How come neets like you run away with your tails between your legs at the mere prospect of needing to drive a car or get a license? I've never understood this babbie fear.
How come neets like you run away with your tails between your legs at the mere prospect of needing to drive a car or...
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Didn't you make this thread earlier today?
Because the Bureau of Motor Vehicles requires drivers license applicants to remove their fedora to get their picture taken. REEEEEEE!
I've heard people who don't have licenses say they get nervous behind the wheel as they aren't confident enough in themselves or whatever.
I have a license because my parents forced me to get one but I haven't driven a car in the 5 years since I got it. Cars are a waste of money. I can walk, bus, or Uber to anywhere I ever need to go to and self driving taxis are just around the corner.
Of all the things people commonly do today, driving is easily among the most dangerous.
Live in a city with a godly metro system. Literally no reason to drive ever and a car would just be a useless cash sink. Could finally go get the license anyway but why bother?
My mom never takes me out to drive, I've had to get a new learner's permit 3 times. No friends to teach me either since I'm a shut-in neet.
Eventually I'll get a job then I can pay for driving school.
Interviewed s guy for a Linux engineering position. He was well qualified and we knew some of the same people in the local tech community so I was sure he knew what he was doing. I was walking him out of the building thinking I was definitely going vote yes on him, then i mentioned something about how shitty our parking is and now we have to take shuttles. He then informed me he didn't own a car, or a bike even.
The closest bus stop is 1/4 mile away and our employment contract says you have to own a car (You need to be able to get to the data center if there's an emergency at 3am). He showed up 30 minutes late for his second interview with our director and anyway we did not offer him the job. It's shame too I know he would have done well and the guy we hired instead was a big mistake.
This. Do you retards really think anyone making six figures or more a year doesn't own a car? By insisting on being a literal cuck and depending on public transport you are guaranteeing yourself a lifetime of shitty wages and low salaries.
I make six figures a year and don't own a car. Get fucked faggot.
>I collect six figures a year from daddies trust fund
Sure thing, bud.
Can't put money from daddy's trust fund into a 401k buddy.
I have a car, I just don't drive very often. When I do, its for emergencies and midnight grocery runs.
>fucking nothing prior to summer 2016
is that when you graduated?
Nice backpedaling.
>it's actually five figures
>user we need you to travel on business
>We've already got your airline ticket and rental car booked
Do you just uber back and forth everywhere?
Not me, that's a different user dipshit. He's right though, you're some faggot in his early 20's who thinks he'll never need a car. And yes, daddies money is going into your 401k because he paid off your school loans which allows you to start saving for a fucking 401k after being in the workforce for a year you fucking faggot.
I work out of an office that's only a block from my house and my apartment complex is adjacent to a Kroger. I make $80k in one of the lowest costs of living in the country (west Tennessee). Why the hell do I need a car?
What's with this anyway? I swear, some of the people I see on the roads now must have just sucked some dick instead of actually learning to drive to get their license.
>I don't get sick why the hell do i need health insurance
>he doesn't know how a 401k works
Wow user can you be any more obvious that you're a neet
Of course I Uber everywhere. The company pays for it and I can do work or relax while commuting instead of having operate a piece of heavy machinery like a commoner. And I didn't have any school loans since I received a full tuition scholarship and worked part time to cover my living expenses.
I don't have insurance because it's cheaper to pay my medical expenses out of pocket. Try again?
I got my drivers license pretty soon after I was able to.
Being able to drive places is nice, especially if it's between towns or some shit.
>student loans
>thinks you can't invest in a 401k
LOL confirmed angry poorfag
I went to a state school for electrical engineering and I got some grants only took out a few loans
I only owe ~$10k
Strange, and here I thought the general trend was for people in tech to be interested in cars.
At least it seems that way on /o/
Because getting an ID means joining the government botnet
>tfw no b4 engine to swap.
>mfw I got my drivers license just before I turned 17 while NEETs are still pissing in their empty bottles
>Like a commoner
>And worked part time to cover my living expenses
Lol cucked yourself again
I drive a manual turbo Volkswagen and a 700cc bike.
