What if we're living inside a computer simulation?

What if we're living inside a computer simulation?

That doesn't change a thing if we do

We could be.
Maybe there's only me and I made u up.

Doesn't really change anything.

then i'd like to be garbage collected

Then you were put there for a reason and no matter how you live your life you are fulfilling the purpose that was given to you. Congrats OP, for the first time ever you life has value to it.

Then I want a steak

but what about qualia

Completely possible

>there is way way more time ahead of the current moment than has been before it
>chance of being born within the super small fragment of time that spans from the beginning to the current moment is therefore extremely small
>chance of living in a computer simulation that was made to escape an extinction event is therefore much higher


what if we're living inside a giant red potato?


>People who have good lifes are being run By Intel

>People who have shite lifes are being run by Ryzen


What language would our machine overlords use for our simulated environment?


sudo apt-get sexlife


>inserts xkcd comic


Nah, it's got to be basic. All these idiots around. There's no math involved, only pre-defined functions.

>multiple people look alike even though they're not blood related
>same cycle of recurring themes
>genepool has an error rate

>>genepool has an error rate

TFW our overlords outsourced our world to robotic India.

The argument is this:
If it's actually possible for us to simulate a universe, then eventually something would occur in the simulation that would cause another universe to be simulated within it. Since there would be more than one simulated universe then we're more likely to be in a simulation than in the top layer.
Simulation theory makes a lot of assumptions so it's not really a theory, it's just something interesting to think about.

infinite layers

>we might just be characters in The Sims 30000

Stay away from pools only escapable by ladder

But would there be enough processing power inside of this simulated universe to sustain another universe simulated within itself?


hopefully it is gnu/linux.

if its only a simulation loli rape and murder is not real right?

good to know

It makes sense. All the previous religions were overwritten in expansions by newer ones. Dinosaurs? Never existed. The fossils were just put in the ground as artifacts.

Depends on what you mean by 'simulate'. Would it not be possible for a 4D being too easily develop a 3D universe like our own. Our reality could be the creation of some youth's science project.


Quantum binary

No, since this involves infinite recursion, it would require infinite computational power.
However, if we assume the universe is infinite, this allows for infinite computational power and hence it may be possible.

>the goyim knows, better alert Pajeet

I bow down to thee.


Well not if you cleverly design physical laws such that any precisely simulated universe can only run at most half as fast as its parent.

That's just to boot us up in the morning. No wonder it's so hard for me to get out of bed.

were all living inside your moms vagina op

>That's just to boot us up in the morning
They're people who doesn't sleep user.

> people who don't sleep
A simple bug in the matrix. But because it doesn't apply to the masses, we needn't worry about them.


What if we're living inside a cellular automata processed by turing machine?


Then ill shout:
sudo apt-get gf

user, I...

What if you have to screech it in a specific encoded audio?

Damn, burns even worse when I don't have super-user rights.

sudo install girlfriend

nope didn't work

Try the privilege escalation exploit.

Severely autistic people are running on VIA chips

>privilege escalation exploit
I did...Just got beaten up by my Waifu. Never doing that again.

The afterlife is the time between the last strong reference to you being lost, and being garbage collected. You can be an immortal Lich if you can find a way to keep a strong reference to yourself around.

>>chance of being born within the super small fragment of time that spans from the beginning to the current moment is therefore extremely small
>>chance of living in a computer simulation that was made to escape an extinction event is therefore much higher
this makes a terrifying amoung of sense

I once mad a dwarf fortress within my dwarf fortress and inside that fortress was a small room with a food/beer shaft to feed my bookkeeper (cpu)

user@server:/$ touch girl
touch: cannot touch 'girl': Permission denied

I mean you don't actually remember becoming conscious and coming into this world. The only proof that you have that says you were born in this world is your family and maybe a video if someone recorded it. How do you know that you actually exist in this world and its not an environment created by your own brain and we are all projections of your subconscious. what if you are a supercomputer that's day dreaming right now and you created all of this to keep up the stimuli while your human operator went home for the day but to you it seems like 80-100 years. When he comes back tomorrow to wake you up you will forget.


Let's test it. I wrote down five random numbers. Now everyone should write down five random numbers and see if we have the same.

23 63 66 2134 44

63 66 2134 44 178


Quantum x86 assembly

Well, fuck.

you forgot to adjust your clock

What for?

and it runs on Gentoo?

again i want to participate, pick an exact time

nah m8, its javascript

go to /x/

0 0 0 0 0

>What if


Explains all those liberals.

What if I tell you that Neo never left the matrix and that the "real" world with mecha angry squids is in fact, still the matrix?
Everything is made so you think you've won but you're still under control.
There is NO way to know if you live inside some kind of simulation.



It is actually the random seed of politics discussion.

I hurt your feelings, sorry brainlet

Not as much when I heard they're making another Cancerix film.


What if the Matrix exists in a simulation, that not even the robots know of. Like, maybe there was a simulation to see what would happen if they rose up against the humans, and it just got left on.

Really gets the noggin joggin'

effective. Power لُلُصّبُلُلصّبُررً ॣ ॣh ॣ ॣ 冗


A weaker less complex version, yes. So the team that put us together would be like gods.

Don't get carried away with yourself, sparky.

lets say we are, what difference does it make? I mean c'mon most if not all cheats have to be loaded at startup, though it being a simulation would explain certain things as being glitches

Don't forget that "computer simulation" is a metaphor.

There is more evidence for this being a simulation than there is for it not being one.

Time to run the fucking anti virus then

Free will objectively doesn't exist, so it doesn't matter.

More like an immortal memory leak that just keeps growing

Generating half as much data each iteration implies that your new universe is half the size each time.
Not to mention that it will fail to work if the recirsove simulation gets tied to causality somehow (e.g. someone makes a decision dependent on what happens in the simulation, or the simulation is a "subroutine" and somone needs data from that subroutine in order to use it elsewhere)