, which is what getting rid of NN would do
there is no reason to think this would happen
>Americans get cut off from the rest of the world
How is this a bad thing? I can't fucking wait for you retards to be gone.
Fucking tired of you brainwashed idiots thinking you are the best country on the planet yet you are the most cucked by your own government and the lobbyist corporations.
I mean, you're all so fucking self-centered that you don't even wish free education and universal healthcare on your fellow citizens, YOUR COMRADES AND FRIENDS. You literally want your neighbour to be miserable and unable to live just because it might slightly inconvenience you. You have worse than 3rd world infrastructure, a political system that breeds corruption and you don't even have fucking vacations unless your work contract says otherwise (literally have to work every day of the year).
You guys are the most cucked people on the planet yet you think you are somehow "free". You are all terrible people and the less influence you have on other continents the better.
Yeah, because you spend like 50% of your income on military unlike other countries which maybe use 2%.
Im not glad you're cucked, but I'm glad you're gone.
>Americans cut off from the rest of the world
>no foreigners allowed on Sup Forums
yes pls
This is like the gun debate.
Free market will reign supreme.
a country full of retards gets run into the ground by retards, who would have thought
>USA being ruined within 400 years of its birth
Funniest thing ever. Who would've thought that sending a bunch of egoistical self-centered fortune hunters to a different continent in search of "the american dream" could provide such entertainment for the rest of us.
I mean
>Gets turned into the most corrupt and brainwashed country on the planet
It truly is the best reality show.
but guys!
soros is funding NN
it must be good :D
>This is like the gun debate.
Nah, y'see with gun control no one's ever admitted the laws enacted have prevented crimes, in fact in various cases criminals who've been caught have admitted the inverse is true, that pecause such strict laws were put in place they (the criminals) feel more secure in their ventures because they know the average citizen isn't going to be packing heat.
Comparatively, we have verizon (or maybe comcast), I get my hateboner's mixed up sometimes) who have had representatives outright testifiy that the only thing keeping them from throttling various streaming services to promote their own services are the net neutrality rules in place.
It's my opinion that internet access should be treated mostly like a utility, as you almost can't function in society without it anymore. Almost all job apps are done online now as well as most basic points of contact are now done through email (to the point that it's rare for a hiring manager to get an actual phone call from an interested party anymore).
have fun getting you head cut off on the walk to the tesco by your 'migrants' m8.
What are you, a fucking communist?
Let the free market decide for itself, fucking government regulation FUCKHEAD. FUCK YOU FUCKING LEFTIST FUCK, why dont you MOVE if you dont fucking like it here, FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!
Just buy a toilet from the dept store and roll it around on a cart where ever you go, with a sign on the cart that says "pajeet repellent - toilet witch inside"
captcha: Pottery ROAD
it's like pure pottery
If you actually loved capitalism, you would realize that its most sane representatives have argued in favor of regulations. Ya boi Milton for example is phenomenal in his arguments in favor of safety nets and regulations.
But, you don't, you're just a false flagging retard who can't even put some effort into his b8
>a fucking communist?
In a past life allegedly, and that was less going the party line and more to do with the nazi's invading the motherland.
Note, I did not say full on government control of said industry, I said treat it like a utility. That means everyone has equal opportunity for access and the companies can't be too retarded with their transmission rates and setup costs, as for a large part a lot of the infrastructure is already in place.
That's one of the reasons I loved centurylink. The rates were decent, it was month to month with no contract, and if something happened (eg some jackass with cable cutters on his CB antennae) they had a line truck out there the same day to fix it once I called it in, and that was part of the service they provided because they were treating it for the most part as a utility. Compare that to comcast who tried to sneak a contract extension in (the email and file name was contract closure request or some shit like that but when I read the actual pdf with the electronic signature bit it was a 4 year extension) when I was trying to close out my account and I had to get lawyers involved in the end.
Nice bait. Unless you're a nig, education and healthcare is easy to get. Plus ObamaCare forces everyone to get health insurance, anyway. I think what hinders our freedom the most is the FCC, though.
Eastern European here
How much do Indians crime, are they like niggers? We have niggers but not Indians
If you care about your neighbors and aren't a hikikomori, you're a filthy normalfag and belong elsewhere.
