Skylake Xeons are a massive flop

>Skylake Xeons are a massive flop
>O-o-oy vey! It's like another Shoah!

this website makes me hate jews. i should seek help.

You probally hate the imaginary strawman of sneaky jews. Go talk to some real jews.

>Pretending that you didn't always secretly hate them to begin with.

but every real jew i have talked to is practically the same as the strawmen just not as ugly looking

thanks for improving on my OC, i'm not that good with memes

>inb4 le 'not funny' poster

Will Intel be able to shake things up after this massive Memelake scam?

You're not funny.

New Intel processors are bad, and you know it.

You're not funny.

You are so salty

Aah took long enough for you to show up.

no denial there
doesn´t change that you are not funny though

look throughout history and realize almost everyone who interacted with jews soon hated them.

it's not really a surprise considering what they do.

You're not funny.

I was picking up some PCs.

The Trumps are not real jews.

Muh power
Server customers who buy the most stock only care about performamce

>look throughout history and realize almost everyone who interacted with anyone of a different color/religion/culture soon hated them.
Hey, wouldn't you know it, retards can't cope with anything but bland rigid hegemony. Critical thought is hard so people live their lives trapped in memes.

Lmfao @ monolithic space heater!

i haven´t talked to the trumps.
why would you assume i did?

Have you talked to one though? Or are you doing like the generations before, hearing about how bad Jews are without talking to one.

Disclaimer: I'm Jewish. I didn't ask for it. Maybe I'm a horrible person, but I claim to not be. You can't find out until you do talk to us though.

>Disclaimer: I'm Jewish

I knew this one jew who only pissed sitting down because he was afraid of it splashing. They're all insane to a degree and try to back it up with pseudoscientific explanations.

>Disclaimer: I'm Jewish.
Literally cant make this shit up

you're undeniably jewish if you consider yourself part of the collective

But it's logical to do so. It's not a coincidence that they've been thrown out of dozens of countries since the beginning of recorded history.



How can intelgoyim possibly hope to recover


The Happy Merchant is just the archetypal snake. Anyone can embody this archetype. The Jew thing is not meant to be taken literally. I mean, if someone pulls some Jew shit on you, does it really matter if they are actually jewish/hebrew?

Normal everyday Jews are just like everybody else. They can be poor just like everybody else.

It's the "global" Jew that people hate. And it's not only Jews but "global" Christians and "global" Muslims also.

So it's only the globalist, religion supremacist, cheating, lying... people that everybody hates.

t: angnostic

You're not funny.

Intel is very funny.

Globalists are all atheist or Satanists in disguise friendo. That's why commies all tried to replace religion with the state

>Disclaimer: I'm Jewish

they just happen to mostly be jews


You're not funny.


>Israel Development Center

What did they mean by this?

wtf I thought jews was just a meme?

they actually exist?? and they have their own country???

guess where intel got its logo colors from ;^))))))))))

wtf i love hitler now

Jews do actually exist.

when do we kick them out and nuke their country