My friend gave me some of his old sheets of Apple stickers today

My friend gave me some of his old sheets of Apple stickers today.

Give me some good spots to apply them on.

Your dick

One on each asscheek, gayboi.

On your boyfriend's asscheeks you raging homo.

Put it obviously on the front center of your thinkpad

t. macbook owner


your butthole

This desu, just to piss off neckbeards and MacFags at the same time.

Thsts wat i did exactly kek

holy shit that is one ugly lemon

Any handicapped signs

trash can




>t. macfag

I can imagine disassembling that and removing the dell logo and scratching it a bit so you can place a lr44 battery inside the cavity with a small white led being powered by it and then tape both with the apple sticker

Could you include me in that screencap as well?


One on each ass cheek.
