This is the future of Amerifats internet

>this is the future of Amerifats internet

>this is what redditors unironically believe

Propaganda at its best.

Still better then the government censoring the internet.

Netneutrality is a scam, if you care about freedom you have to reject it.


Annnnd number of fucks given = 0.

>burgers will defend this


Good. The more retarded burgers this keeps off the internet the better. God I hope they'll charge a fuckton for Twitter access.

here is the way to freedumb

No, this isn't.
What will likely happen is near-uncapped data for Facebook and a few select paying companies, but a cap of 5GB for every non-paying website.

that would be a pr disaster you know?

First no competition, now no more internet for the poor, it was nice chatting to you murica, hope you get your everything together.

Most of them are likely too dumb to understand they're being fucked over.

who cares

The majority of the world does not and has never had any net neutrality laws

Yet no website-package type things like that have ever existed anywhere, ever

Quality of service type traffic-prioritizing is an important part of any large network, especially an ISP, there is no actual legitimate reason why ISPs should be forced to treat all traffic equally

Net neutrality is basically just a leddit meme with no basis in reality, if you unironically support it you need to go back there

Why do you weeaboos insist on posting on a tech board?

>anime website
>complaining about anime

they hate any kind of freedom anyway

>Social media package

>implying it's a bad thing

T E C H N O L O Sup Forums Y

Nothing wrong with capitalism. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

yes. Vodafone is testing this in europe

it's working

Eat shit.

>t. newfag

>have to spending 6 trillion dollars to get into market
>people would pick old one than new

It's really a fair game, isn't it?

>yes. Vodafone is testing this in europe
It has been illegal in the European Union since last year

doesn't matter when you have a captive market

>t. Weeaboo paedophile

Social media is going to become a paid service?
How is this a bad thing?

Anime grills aren't illegal in my country :^)

>social media costs more
Sounds good to me.
Though this is over-exaggerated, like all the other alarmist net neutrality memes

net neutrality is one of the biggest issues of our time, and as an ameriburger you'd think you'd be supportive of a free and competitive market.

Making it even harder to break a market monopoly .
You know the thing that you should be able to do under capitalism.

Most sites are based in america.

Pretty sure you do not want them to die.

> implying lolis aren't technology

Most Muslims are too dumb to know.

Like Facebook and Google?

A man can only dream.

Nobody likes the brits

Uh, no? Capitalism is about the freedom of the free market. The invisible hand of God I mean money. If the free market allows you to become larger than most governments of the world, giving you enough money to strong-arm competitors out of the market and pay-off politicians to legislate against new competition arising, then that's just the free market at work. God bless capitalism, God bless Jesus, God bless Trump, Rest in peace Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, fuck Obama for putting fluoride in our water to control our minds and chemicals in the air to turn frogs into homosexuals, and nothing was fishy about 9/11 whatsoever.

well I guess vodafone is above the law I guess

thank fucking god, I don't want my 4yo posting dick pics on Facebook because somebody told him all the popular kids do it

amerifat detected

>not even a thing until 2010
>not even a normie issue until 2016
It's a false problem.

net neutrality is the government literally not being allowed to censor the internet you fool it means all data must get to its destination without being fucked with or slowed down

god does anyone actually look something up before bitching about it?

lying to push an agenda is never justified

go fuck yourself

SUPER FUCKING LATE TO THE PARTY. Holy shit this fucking cycle has restarted again.

READ THIS SummerFags:

I support net neutrality

however I am against it if they will charge money for social media & nothing else

tfw I came here august 2004

It only prevents providers from discriminating


2 things

Sup Forums is considered social media

chances they will charge per website are incredibly slim this is more about being able to charge netflix and the like to not be throttled this woulds be a non issue if IPSs where not allowed to hold a monopoly over an area even if one did people would just swap to the one that didnt unfortunately many are stuck with the choice of only one

I see this meme all the time but the reality would be a bit more sinister. You wouldn't get charged like this. ISP would get money from various websites. You will feel like you are paying the same for internet from ISPs but Netflix will have to ramp up it's prices. The evil money-grubbers will seem like the websites and not the ISPs

>Service you sell uses so much bandwidth it comprises a third of ALL internet traffic
>ISPs want you to pay them something to compensate for that
Netflix can go fuck itself.

>net neutrality is the government literally not being allowed to censor the internet
>I am fucking retarded
Net neutrality is about being able to classify ISPs as Title II communications carriers, which gives the government direct authority over what they can and cannot do, say, or show.
It's the same reason you cant swear on the radio, show tits on TV, or print obscenities in the paper.

this is incorrect net neutrality is about not letting the ISP charge netflix and similar companies more in order to access their customers the ISP is essentially trying to force netflix to charge cable prices so that more people will go back to cable TV we cannot allow this on demand is the future

It's already classed under Title 2, this whole bid of NN activism is to prevent it from being reclassed under Title 1, afaik.
To justify reclassification under Title 2, the internet had to be redesignated as a telecomms service.
> The term “telecommunications” means the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received.
>The term “telecommunications service” means the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used
Now compare this to what it was designated as under Title 1, an information service.
>The term “information service” means the offering of a capability for generating, acquiring, storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available information via telecommunications, and includes electronic publishing, but does not include any use of any such capability for the management, control, or operation of a telecommunications system or the management of a telecommunications service
Now which one of these can you directly argue for things legal or consumer expectations of not throttling a web service (eg, DNS, netflix,...)? Hell, the telecomms layer of the internet is already secured under existing telecomms regulation.

