Fucking miners reeee

They're even buying entire OEM systems now just to sell the GPUs on ebay

I had a feeling that would start happening eventually.

So .. where's the OEM PCs? They can't be selling what's left for that much.

How can that be profitable? Aren't prebuilt PC's usually pretty bad value compared to just buying components individually. Even if you manage to sell the GPU for some profit your left with a shit OEM PSU, case, mobo etc.

don't worry about it, the crypto market has been crashing for a few weeks, btc is under $2000 today
a flood of people trying to get out is already happening, they're just not in desperation to recoup costs just yet

It doesn't matter when the GPUs are selling for 2-3x MSRP.

They end up making ~$150 per computer. If I were slightly more jewish I'd have already bought four

I didn't cherry pick these listings either, they were the best "deals" on the 1st search page

Who's actually going to buy that gutted OEM PC for that price? Garbage.

Why is this happening now? What are miners after?

everything is crashing. just wait a couple of week and the market will be flooded with this shit, plus vega™ will already be on shelfs

Wouldn't $1,500 worth of ASICs serve miners better?


not all coins are the same

ASICs work almost exclusively with bitcoin, sadly. If they worked with ethereum people wouldn't be shelling out the price of a used car for a few hundred megaherts.

Lol, don't blame miners for these retards actions. If they honestly think people are going to buy this shit they should thing again. These idiots are even worse than people buying into this shitty pyramid scheme.


Oh. Damn. Guess minerfags will continue to fuck up GPU prices for a while, then.

But why now? The Bitcoin train was several years ago.

Can someone explain to me, what kind of operation the GPU does in exchange for cryprocurrency?

>buying entire OEM systems
Don't you mean STOCK systems?

Shit, I am so glad I bought my current card right before this bullshit. AMD and Nvidia need to up their god damn production to offset this shit.

Didn't BTC increase 33% in value less than six months ago? There is still some life in it, the latest meme is is investing in random cryptocurrencies, hoping they'll take off naturally or with excessive shilling.

Just hat happened/is happening with ETH right now.

Crypto is still shit and a retarded 'investment' though, more than ever now really.

Bitcoin's previous all time high was ~$1200 in 2014, now it got close to $3000 a few months ago.

isn't ETH implemented in a way that heavily discourages miner farms?

LOL... fucking gaymers BTFO!

Die, laughing whore poster.

This isn't NASCAR. They're not STOCK computers.