Those numbers are remarkably low when compared to other statistics on annual deaths related to things like tobacco and alcohol, drugs and even sugar/diabetes.
Not a fair comparison when they lump suicides in with the homicides.
I'm a hikineet so I don't really have anywhere to drive, nor the want to. My parents are still trying to force me to get a license which I have no use for.
working on mechanical stuff just doesn't do it for me like playing with software does. I'm not a "work with my hands and get dirty" type. Also a very great deal of the tinkering people do with cars is making them go faster. I don't really care about going faster, avoiding crashes and cops is too stressful.
I can drive a stickshift though, so I guess there's that
I have a license.
I need to walk like 5 minutes to get to my workplace so there's no need to have a car.
No idea how people survive without a license.
by not being lazy americans
By not living in a third world shithole with no public infrastructure.
not if you live in a country with healthcare
>Not even driving yourself
>somehow we're lazier becuase we're actually doing something instead of expecting others to do it for us.
wow, both the laziness and the entitlement just reeks from you.
>doesn't even know the definition of third world
Ameriburgers need cars because they have no public transportation. What I see most countries do is discourage driving. More taxes and fees, more public transportation,parts of cities where only taxis, busses are allowed.
It's almost as if non-literal language exists but you're too stupid to understand it.
>what is walking
>what is riding a bike
Fuck you.
>Fees, taxes and mandatory hefty insurance to discourage owning cars.
>Penalties, extra insurance or outright banning modifications to your OWN vehicle.
>Can't buy your old dream car cuz lol it hurts the environment, but factories, wind farms, batteries and energy cells don't.
Talk shit about the US of Ass all you want but at least they aren't fully cucked, cars are cheap as shit and you're free to fuck around with your vehicle all you want.
But what if I want to go to a supermarket? It's completely infeasible to buy a lot of shit without a car.
Also, what if the supermarket is like a fucking hour away by foot? I'm not going to waste two fucking hours a day just to carry the shit back I can only carry with my hands.
I'm not an American, by the way.
>dream car
>fantasizing about ownership objects
Sup Forums - consumerism
I'd have a fully committed relationship with one of those user.
Do you live in some remote village that has no market within an hour radius?
Anyway bike can cut that journey in half easily, even more if youre somewhat in form.
You can carry a weeks worth of groceries with a bike (I used to)
Spending an hour each week for commute isnt that far fetched. Most cagers spend more in traffic during the week.
of all the possible cars in history you chose that?
pls never come to /o/
I've had my license for almost 15 years now. Never had an accident.
Lately I've been riding my bicycle everywhere though. It's fun and healthy and I don't need to buy petrol for it.
I like the idea of public transportation, but in most countries it's just shit. Delays, no good connections, crowded, no privacy, etc.
They don't need public transportation because they don't live in tiny studio apartment prisons in some fucking algerian ghetto and have to cram into packed busses and wait to be driven to the nearest stop, instead they live in a HOUSE with a fucking backyard and a garage and can go anywhere, anytime, unlike you euro sissy cuck faggots
Public transport is for teenagers immigrants and poor people, deal with it
>Wanting to own a Turk chariot
Not everyone lives in some fucking massive city with an extremely dense population. I live in a place without about 65,000 people or so, which for this country is "medium sized".
And no, there is no way I could feasibly carry shit back on a bike. During my first year of university, I didn't have a car, and I could only feasibly carry 2-3 shopping bags worth of shit, which was barely enough, and I didn't even need to cook meals or any shit during then.
b-but I wanted one ever since I was a wee kid.
I'd take a Miata or an S2000 too user but I don't think our relationship would be exclusive.
fucking cagers , i hate you and every car on the fucking road. ride a fucking bike u piece of lazy shit. I understand cars in small towns / sprawling towns but FUCK . most people i know use their cars to drive like a mile or two
>Lately I've been riding my bicycle everywhere though. It's fun
I will never understand people like you.
