/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

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>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

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>How to break out of the botnet?

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Anybody have the default libreboot grub background? Enjoying my free as in freedom laptop, but I'm trying to add it to my own grub config so it sorta "flows thru" while booting.

Also fuck gommies.


>le gommunism is bad meem XDDDDD
Fuck off.

>Enjoying my free as in freedom laptop
what model?

We already have a perfectly fine thread.

No, fuck capitalists.

What is a good distro for a old ass PC with 256 RAM with 64 MB video? i know DSL but it says that is only mostly for live only use, then what would be something similar?

Should I go Nemo or are there better alternatives? People who put Nautilus in deserve a dickslap.

Why do I keep breaking packages on Debian? Debian is the only distro I have this problem.

>why not find the image yourself in the source?
>why not compile your own libreboot with your own image?
>why do you have two bootloaders?
regardless, here it is. /resources/grub/background

puppy will probably be a good choice, since unlike DSL allows you to use ubuntu packages

pcmanfm is a well featured GTK file manager.
The only drawback it has is copying dialog which only tells you the progress in % and the estimated time left instead of more useful information like transfer speed

What font do you all use in the terminal?

I have been using fixed-misc 6x13 bitmap font for as long as I've been seriously using linux but my eyes are getting old and that font is two small.
I switched to DejaVu Sans Mono and it looks fine but holy shit I can only fit four 80x24 terminals on the screen instead of nine. I guess I will have to start switching tags more.

Thinkpad T60. Was super worried since the panel was supposedly untested but it worked out OK.

Didn't occur to me I could pull it out of the source, but it should have. From my reading, I didn't want to have to reflash every time I had a kernel update, so I just stuck with the "read the grub from the HD" option. Maybe there's something I didn't understand. Regardless, thank you sir.

I'd always used Thunar or Nautilus til I realized I could reasonably customize pcmanfm. Now I like it fine.

7x13 actually because the bold and italic version don't look squished and shit.
But I have a 96ppi laptop screen.

If your eyes get tired I highly recommend switching to a dark-on-light terminal colorscheme.
More light gets reflected of your retina and your eye doesn't have to focus that much. Some studies actually confirmed that it's easier to use for prolonged periods of time especially if you have eye defects like astigmatism.
Personally I use bluloco light, I think it's from Atom editor


Also good thread.

just make sure your kernel+initram filenames haven't changed after an update and you won't ever need to flash a rom again.

copy whatever your current grub.cfg is doing into libreboot's grub.cfg.

how do I make ubuntu boot to tty1 by default? I always have to switch to it manually

What tty does it boot to? And in text mode or with a dm?

I'm not sure which one, it's just a blank screen. I have to hit ctrl+alt+f1 to switch

Interdasting, I'll look into it. Clearly using the libreboot grub payload singular bootloader would be more efficient (and arguably more secure?). I plan on keeping it [only free src] Debian for the rest of its life.

I basically did the same thing starting from LXDE Debian and (more or less) giving it the Crunchbang treatment by installing Openbox+Tint2. Short answer is I modified .xinitrc to contain:

exec openbox-session so when I hit "startx" it would load Openbox

and also purged lightdm. YMMV because Ubuntu. I think Ubuntu uses gdm. (?)

GNOME 3 is rendering my wallpapers in really low quality and then blowing them up. Jagged edges show everywhere. How can I fix this? Hint:the windows are jagged as fuck and this picture is pretty large at 5934 × 3922

>"startx" it would load Openbox
that's what I do but I have to first switch to tty1 to type anything.

that was why I was saying remove/purge your DM

I don't have a DM

>backdoors in mint

Is it safe to use mint? Did they fix the issues?

just found this

I'm wondering why anyone would consider installing a distro, knowing that is was backdoored in the past. Why not use a different distro?

I'm having some issues with hibernation on Fedora. Anyone know what to do?

