Net Neutrality Doesn't Exist

>be eurocuck
>have net neutrality
>ISP throttles connection depending on hours
>all major ISPs completely block port 25, and the only way to unlock it is to pay extra
>frequently get ass-low Torrent bitrates despite sharing with many peers
>ISP recommended a software to block torrenting altogether at some point
>salty 12-year-olds losing their shit because they read on their favorite subreddit that Drumpf is evil orange boogeyman

Stop deluding yourselves, you stupid underage 2-digit IQ leftcuck ass-licking transfurry weebs. Net neutrality is a blatant leftcuck bait. It has never existed. I repeat: it has
existed. Every single major ISP has been violating it and getting away with it for at least a decade. Trust me. I have been using the Internet for longer than half of you have been alive (16 years). You don't have net neutrality. You will lose absolutely nothing getting it revoked by "evil capitalist Republican Drumpf." Now, man up and come back when you've grown out of crying like leftcucks whenever the government refuses to spoonfeed you.

Net neutrality doesn't exist. Period.

Other urls found in this thread:

>be eurocuck
there's your problem
in the us it isn't raped like that, just because you live in a Muslim authorian shit hole doesn't mean the rest of us do

>ISP throttles connection depending on hours
Has nothing to do with net neutrality

>all major ISPs completely block port 25, and the only way to unlock it is to pay extra
You could argue that this violates net neutrality since they're treating email differently, but considering the problem of spam coming from botted computers and the fact that 99.999% of residential users don't need it, I'd say the weight is on blocking it.

>frequently get ass-low Torrent bitrates despite sharing with many peers
You shouldn't have believed Sup Forums that qBittorrent was any good.

>ISP recommended a software to block torrenting altogether at some point
I recommend you kill yourself. Neither has anything to do with net neutrality.

Fucking frogposters.

this doesn't happen in my country :^)

>current year
>be in US, where net neutrality is a law
>torrents are not throttled
>can freely browse 4chins
>don't have to pay extra for some sites

feels good, man. hopefully the FCC will come around and stop trying to change things.

>where net neutrality is a law
factually incorrect

>Net Neutrality is shit because my country doesn't enforce it properly

What kind of fucked up logic is this

where are you from?

dunb pogrofster

i don't have this problem with my Norway™

Nice proofs you shitposting pajeet.

Bud, you are literally the capital of cukolding and degeneracy. On top of that you're 58% white and there has been more black children born than white children in 2016. So shut your cuck mouth.

What kind of shithole are you from?

Sounds like you live in USA rather than Europe

>be eurocuck
>have net neutrality
>everything is equally shit and slow
>no port blocked
>run email server on 8/0.4 Mbit home connection
>no problems whatsoever

I'll keep my net neutrality, thanks.

if france is still in europe well i don't think i have all the shit you said
or reddit

The shit you describe is illegal in the European Union. If you have proof that your ISP is doing something illegal, you can sue them. It's very simple OP. You're either spreading FUD or you're not actually an European.

>Be Americuck
>Pay for 30 mbps connection
>Have to pay website too to get 30 mbps

Why are Americans so stupid?

>be east-eurocuck
>no data limits
>decent speed
>fairly cheap
>isp doesn't give a shit about torrenting
Feels good.

It never existed in Europe. It did in North America

I'm European and this is full bullshit
OP is probably a shill

>The shit you describe is illegal in the European Union.
French fag reporting in. What OP described is true. Port 25 is in fact blocked by all major French ISPs (Orange, Bouygues, SFR and Free). Throttling happens at peak hours when using Free services, especially on Google websites.
>If you have proof that your ISP is doing something illegal, you can sue them. It's very simple OP.
No it's not. Orange is 25% owned by the French gov'. Good luck sueing that.

Let's not kill off what's remaining


Bien le pays oú tu es sous engagement ? :rire:

I live in europe, ports are not blocked, torrents work fine (if you open the port on your router) and the only thing the ISP's do to "combat" piracy is blocking the access to a few torrent sites, and you can get around that by changing the dns server.
Net neutrality is not about "protecting" your rights to watch pirated movies, it is about keeping the legal methods of watching movies an option, even if it competes with the ISP's other video service.