>don't want people to pirate
>don't want people to netflix
Make up your damn mind, I want to watch a movie

want watch movie? buy cable piggu

I want to watch a movie, not 10 minutes of a movie and then 15 minutes of advertisement.

Suppose Nexflix doesn't exist and that all Internet traffic is diverse. Then won't the ISPs not have to support the same volume of traffic but be unable to charge any one entity in particular? What would they do?

to bad you buy cable or you no watch movie

Net neutrality isn't a thing, it's just a silly buzzword. What the government actually implemented is very different and is so dense you wouldn't sit down and read it all.

But the customers are already paying for the bandwidth dumbtard. Enjoy getting double-dipped

>Net neutrality is propaganda

Why would anyone push an anti net neutrality agenda unless they worked for an IP? why would a consumer assume net neutrality is bad?

Not being rude just asking why you're so fucking stupid.

That's policy in general.

Oh yes, I love all the options I get where I live!
>AT&T DSL @ 12 mbit/s with a 300 gb data cap
>Cox Cable @ 30 mbit/s with a 1 tb data cap

Oh, and did I mention that neither of these had data caps last year, and Cox added their datacap a mere 3 months after AT&T added theirs?

You may be able to get DSL Extreme, without a data cap (they sell re-sold U-verse).

Why not move to Canada?
>But, low data caps
Canada has real net neutrality. What's the point of higher data caps if you can't use the Internet for anything?

>social media

and nothing of value was lost.

Can't you just use 4G?

Yes, yes, Master I'll just buy the movie on Xfinity my apologies

Which is even more capped.

spam it relentlessly via psy op shill campaigns though, that'll show how stupid the sheeple really are.

Good point.

Because they read something on reddit that was saying net neutrality is good.
They are act like they are still in puberty: Against everything certain people say without a second thought.

I hope amerifats don't go that way.
Stay strong.

Because it gives more control to the federal government that they'll never let go of.

>problem is new so it's not a serious issue

Is this bait?

How did this meme start?
Is it just MSM propaganda?

Oh yes, I'd love to have a 10gb data cap with 8mbit/s!

And it's also more expensive!

>8 Mbps

I easily get 70, and 100+ in some areas.

Also no data cap (*), but then I am a European so I have evil evil net neutrality...

(* I do have to "buy" extra GB's after burning through 5GB in 24 hours, but they are completely free and just a measure to avoid abuse)

>It gives the government the ability to prevent IPs from fucking with connection speeds to specific addresses

What a crime.

>current state of Sup Forums

india you pleb
has facebook for free but nout else wifi

Jesus this is some seriously repressed autism. You're a passive aggressive bitch, and in real life I'd slap you a few times just to watch you cry. Grow a fucking pair and argue actual points you fat piece of shit.

have the spam bots and shills actually managed to trick people into thinking net neutrality is some sort of trick and not a safeguard to protect the online free market from being controlled completely by isp's.

without net neutrality its pretty much a mafia demanding protecting money from sites or they will suffer a "bandwidth accident"

The government already has all these powers. We're not talking about giving anyone additional powers here.

br here
some months ago, our shitty ass government was colluding with isps (twice) to try to put retarded caps on our interwebs. we rioted and told them to get the fuck out. but, in the process of the whole thing, i remember muricans laughing and saying they were happy brs would be gone

to that, i say, get fucked, amerilards

Comcast, TWC and AT&T are already consistently ranked among the worst companies in America by public opinion and they don't give a fuck. When over 50% of America has no choice of ISP, why would they?

>The majority of the world does not and has never had any net neutrality laws

The majority of the world doesn't have ISP monopoly.

You fucking amerisharts ruined the internet. I'd take a leaf over an amerishart any day of the week.

except they do. anyone who is lucky to have more than one isp available where they live, even in big cities, is part of a lucky minority

Good I dont want stinky poo poo poor people on the internet

>wah wah i'll hit you!!!

Fucking americans.

t. 60%

>He thinks the FCC doesn't censor anything

If you are mature enough to post on Sup Forums you should have grown out of anime. Video games are bat enough, but at least they relate to technology.

Anime is always lagging behind in technology, the last anime i saw used worse CG than the last star fighter. Literally the first ever movie to use CG.

I love seeing a new copypasta in the wild

>what are Vocaloids
>what is Gatebox

>what is gatebox

>He trust idiots who can be lobbied into taxing the ever-loving fuck out of anything and everything
Why don't people just go through the courts to protect net-neutrality, not through our obviously corrupt Congress?