Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from a T420?
Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from a T420?
Because I do not own a T420. I own a 2008 MacBook, running wynnblows ben.
I am and the screen sucks dick
i wish nu-Sup Forums would kill itself
I am.
I did 2 days ago after falling for a meme but couldn't bear the coil whine coming from it. Got a Dell Latitude e6430 instead. Much better shit.
i am
I'm browsing from an X220T
thanks for recommending me this great laptop with a SHIT SHIT ABSOLUTE SHIT battery Sup Forums!
But I am. And with Clover OS
Because I'm happy with what I have.
Because I am not addicted to weed.
We said x220 or x230, not x220t
someone link me a decent laptop that can run stupid shit like overwatch at 60 fps
But I am
because I'm browsing under 420
if you know what i mean
I needed the stylus for drawing
When I first moved out I used a W510 for a few years before I bought a desktop.
I feel kind of bad since I don't really use the desktop for much more than what I used the W510 for.
Because I'm a filthy phoneposter
T420 would be a godly laptop if they only updated the internals.
>kaby lake quadcore
>gtx 1050/1060
Maybe a better screen as well.
It would blow any modern UltraThin™ laptop out of the water.
because I'm not a poor snowflake faggot
New screen would be mandatory, the default 1600x900 one is awful.
fuck off with this gaymen bullshit or at least make it optional, iGPU is enough for the majority
The rest i agree, keeping the triple drive possibility and all.
If you don't like it, don't use it.
If you do decide to get into gayming or need to render something it's great to have a discrete GPU.
Also the screen should be 1920x1200, literally the perfect laptop resolution.
Should I get the dock for this?
1600x900 gives you eye cancer. Why the fuck would anyone buy this shitty laptop?
1920x1200 is alright, but why? Nowadays, any laptop runs anything (except games), so all that really matters is the display and keyboard and such. The cheapest rMBP has a 2560x1600 display, so I won't accept any lesser pixel density.
hello friends I ordered a refurbished t420 and it arrives in a few days , do I keep the windows 10 on it or apply pingu ?
I used to own a T420. It was nice, but it was "too much laptop" for me. There's a lot of shit I had no reason to upgrade, bunch of ports and slots I never ended up using more than one actual time, and I never cared for the sticky matte texture of the top lid.
I ended up selling it in favor of continuing to use my Macbook Pro as my main driver.
Don't hate. My laptop needs are different.
Well you needed a wacom tablet didn't you
because im using a t440
Thinkpad t420g should have
>2560x1600 display
>Kabylake u
>Thunderbolt 3
>9cell handle instead of 6cell riser
>same chassis, no backlights for real typing experience
Honestly though I would nut if they refreshed the x61, that's my comfy laptop
Just get an X62
The real question is why aren't you browsing from a T43?
hint: these are the specs of a T43 because I'm posting from a T43
Because it has a 14" 16:9 screen.
nigger i posted a picture dont fucking not upload it
holy shit nigga no one told me about this thanks my dude
Because I have a 420s.
what do you think about x61 vs x61s ?
what do you think about t420s vs t420 ?
im not a poor and theres no point getting a laptop over desktop because im NEET
What's the one Thinkpad (or was it IBM) laptop that was government made and had the unbreakable crypto. Some user found a reference on a gov site
380ed has no Ethernet port
still looking for pcima card
i'm typing from a w530 :)
because i like my T430
The lock switch popped out. Can I fix this without taking the whole thing appart. The plastic piece isn't broken and I have the spring
I'm browsing Sup Forums from a much more competent computer for looking at an imageboard.
You might as well install linux because I cannot think of a reason to use win10 unless you plan on playing exclusives to win10.
I am doing that right now.
what are you doing right now???
depend. if you need to be attaching shit to it all the time and you always use it at the same place, definitely. for instance you could leave rj45, usb sticks, HD, charger connected to the dock, and you just take the notebook on and off of it
get the slice battery fambonious
Browsing Sup Forums on a T420, hurr durr.
Because the screen is shit.
But I still like this garbage
Because it's in the mail.
Cause that sounds like a Jamaican Terminator.
>hey get this product
>"I got this other product"
>"Your recommendations are shit"
Because I have a Dell XPS 13 2in1 which is better for browsing and shitposting.
T460s master race
I have a T460 as a work machine, I kinda like it but it feels cheap as fuck and the screen is flat out shit.
becuase I'm using a fully free librebooted x60t. The only thing bad about this model is:
1. You can't install more than 3 GB of ram
2. The latch is flimsy and breaks a lot.
>hurrdurr muh freedom
>it's basically useless
Because clover is better
If its your thing, the T420 run OS X El Capitan flawlessly.
because the e6410 is more aesthetically pleasing
Holy fuck, that temp seems a bit high.
Because I am currently posting from my desktop and I do not own a T420, I own a W520
Because I belong on Sup Forums,
not that user but battery life is shit on the t420s and t430s and youre better off with a later thnkpad if you want 14" thin and light or x220/x230
probably not
start unscrewing
>uses windows
>probably a gaymer pc
>claims that he belongs to Sup Forums
kek'd, well memed
nice phone and laptop
>t. passport se and T430
Anyone have any experience with a T420S? Looking for one in aus
Someone's defensive about his total lack of accomplishment on his Thinkpad.
Because I'm using a T430 :^) (bought it instead of T420 because muh 1600 x 900)
Because I own an X1 Carbon. Way better battery life, screen and only weighs about a kilo.
About to pull the trigger on a x220.
What am i in for? I'm putting a 500gb msata, and 250gb 2,5" ssd in there. I want to look into upgrading the panel but it seems ridiculously expensive compared to the rest.
I plan on running OpenBSD because i'm autistic and want to try new things.
Each and every panel used in X220 uses PWM at low frequency (140Hz) to dim the back- or rather edgelight.
>X220 uses PWM at low frequency
Does it produce noticeable flickering? And can you recommend a panel for upgrading?
T420 comes with a 900p panel too user.
You might not 'notice' it directly, even when looking from side (scanning in CRT displays is easily noticable when not directly looking, but with a 'side eye'), but it might induce headache and burning sensation in eyes similar to one you get from eletric arc.
All panels combatible with X220 have the same PWM frequency and there is no which work with DC control.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I still want one for the sexy keyboard, but i'll try using it for a bit before i throw more money at it.
Why not buy X60 instead? Or do you need those extra cpu cycles and slighty better battery time? They're cheaper too.
In fact, the panels used in X60 use low frequency PWM to dim the backlight too, but unlike for LED's, it is enough for CCFL backlight to display continious light (because they turn on and off much slower).
I had a bunch of stuff open in the other workspace.
because the resolution sucks, i barely use mine anymore
I would prefer a bit of extra speed of the x220, i've had one in my hands too and i liked everything about from the time i spent with it.
At any rate, i'm getting a refurb with 30 days free return policy, if it gives me trouble, maybe i'll take your advice and look at a X60 instead.
Is there any correlation between StinkPad users and people with Asperger's?
because i own a T520
Because I'm browsing from my W520 with 1080p display, a quad core CPU, mSATA SSD and 2 hard drives, you manlet
I've never noticed any flickering on my X220i.
But I am.
It's the best computer I've ever used. It's running Kubuntu at the moment, soon I'll put OpenBSD back on it (I like to distro-hop).
Why buy trash and upgrade it (but it's still trash) instead of buying something nice to begin with?
I do