C'est terminé ça, que ce soit dans le domaine du fixe ou du mobile, en tout cas pour les particuliers.

Exactly what used to happen here before net neutrality :^)

Obvious bait. Also full of lies. I honestly wonder if people like you are literal paid ISP shills. Sup Forums has been overwhelmingly in favor of net neutrality for over ten years, so you should stop trying to push this "NN is only for leftist babies" bullshit. Anyone who's been here since before the election can see through your shit

Why would you ever want to unblock port 25? do you want to get nothing but spam?

Net neutrality isn't really a left vs right issue.
It is a response to the incompetent ISP's in America.
Everyone knows the morons who run the ISP's have been doing so bad a job it would be better if nobody did anything.
Creating laws to make their jobs harder was meant to stop them from doing anything.

Dig a hole, put a tube in the ground, then blow a new connection through the tubes and connect it in both ends.
Then setup a payment system so it is easy to pay for the utility.
But when they do more than that, it pisses people off.
Stop "renting" bad routers to people, stop making your own content, stop controlling what people can and cannot do with the network.
Create a separate company that offers those services if you think those things are needed, but why the fuck would you combine shitty things just to create a shitty service?
Two bad things doesn't make a good thing in this case.

Innovation in the ISP business should be limited to better network infrastructure or better cables.
Not new subscription bundles nobody cares about.

My Eurocuck country doesn't have these problems.
t. Swede

>Be amerifat ancap cuckservative
>Visit Sup Forums on my MacBook pro that daddy bought me along with a lifted coal rolling pickup truck for private University so I can get my libural arts degree
>See net neutrality threads
>Decide to roleplay as European and make a bunch of shit up to produce an anti net neutrality thread

written by a non-euro

>my ISP doesn't throttle my traffic ever, the only thing that happens sometimes is they're heavily loaded so things get naturally and consistently slow
>port 25 can be used like literally every other port, even 80, on a home subscription
>torrents max out my 200Mbps whenever possible
>isp doesn't talk to me about anything stick their nose in my software

Finally someone who isn't a US leftcuck subhuman Redditor.

>Orange is 25% owned by the French gov'.
Didn't even know that one. Big governments are truly a fucking cancer, and leftcucks should get beheaded for supporting them.

Net neutrality has never existed for mobile providers, yet none of them have started throttling based on website

Why? Because it would lose them customers.

The only european country that have fucked up ISP's is the UK, the rest of EU is just fine, maybe except germany too.

>AT&T and Verizon allow their own video services (DirecTV and Go90, respectively) to stream on their mobile networks without counting against customers' data caps, while charging other video providers for the same data cap exemptions.
>AT&T, SPRINT and VERIZON: From 2011–2013, AT&T, Sprint and Verizon blocked Google Wallet, a mobile-payment system that competed with a similar service called Isis, which all three companies had a stake in developing.

Funny that the former lawyer from Verizon has these views on net neutrality isn't it?

Ajit is the most punchable face in America behind Paul Ryan. The goofiest, buck tooth "I'm in this position because I sucked a lot of political and corporate dick" entitled sociopath smile I've ever seen. I honestly hope the guy gets cancer and dies.

Considering that Sup Forums is 95% lefty babies that's accurate

Don't worry, Ahmed and Muhhamad are meanwhile busy raping your women and destroying the country.

At least I can download anime while it happens :^)
Pic kinda related

Sure thing, just don't complain when they come for your head.

He said eurocuck, not brit.

Take your autistic polarizing political views with you.

Same for you pal.

I will be secure up here in the north, they tend to live in the bigger cities in the south.

Not him but gonna reiterate and see if it gets through your dense ass skull
>autistic polarizing political views

>be central-eurocuck
>run a seedbox 24/7
>no dmca ever received
>well-seeded torrents use 100% of my 120/10 connection
>host a tracker at home for some friends to share things we find on the Internet
>sometimes mass scanning the whole Internet to find something interesting

to bad OP you live in some shithole

You don't belong here. Go back to your containment board. No one cares about your edgy nationalism and shit-tier sub 80 IQ opinions.