Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from a T420?
Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from a T420?
I'm browsing it from a T430 :^)
Because x220 is love.
Because I'm browsing via my dual xeon desktop
470s Ultrabook
Because I use superior alternative - Dell Latitude E6430
Because the x60 is better.
Enjoy your no battery life.
It's actually very great.
sh-shut up
I'm on x200
X200 with Libreboot for max freedoms
16:10 + 800x1280 + IPS is too good to be true
It's being shipped ;)
I have a T420 and its kinda bad for browsing
Its a good paperweight tho
I am on a Probook-650, it has a 51.6' screen; so it is better
Because W520 is superior
>but t420 is smaller and lighter!!
Like anyone on Sup Forums goes out so much that it matters do you have the t420 or w520 with its massive power brick, it still goes with you quite easily, get real.
thats not even a laptop, 51.6" display holy fuck, pics of this monster needing a truck to be moved
>51.6' screen
Damn, and I thought my 17" laptop was big.
>51.6' screen
>still 1366x768
>because I'm browsing from a T520
Sorry, meant 15.6'' screen
Really dude? I'm very disappointing.
Because i own a computer made in the last 5 years.
>master race in pic name
you fucked up, this is subhuman tier
please save that poor laptop from the pain of running winshit
cause im posting from the superior t430 with the superior chiclet keyboard
Because I'm posting from a phone.
why don't you get a life, job , or a girlfriend instead of making this stupid fucking thread every day?
>t.420 owner
Because I'm browsing from an old Toshiba I recently bought and improved with a few parts I had lying around. Also bought a new SSD for it today. Installed Gnu/Linux of course... and installed vrms and the only non free shit I have is just the microcode for intel processors from a decade ago.
you can see the ((((Thinkpad)))) TN-Experience
phone posters are literally the reason Sup Forums went to complete normie shit once the elections happened
You sure are
Because it's too big. 12'' is my preferred size
Also I would be using an X60 or X200 if I hadn't already bought the X220 OR if you could get a replacement IPS for less than the entire price of the used laptop
all i have is y50-70. ugly but werks
Because T420 is a stupid excuse for a laptop that doesn't know what it wants to be.
How do you tolerate that disgusting screen?
because I'm using my superior Apple iPad Pro 128GB
This desu senpai
I am, nigger.
Because I have a X201 I enjoy.
because proprietary BIOS/UEFI
>tfw to nouveu riche for a t420 or x220
>tfw browsing from a midrange P51
>tfw no feel
Feels pretty OK my dudes. I want an older thinkpad for the keyboard, but the resolution and old hardware are a turn off for me.
Cause it's like the worst thinkpad ever made.
Seriously tho, any chinabotbet shit after x230 should die in a fire.
But I am
>Fell for the free software meme
enjoy your apple botnet
laptop posters are only slightly better
They probably even do random chats with those things. Disgusting.
I'm the only pure man who basically uses his smartphone only for watching YouTube and talking to his family and (few) friends when strictly needed.
I'm using a T520
Even worse
Because I got a 2560p for 60 quid!
I have the X220.
I have a question because I don't want to spend a fuckton of time. Is there any distro with a decent version of KDE that works on it great...
...and doesn't kill the battery?
X60t here. It's getting a bit long in the tooth though. Specially considering it's a core duo. Not even a core 2 duo.
Also got an x200t, a t420, and an x220t.
I got the x60t just for a trip in case I got robbed but fell in love with it.
Why is this thread created everyday?
Probably because people keep replying to it.
memes aside should I?
I wanna try out linux and the free meme and found one used for 200 euro
how is it? was considering purchasing that or the x1 carbon
Because X220.
that thing can run windows, lunix distros and latest gayos perfectly without issues
so if you want one to tinker with operating systems yeah
Because I'm browsing with my superior T530 with a t420 keyboard.
because it's in my room and im not ready for bed yet
Because laptops are shit.