I found this guide:
which tells me I should look in /etc/default/grub for GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY.
True enough, this is set to true, but I am not sure what to do about the second part.

The guide says to look in /boot/grub2/grub.cfg for a certain line, and then add something to it, but I cannot find this line. Furthermore, at the top of grub.cfg is a warning that it should not be edited.

In one of the comments is a correction, which says to instead change a second line in /etc/default/grub, but I am not sure what I'm doing. The comment says to alter one line to
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”rhgb quiet resume=/dev/sda3″
However, this line in my grub file has a few other entries as well.
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rd.lvm.lv=fedora/root rd.lvm.lv=fedora/swap rhgb quiet"
Should I just remove these, and alter the entire line to look like the above?

Is this guide maybe too old, and should I instead be looking into something with systemd instead?

Is it a really old setup that uses chvt in rc.local or something to switch to tt7? That used to be the default for the first graphical console before everything started execing on tty1 for security.

I didn't know :(

Just add the resume=... parameter and leave everything alse there.
I don't use fedora but you should be able to tell it is to old by hibernation not working after you follow it.
It should just boot fresh, if it doesn't even do that just choose another grub entry or edit the broken one in the grub menu.

I don't know. It's ubuntu 17.04 minimal install.

Thanks for reading and answering!

I was going to, but now I looked for the device name of my swap partition and I don't know which one it is. Running df -h shows 10 different entries, but I don't see the word "swap" anywhere. Should it be there? Might I simply not have one set up?

Upon further inspection, fdisk -l shows that I have a partition at /dev/mapper/fedora-swap. Is this the one?

try scaling it yourself in gimp or pinta to be the correct resolution. Should be able to avoid the automatic scaling.

>mfw sxiv as image viewer
feels good, finally got it working as intended

Sad to say it did not work, the laptop immediately woke back up (I did nothing) and booted into a new session. I'll look around some more. Thanks anyway!

>doesn't remember view settings for each directory


I downloaded Webkitgtk+ in a .tar.xz file
the contents of the archive have a cmakelists.txt
I downloaded cmake with sudo apt and now i don't know how to use it to build/compile my software. What do?

If im manually installing an application, whats the "correct" place to put the files?


Should I upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04 from 14.04?


Just wanted to reply to some comments in the previous thread.

>what is that even, how do you even manage to write boring cp
It's not really pornography and it's all just real life

>Reading through few entries I don't think he ever committed a
Indeed. Nothing in the blog is illegal.

>Being a paedophile alone does not qualify anyone to go to
>jail lol.
You'd think that people know this, but most don't.

>I have no clue how old is this guy
I'm 20.

>i know this guy, it's a guy from lainchan/volafile
I left volafile ~5 years ago. I'm banned from lainchan IRC.

>he goes by Yui, he's from finland and ~14y/o iirc.
I'm usually Tsutsukakushi since Yui is taken everywhere.
Unfortunately I age like normal people. I'm now 20.

>He's a nice, but conflicted kid as you can see.
I beg to disagree.

>I imagined some old balding faggot
My hair is doing well.

>who casually strolls around schools and bothers children.
I don't bother the children unless they want me to.

>it seems that he got into IBs at early age because his
>parents kinda encouraged him to use computers and stuff
Pretty accurate.

>This guy leaked his IRC handle.
"Leaked". Did you find this page perhaps:

> His IP is/was probably available before he authed on the
> network.
I connect through a bouncer running on GNU.moe.

>Not hard to get his identity
This I agree with.

>and therefore figure out if his TOR hidden service leads
The hidden service is on the same machine as the regular site.

>I'd love to see the law pursue him.
Why would they do that and why would you love that?

And some more.

>What, he's 14 and his email is YUI at cock li ?
People were wrong about my age but the email is correct.

>Guy wants to diddle kids, and he has a TOR hidden service.
The hidden service is just a mirror of the regular site.

