So some time has passed, Zen is released and benchmark results are in.
It's time to judge: Has the certified shit wrecker wrecked Intel's shit? Or perhaps could he have done better?
So some time has passed, Zen is released and benchmark results are in
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I'd like to take a minute to praise Intel for deciding not to wreck its launch period. Choosing not to release a new CPU to compete with Ryzen and moving into the space heater business instead was a classy move, and shows they welcome competition.
Not only did he wreck Intel's shit, Zen 2 in 2018 is going to make the current shitwrecking look like a warmup exercise.
He could have done better. He could have completely bankrupted Intel, instead he showed mercy and let them have niche uses.
Yeah Keller singlehandedly was responsible for the entire design.
>*certification revoked
Me on the right.
Don't you see? He's giving them a chance to catch up, when they do: BOOM Zen 2 wiping the floor with whatever intel has. Double victory....
Still loses in siglecore
Multi only 15% faster max20%
Not even cheap.
I don't get the hype.
Literal retard
Huffing paint before looking at benchmarks?
So many dad jeans.
I bet they have some nice lawns.
Omni fabric will save Intel!
They're doing some shit like this
It is not really Infinity Fabric nor is it really multiple dies
Say my name
>Mah Ung
Jim "The Jew Killer" Keller
Jim "The Intel infidel" Keller
>loses in single core
no it doesn't
>only 15% faster
no it isn't
good chat
Jim "kike destroying" keller
Jim "Zyklon" Keller.
4 desktop glued ryzen will fuck so hard intel on server market
Stop shitting up his based name and fuck off to Sup Forums, cretins.
Glued dies that scale great is fantastic. Intel is really scared, they're going to lose billions if they keep 1.7% yields.