Getting to work with my bike takes me about 5 minutes longer than it does by car, and I get to ride along a nice bike trail through nature and I don't have to deal with traffic and all the idiots in it.
kek, fuck bikes. Why would you willingly mingle between fucking 2 tonne metal machines that can go 10 times as fast as you with the only protection being between your fucking legs? Meanwhile, the only way to actually have a faster commute would be to ignore a bunch of traffic rules, putting you at even greater risk.
special snowflakes
look at the way they wear their tight outfits like they're in the tour de france lel
>consumes 3 bags of shit a week
>barely enough
just out of curiousity, how fat were you?
got my license and money for a car. I just can't seem to choose one
because hauling around two tons of metal to get your fat ass from a to b is a waste of worlds resources
race me 1v1 ill school u , fuckin get to 30mph on flat ground ez , and can take routes cars otherwise cant. + if more ppl biked there would be less 2k ton metal death machines around. i dream of a a werld without cars
>not commuting using speed skates
u /hack/ers or not?
1- bikes are fun as fuck, going fast is amazing and the adrenaline rush is reason enough.
2- you can get a cheap bike and the cost for running it would be lower than public transportation, and much faster, with the benefit of having a vehicle ready right under your thumb.
3- crotch rockets are status symbols.
I don't think "not dying" is a waste. Maybe you're a worthless piece of shit, but I value myself a bit higher.
Please be ironic.
you will die from a heart attack way before i die from riding a bike
I exercise in safe environments, I don't need to change my commute into a deathrace to exercise.
>I exercise
I'm Lance Armstrong btw
~180cm 85kg
>Lets build a huge building and devices for exercising
>So I can compensate for my lack of exercise
>Which is caused by mechanizing two tons of metal everywhere I go
Speaking of wasting resources...
I enjoyed snow like that last year. Was fun.
I cycle everywhere (do about 200 miles per week) and catch the bus when weather is too bad for cycling.
Again, I'm not a worthless human being. Sorry you think that you are.
not to bully but desu you could use less groceries and more cycling
>I'm a special snowflake who is worth more than starving children in uganda
That's not at all what I said. I can see why you have such a low self-esteem with that comprehension level.
I'm not some girly twig-boy who lives entirely off of green tea and nuts.
You're the one that needs to eat more.
You're literally overweight. BMI of 25 and up is overweight. You should be under 80kg. Assuming you're fat/muscle is average obviously.
that weight puts you in overweight category tho
you have to admit you have a problem before you can work on a solution
Its a consequence of your actions, however.
Okay, this sentence doesn't even work the way you probably think it works. Please continue riding a bike so you kill yourself and eliminate yourself from the gene pool.
Because the public transport in my city is A tier. It's also cheap as fuck and tickets cover all types of the transport. You can also get a 50% discount if you're a student.
It also doesn't require insurance and maintenance from me like a car would. Or dealing with bullshit like window defrosting and changing your tires during the winter.
With that being said I'm thinking about getting a license later this year because I figured it might come in useful sometimes but definitely won't be getting a car.
You're just too autistic to follow a conversation.
I've been floating between 80-85 for quite a while now. I'm not really concerned about my weight.
I also have quite meaty thighs from the sports I used to do in high school.
>Taking BMI that seriously
No, like I implied, I know what you mean. I'm just saying that's not how English works.
I'm a neet and i have a drivers license
/thread for the wagecuck
>I also have quite meaty thighs from the sports I used to do in high school.
You have puddi puddi thighs you fat fuck.
>used to do
>implying your legs dont atrophy from lack if stimuli
I really want to learn driving but there is no reason to
>be eurofag
>parent works at state-run bus company
>law states that workers and close relatives of state-run transport companies travel for free both on local and distance travels
>have god-tier public transport anyway both on local and national level
>self driving cars
I give regular human operated cars 5-10 years at best to become an antiquity just like floppy disks and analogue television
>I give regular human operated cars 5-10 years at best to become an antiquity just like floppy disks and analogue television
That is way too optimistic. It'll probabyl take at least 10 years until self-driving cars reach a level where they can be safely let loose on the streets en masse. After that it will take another 20 - 30 years until they become affordable enough / there are enough used models so every Joe Shmoe owns a self-driving car.