>he could (maybe even has??) mentally scarred a child if he
>acts on that fucked up shit he's been writing.
Mentally scarred a child by playing with her?

>Coincidence, I think not.
I think the glogo is pretty and I knew about it much before
pizzagate. I just wanted to add it to the blog to trigger

>using GRUB

stupid dumb pedo scum

God damn, I feel so dumb but at the same time, why should all this shit be necessary just to get fucking hibernateion

samefagging as
I have gone into /etc/default/grub and changed two lines:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rd.lvm.lv=fedora/root rd.lvm.lv=fedora/swap rhgb quiet resume=/dev/dm-1"

I also tried "true", but that didn't fix my problem. In addition, I have made sure that nothing causes a wakeup, and disabled a bunch of things in /proc/acpi/wakeup.
So I can put my computer to sleep and get it out without much issue, and my computer doesn't immediately restart when I set it to hibernate. But restarting from hibernate just causes a fresh reboot, and the previous session is lost, or at least not restarted.

As a bonus, a problem that I thought was gone has come back, where firewalld will take 4 minutes to stop during shutdown. So now it takes 5 minutes to reboot rather than 20 seconds. Has to be related, but I don't have a clue how.

Did you regenerate the grub config like in ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/96389/fedora-24-how-to-enable-hibernate/
idk, I don't use fedora, in debian it is handled by the initramfs.

This is not very friendly.


Hahah this is such a shit

I changed /dev/dm-1 to /dev/mapper/fedora-swap, and got out of hibernation. ONCE.

The second time I tried, the computer went into and then right out of hibernation in 1 second, and my wifi stopped working.

If this weren't kinda funny in a silly way, I would have given up by now.

Thanks a bunch for this link! I remember seeing it at some point but I couldn't find it again. I will go through those tips now, again super thank you!

Is there any reason to use opensuse on a laptop that's only used for web browsing, torrenting and watching movies?

Is bash worth learning?

What do you expect from opensuse?

it's better to learn posix shell and bash on top of it

Yes. This is the best guide that I've run across: mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide

Also use shellcheck on all your scripts.


And no, I won't.

whats the difference between desktop and server distros? for a small project there is none, right?

none at all

So i don't know much about linux but i need your help.

So basically my SD card on android kept getting corrupted every two weeks or so and i decided to reformat it as ext4 to see if it helps, but now when i browse the card then instead of being mounted as /storage/000-1234 or something like that it's mounted to /mnt/554sd5sd45sd54d4_rw
I don't understand, why? Won't that break everything?

I keep losing ssh access to my server - it either freezes in session or fails to connect in the first place. It looks like it's due to memory (when I can connect there's about 2.5/4gb in use and the same for swap). How can I remedy this? I have a memory-intensive program which is run as a service file and I haven't touched it in about a month. Would a cron job to restart it ~once a week help?

Not so sure it's about memory now. I just reconnected, looked at htop which showed ~2.5/4gb again for both ram and swap, opened sshd_config and it froze within seconds.

Hello /fglt/

I tried asking this in /sqt/ but I didnt get a good answer.

Say I compile a .c file with a specific gcc version that is not my system default, will I encounter errors when I try to run the compiled file?

It'll still link against the same libs. So no.

I'm encountering a problem where it doesnt seem like the compiled function can find the appropriate libraries (blas in this case), how am I best troubleshooting this?

I don't know c at all; the function is a "mex" file for matlab I need to use at work

i'm really really hyped up for gentoo
i'm thinking of having 6 partitions
1)EFI boot
2)gentoo-compiled with the most agresive optimization possible
3)compiled with -O3 optimization
4)compiled with no optimization and minimal upgade to keep it as stable as possible
5)a common /root folder
6)a common /programming folder for my projects .
5 and 6 are gonna be automatically mounted on startup on all of the gentoo partitions so swiching between the will no be a problem

what do you think?

