The last Clover update was nearly five months ago
Remind me again why you still use this buggy sack of shit developed and maintained by an inconsistent lazy assclown and why you still haven't removed it from your device(s) yet?
The last Clover update was nearly five months ago
Remind me again why you still use this buggy sack of shit developed and maintained by an inconsistent lazy assclown and why you still haven't removed it from your device(s) yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because there are no other good apps.
>five months came and went in the blink of an eye
>the year is unironically almost over
why is this allowed
i dont i use overchan
>buggy sack of shit
Literally never had a problem with it, don't know what you retards are on about.
>Wanting updates that add nothing but bloat
Bug fixing is all I need and yet every other app and program just keeps getting bloated with useless shit.
You're doing it wrong OP. Watch and learn.
Don't forget the classic, senpai. I literally get this multiple times a day ever since the last update.
I dunno what causes it. I cleared data, cache, uninstall/reinstall, still happens.
Time flys when you're having fun.
Hell, you could cause an update if you contribute enough to the development.
>pls contribute
I don't know how to use Sup Forums without it
Literally noone does.
im too retarded to learn how to code. i just want to be spoonfed desu
Build clover yourself unless you're too retarded to do that.
floens says RELAX
Clover is the absolute biggest piece of shit Sup Forums app in existence. It's unintuitive, amateurishly written, and completely unpolished. It blows my fucking mind when threads crop praising that POS app.
Use ChanU, you can get it off of F-Droid. ChanU hasn't been updated in two years, yet it's UI, feature set, and stability still blow Clover off the charts.
Glad app devs are doing their part to help stop the phoneposter menace 2bh
kill yourselves
how come every clover thread always has to have some pajeet shilling some shitty off brand clover knockoff. its always a different app every time too
settle down grandpa
I use mimi, pretty good id say
Ya, because theres a thousand Sup Forums apps out there. Clover is such shite I always figured it was written by a pajeet.
If chanU ever goes tits up, I'll just browse Sup Forums in my web browser,
Besides ChanU, we'll probably never see a pro looking Sup Forums app, theres just no money in deving one.
Mimi is actually really good
>still using this spyware-ridden shovelware
So this is Sup Forums now, huh
>use it every time I want to browse Sup Forums from my phone
>never crashed
>never had any issues with it
>does everything I want it to do
Why wouldn't I?
What? You do know Clover is FOSS?
Build it from source you nigger
So why does clover crash every single time i play a webm. Using 2.3
Jesus we've had this thread 100 times in the last two weeks. It has not improved in that time. Give it up. Nobody cares if you hate what app someone uses to shitpost
How the heck do I post an image with a chosen filename?
This my ruski friendo
It's a problem with this version. I've used every version of Clover since it came out and I've never had these crashes like I have with this version. I've concerned downgrading, but I haven't had the time.
Honestly, I've tried them all and Mimi takes the cake.
Tell me ONE thing that's wrong with Clover.
Dashchan is very nice. Would like swipe to leave thread/image mind you.
Random crashes, no nazi flags.
The REcaptcha is not as fluid as others.
Nobody cares; phone posters are the scum of the earth.
That's your problem
Sound like a personal problem
>t. Muslim
>I have autism
That's your problem
why not overchan?
do you faggots only use Sup Forums lol
This. Mimi is masterrace
Relay for reddit, clover for Sup Forums
>having fun complaining about gaymer hardware and talking about anime
kys, nigger.
I can't upload a file without a crash.
>being an androne
why not
>last update was over a year ago
Chanu is suffering and yet it's still the best Sup Forums app
Hi, you're a faggot.
Posted from Clover.
Cant create threads
which app?
Just use Mimi.
I miss Chain.
update captcha tard lard
What if the floens died :(
It crashes more frequently on 7.1.1
>being this much of an entitled dipshit
but im not having fun