Virgin has now partnered with Apple and will only offer iPhones moving forward

>Virgin has now partnered with Apple and will only offer iPhones moving forward

what did they mean by this?

It means they will soon be an ill named company.

>moving forward

I hate that marketing bullshit term so much.

"We love money and don't mind fucking over our customers so we can sellout to Apple"

fucking faggot should've died on his gimmick toy space plane

It means place your puts.

it means they want to lose brain cells iphones are ass and apple is shit

Can you Americans at least buy phones separately from unrelated vendors now?


Looks like a fucking ape.

We always could. Brainlets don't realize they can buy a phone from somewhere other than a carrier's store.

Virgin isn't selling BYOD kits anymore, it's iPhone only

That's ok. No one uses Virgin Mobile USA

Weren't they renamed Boost Mobile? I remember hearing Virgin Mobile commercials in NYC frequently and then they suddenly died. I just assumed they rebranded.

Isn't Virgin Mobile just a Sprint mvno or some shit? Literally nothing of value lost Sprint's network is shit.

What? It literally just means "from now on".
How is that a marketing term?

Boost is Nextel's pre-pay, so it belongs to Sprint now.

Virgin Mobile USA still exists, it's just owned by Sprint

I'd sell out in a microsecond as well. If you don't love money, well then give it to me, faggot. Want me to post my bitcoin address?

Well only Virgins buy the product anyways. It's a great move for Virgins everywhere.

fuck cellular networks. truley the work of kikes.

This is why you will always be poor.

in terms of security, it's for the best

250k/y actually

not him but it implies that its an evolution even though in most situations, including this one, it's a shitty decision

Pajeets btfo

This was the best Virgin product

no, the best virgin product is OP

Had virgin years ago, and aside from the occasional celery, it was great and affordable.

>Isn't Virgin Mobile just a Sprint mvno or some shit? Literally nothing of value lost Sprint's network is shit.
100% correct.

Me too, but that was Sprint then, not Sprint now.

Isn't Virgin Mobile USA owned by Sprint?

No, the best Virgin product was Tubular Bells


250 kiloYen is not much senpaitachi

unrepentent greed is the only common factor amongst the world's richest

because he is one

you too

ITT: butthurt lagdroid pajeets


>Project Fi is only available for dead Nexus devices and Pixels
>no one cares

>Virgin is only available for le evil fruit phones

First and best - agreed.

>virgin mobile
I thought virgin was some kind of beverage?

glad i switched to google fi

>he still doesn't own an iPhone

Go back to your tropical drug-fuelled pedophilic orgy paradise island Branson, you fucking cunt.

>implies that its an evolution
no it doesn't

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