I want a mini pc/tv box / demo board that can run stable linux and is cheap

Is raspberry pi my best option?
What can I get for about 50 dollars that beats it?

Why does Fedora in VirtualBox only see the screen as 1024*768 ?

guys, i'm interested in getting into linux. so where should i start ? i can't code or script at all. what book should i buy, in order to learn about scripting ? where to learn about how to install linux ?

Just boot up a live USB and mess around with it. What is it you want to use it for?

The only thing you might want to actually go and learn is something like python, but you don't need to.

Other than that just start using it. Try to use the terminal for things, and whenever you need to change/fix something you just search or ask someone and then when you figure out the commands to run try and learn why they worked.

That's how most people learn. It's just that there's a lot of little pieces of information you need, so it would be kind of weird or awkward to get it from a book (books would probably dive unnecessarily deep).

why does everyone think you need to buy a magical book before starting anything

why not 17.04?

if you want to learn linux read the arch wiki

A 15$ pentium 4/ Celeron desktop computer from craigslist

>dark-on-light terminal colorscheme.
>Some studies actually confirmed that it's easier to use for prolonged periods of time especially if you have eye defects like astigmatism.
Don't you mean light on dark? I have astigmatism and I use very light gray text on a very dark gray background.

I use Terminus. It's very legible.
>pic related

>pic related
I should also say that this is the terminal on my laptop, not on my main machine, where the color scheme is light gray on dark gray, here it's just white on black.

i watched someone doing it on youtube and he was typing some random programming shit when he was installing. makes me nervous. also, i would probably be using it only for messing around with the interface. rainmetered linux interface seems cool and being good at doing it also seems fun. i will buy a MBP, that will be my main computer. non-Mac is for gaming and messing around.

>i will buy a MBP
the fuck

Don't be put off by what other people are doing. Distributions like ubuntu and fedora are very user friendly.

I would not recommend to switch to 17.04 as he is still on 14.04
What that tells me is he is not fast to update and using a non LTS ubuntu is horrible if you don't like to nuke and pave every 6 months.

wait, 16.04 is LTS but 17.04 isn't??

I want it to be small and not make noise, also no craigslist where I live

Is anyone here running Debian Sid, VLC got updated and my system holds it back due to libvlccore8 not wanting to update, if I try to manually install the latest version of that package it wants to remove a shitload of KDE software and Plasma desktop etc. I assume something is wrong, as far as I know I haven't fucked up anything and I only use official repos

Is there an easy/fast way to switch to Xfce in Fedora?

Gnome is a toy DE not suitable for serious work.

How can I set the oomkiller to be more aggressive?
I have swap and it is fine to reach the point when I need it, but as soon as I start to swap, I want my browser dead.
How can I achieve this?

what you mean? just install it and remove gnome

what packages to install?

in ubuntu it's xubuntu-desktop package

Is it bad to install Java or Flash on Linux? Or is that not safe?

The unsafe part is running code from random sites you visit and those tools allow this, but it is not their only use.

If you really need flash, use chrome. At least they update it.

I have a weird problem where I cannot boot into any linux USB install medium even the Hard drive boot option of Unetbootin doesn't work

It's really strange... tried 2 different usb drives and it always hangs my computer totally when I try to enter linux installer

to the point where my monitor says it's not receiving a signal... it's like my hardware freezes

windows 10 works normally

If you want to learn to install GNU/Linux read a wiki page from any distribution, if you want to learn scripting read a shell manual like "The Z Shell Manual" by Paul Falstad.

Have you tried a different distro to see if that is the problem?

yes, tried 3 distros
"KDE Neon" almost booted... but then froze

install another BIOS

I still have 300 days on my Kaspersky license on Windows.

I want to switch to Linux, but that feels like such a waste of a license. The sunk cost fallacy is too strong.

What hardware?

Because you are doing full-upgrade (or dist-upgrade) instead of just an upgrade and there's a conflict between packages, wait until it is resolved.