Indians won't do crime as often, they're way too servile. Unfortunately they're also sneaky as fuck, so while they won't do crime they will shirk their responsibilities at work, lie to take credit/shift blame, claim credit for work they got from SO, etc.
>let me tell you about YOUR country: the post
Churchill is also responsible for Israel and would have just turned india into a jewish state so fuck him.
He has to go back...
>Free market will reign supreme.
the barrier of entry to the isp market is ridiculous. this is not free market
>using the smiley with a carat nose
but Sup Forums is a jap site?
ree normies
praise kek my friend
Sup Forums is hosted in the US, and was started in the US
Most Indians are criminals, they'll steal, murder and rape.
You just can't trust Muslims man
But user Sheldon Adelson funds anti freedom laws its great being cucked :)
Only failed normalfags and normalfags say that, they have to go back as well.
People keep saying "free market", but do they realize how high the barrier to entry is for an ISP? Even without the retarded laws preventing them, it's insanely difficult to start up a new ISP.
If the free market decides that the current ISP layout is optimal, then so be it. Doesn't matter if you want to be a crybaby and wish the ISPs have away their services for less money, or even if it means that you don't get Internet access at all. Why do you think you're entitled to otherwise?
Profit reigns supreme once again, American top class hegemony grows ever stronger, and the world advances towards a bright future (for the worthy, at least, but everyone else is irrelevant).
thanks drumpfkins
this is what happens when you let darkies think they're human
>trump puts a massive retard in charge
Thanks Sup Forums
How much longer till NN is dead for good?
Except I'm going to block his asshole with my fat cock
is this bait
>Pajit AI
Yes, we all know America is a fucking shithole that is cucked beyond belief yet it's population remain brainwashed. Every western nation knows that already except America themselves, but can we stop having Sup Forums be /g-pol/?
From dark web to derka net
Well, by that logic and the transitive property, white males are still ruining everything
But pajit is just a puppet
The real enemy are the Jews in charge of the cable companies and ISPs
i literally cannot wait for drumpkins to get banned from chans just like they wanted
Why do people say that the "open" and "free" internet is one where the government can tell you how you're allowed to access and provide access for it?
Churchill and the other European niggers are the reason Israel is around to fuck us all to begin with.
Except that ISPs already use scummy tactics, have already tried tactics that NN prevented and have an effective monopoly/oligopoly throughout large portions of the USA preventing even informed, rational actors from ousting them.
Thats all fake news from bullshit libtrard press.
Left wants to control the internet so they devised this bullshit "new neutrality" scheme which is nothing more than a way for gov to control what you can read.
Viva la Republica Bolivariana - you can't harm us we glorios internet protect
I can't wait for all the Americans to be banned off Sup Forums! Thank you, Mr. Trump!
Yeah! Let the free market work! My ISP isn't treating me right, so I'm going to show them who's boss. Let's see what the other options are in my area...
Oh ok well shit. Maybe it's so bad though, I'm sure someone can start a new ISP, after all this is a FREE MARKET!
>Bullshit exclusivity deals prevent you from doing this in most places, existing companies would sue you into oblivion, plus the financial barriers to entry are incredibly massive
Huh. So this is the power of the free market?
u mad?
>Sup Forums with only third world people like me and eurocucks
No, thanks
We know which political party does this.
Its a partisan issue at this point. No use blaming one guy who can only go in one direction as that's been his motto for the last 10 years.
Reminder, Sup Forums is a cancer to Sup Forums. It actively seeks to destroy Sup Forums.
I guess making all those scornful SJWs cry for one day was really worth getting fucked in the ass this much over the past six months. Well memed.
no, this is what happens when a bunch of edgy virgins meme a meme candidate president to presidency
republicans would be undefeatable if they wouldnt do shit like this.
Ya and well just make another one.
You Pajeets are nothing without the white man.
Its not a free market you literal retard. Even Google had a hard time brining people fiber optic connections because of legal troubles and have up.
>If the free market decides that the current ISP layout is optimal, then so be it.
but it is not only a market decision but also a legislative one
I'm not an expert on amerifat law, but I bet you need a acquire a shitton of licences and comply with numerous regulations to become a ISP. this is not really free market. even if you believe in the magical self-regulatory power of the free market then it doesn't apply here